ECCIE Favourite Frazes Repository

Penis_Leerie's Avatar
Ricky doesn't like it when Ricky has to wait for Ricky's taxi.
doctorisin's Avatar
" it could be worse. U could have blueberry balls and an ugly dick "

Amber Does's Avatar
BSC - Bat shit crazy.....
Start Anywhere....
in what ...universe ...does 5'7" an 221 equal ...slightly chubby an ...average

...jimmie jesus ridin a dinosaur to family dollar Originally Posted by Plastic Man
find some body builder gay guy to bust in after her boyfriend and


what the fuck you doing with MY boyfriend!!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
That last one is ECCIE gold.
That last one is ECCIE gold. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
doctorisin's Avatar
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Backpage is without reposit, here we'll paste her ass for now whew

Really skull fucked in a graveyard. Why don't you tell the truth. We spent more time driving there then it took for you to get off. It was the quickest I ever had and probably the smallest. Next time you want to brag leave me out of it. You small dick fagot Originally Posted by Jackie13440
offshoredrilling's Avatar
the title of her post was awesome
to bad a mod found it all
they did the right thing
but it make funny funnier when they miss it

mmmm strangely, her only post the title did not get the free vacation where others (jokacz I think one) got a free year off.
oh jimmie jesus goin over the falls in a barrel of monkeys
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
thanks PM

edit add:
Might have been funnier when I read it drunck a few days ago....
jimmie jesus fuckin a chicken wearin a kiss the cook apron

guess who came up with that gem??