Sure you can if FF many points is that first
FF posts lots of hot twat shots!!!....Originally Posted by Celso

how many points is that firstAwhile ago did a whole thread on AFF HOT twat shots and how they are allowed by advertisers, while some poster had his twat pics removed because they showed female genitalia which is not allowed according to the rules.....Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Awhile ago did a whole thread on AFF HOT twat shots and how they are allowed by advertisers, while some poster had his twat pics removed because they showed female genitalia which is not allowed according to the rules.....the one masturbating?
One of those AFF hot twat shots is visible right now on the left side column....LOL Originally Posted by Celso
I still say those are Franckies..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Sure you can if FF does....LOL Thanks Paul those are nice...I should try the same gif thingy with mine ...
FF posts lots of hot twat shots!!!....Originally Posted by Celso