The Bills : )

Plastic Man's Avatar
theys dancin!
winn dixie's Avatar
theys gots the ball inta the special place! Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Pm should write erotica
Plastic Man's Avatar
commercial fer insurance thens chicken wings

...nows they sellin cheap beers! it overs?
Plastic Man's Avatar
guys dids ya hears em say punt er was they ...sayin cunt?

...are the red guys gonna cunt it?
Plastic Man's Avatar
coach be sellin state but also in the game?
Plastic Man's Avatar
the jimmie withs the yellow shoes bafflin the bills!

...they alls starin ats them shoes ans nows losin
Plastic Man's Avatar

...theys goin through thems bills likes ...shit throughs a goose!
Plastic Man's Avatar
theys gots a number countin down an now they gots be the battle a the insurance companies!
Plastic Man's Avatar
yellow flag!

...ya gettin robbed!
Plastic Man's Avatar
they ins the crowd cheerin! be over fer buffalo
winn dixie's Avatar
Worthy couldn't catch the ball while at texas. Guess Andy taught him to catch
Plastic Man's Avatar
star trek on in 17 minutes!

...mights be safer thans watchin ...a loss
Plastic Man's Avatar
the red jimmie man ran the kick alls the way back!

...ya donts sees hows rigged it be?

...theys alls missin em?
Plastic Man's Avatar
they threws it!
Plastic Man's Avatar
another lie!