Sick of Tattoos!!!

timothe's Avatar
I believe the OP provided a valuable service to this board with this thread. I won't see anyone who has visible tattoos in their showcase. To me, it's nothing more than IOP. If I'm going to pay to spend time with an attractive woman, she needs to be attractive to me.

If one young provider saves her money and stays tat free, then the crusade is worth it.

And to respond to the Relax girl who said "you mean you won't let a girl with a tramp stamp give you a hot sensual handjob?" My answer to this question is...."I won't let her do it twice."

Finally, I am greatly entertained by the self righteous ones in this thread imply that the OP is judgmental when in fact, they are being just as judgmental in their lack of tolerance to someone who doesn't like tats.
Blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

"You are judging!"
"You are judging the judgmental!"
"I have a burning sensation that I just can't understand!"
Oops, wrong thread on that last one. My bad!

The moral of the story is, go fuck who you want to, or, don't fuck a girl with tats if you don't like them.
Or, go fuck yourself.
Three very reasonable options.

Now everyone go pay for the pussy you want to fuck, or don't go pay for what you don't like. It's fairly rudimentary. This ain't rocket science.
Can everyone just have fun & get along?????

I am tattoo free just FYI ...that doesn't mean that I don't like them...I just don't like them for me.

mm-good's Avatar
Can everyone just have fun & get along?????

I am tattoo free just FYI ...that doesn't mean that I don't like them...I just don't like them for me.

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Yes ma'am but you sure tattooed my brain with your beauty and our amazing time together!
Is it me or does anyone find it quite odd that a guy here is calling himself basically a "gentleman" and that he treats women with "class" and "respect" yet his avatar is that of a CONFEDERATE FLAG?!!!!!?!!?!??!!!!!! That alone shows that you have none of the above and you are by far the furthest from class or respect for anything! It's 2013 fool....grow up and get into this century. The Confederacy LOST the war!!
Except for the fact that tattoos are sexy as fuck when done properly. I love a woman with a chest piece and a full sleeve. I don't have any, cause they don't suit me but oh wee nothing gets me going like a tatted up, pierced individual.

And geaux you're right. Confederate flags are racist so... but who knows that may be his cup o' tea.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Confederate flags are racist. Originally Posted by Liliana
How can an inanimate object be racist?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
How can an inanimate object be racist? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
So if you were Jewish and you saw a swastika, what would that symbol represent to you? Nothing?

Obviously an inanimate object can't be racist. No need to be silly and act ignorant about what they mean though. Nice try, genius.
TexTushHog's Avatar
How can an inanimate object be racist? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
It can't. But it has connotations. Very strong, undeniable, and indisputable connotations.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That's like looking at someones Iranian flag and making up your mind before you know anything about them that they are a terrorist. Grow up folks. I already know ahead of time that there is no changing your mind. I won't even try. You have been spoon fed that bullshit for way to long and gobbled it up and obviously believed every bit of it.

Just because you believe it to be true doesn't make it true. It only makes it YOUR opinion.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I might burn for this, but haters just have to hate. On tattoos, on history, on flags, on everything that goes against their narrow PC instructed minds.

Gotta love'em!!
"The moral of the story is, go fuck who you want to, or, don't fuck a girl with tats if you don't like them.
Or, go fuck yourself.
Three very reasonable options.

Now everyone go pay for the pussy you want to fuck, or don't go pay for what you don't like. It's fairly rudimentary. This ain't rocket science."

This Molly woman just fucking nailed it. Send her to DC, straighten some shit out! My hero!

I woulda said heroine, but I woulda got pointed by some mod who can't spell, so hero it is!
Yeah, but not a funny one.

Btw, anybody seen luke, lately? I'm hopin' he didn't get pimpnapped or sumpin' while trying to save his fair damsel. That jedi mind trick shit only works in the movies, ya know.... Originally Posted by eccienewbie
I just find that whole concept stupid. Both for the moron who makes/requires the girls get "pimp branded" as his um.."property" (Dallas, Crown, whatever) and for the gals who submit to that sort of ink bullshit (jeez...have some self-respect ladies?).

I don't care if the guy calls himself a "manager" "gentleman manager" or "pimp" and thinks he's some sort of high flying executive because in reality he's essentially a retard (pimptard) leech.

The pimptards running around here in hiding behind hobby handles are worthless idiots.
Damn I can agree with two posts in this thread now. Time to change my meds!

Like a friend of mine said during an afternoon of men going out in public and doing things, "Bitches be sportin ink an shit".
TexTushHog's Avatar

Just because you believe it to be true doesn't make it true. It only makes it YOUR opinion. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Actually, some things are facts and some things are opinions.

What was said in the Cornerstone speech is not an opinion. It is a fact that those words were said.