My dad died 2 years ago. He was a WWII ,Korea and Vietnam veteran. He spent his entire life as a career military man. I'm glad hes not here to see the collapse of American Patriotism.
He was also a life long Republican. He was a true decorated American soldier. Being a Republican he held to the core values of the party. However he had the sense to " do the right thing", or to compromise for the sake of progress and or the overall good of the country. He was an American first
Even though he leaned heavily to the right, he would be the first to defend an innocent man and the first to punish the guilty man. That was not a Republican or Democratic belief, those were American beliefs in fairness
Good paying jobs, good education, affordable and available healthcare, freedom of religion, a fair judicial system, freedom of speech and press. These are not Republican or Democratic values. These are the things almost all Americans want. They are American Values and a quality of life that is " The American Dream". A man can literally go from rags to riches. Opportunity for anyone to make the most of their life experience. Freedom!. That is what America Is
He would have been Mortified to the point of total disbelief in regards to DJT, his " policies", the nepotism, his active role in the "family business", the weekend trips to his country club, etc, etc. and his billionaire cabinet cronies. Not because they were billionaires, but their characters as altruistic public servants working for the good of the USA is highly questionable
Leaving aside the obvious character flaws and hatefulness of DJT and his family, and billionaire friends, ( who are actually the ones who created the swamp) collusion with the Russians would have been an Outrage! to him and the others of his generation. In fact it is an OUTRAGE to most Americans today. DJT and his "peeps" will not survive this one
If you voted for DJT under the guise of " Making America Great Again", you were deceived and duped. I suggest you step up to the plate and admit it by renouncing DJT, his family, ( yes they are in collusion with him) and his billionaire cabinet cronies. Dont continue to wave your American flags and talk about patriotism and making America great.
Americans who support DJT, also support Russia and Putin. YOU ARE NOT AMERICANS, YOU ARE TREASONOUS TRAITORS, Bottom Line, support DJT and put your American flags up or do the right thing and renounce this TRAITOR. Guilt by Association in this Case is pretty obvious
Originally Posted by themystic
Respect to you and your family for serving the country.
It is important we all take things in stride. We can't make too many assumptions.
I will tell you that when Obama was in office there were many that called him the anti-Christ. They said he was not American. A Muslim. A plant from a middle eastern Country. He favoured Palestine. He gave billions of Dollars to Iran. It wasn't a bad deal it was a gift. He didn't go after Saudi Arabia after 9/11. There were rumours and still are rumours that he gave money to orginazations like La RAZA and supports the BLM movement which has been shown time and again to be a hate group.
We sat back and took it in stride. I didn't like it. I genuinely think that Obama did the best that he could though. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I always tried to believe he was trying to help our country the best he knew how.
That's all we ask. The benefit of the doubt. Give Trump a chance.
I can tell you as well that I have family that has served in every war since the revolution and on both side of both the civil and revolutionary war. Things are not always clear cut. I have close ties and strong feelings for the country as well. Compromise is always needed. Global change has come quick to the USA. Most Americans voted for Trump because they want to maintain our borders, economy, culture, language, law and order and military. It's not nefarious.
Does Trump have ties to the Russians? I honestly don't know and I'm a huge supporter of Trump.
There is theories that Obama could have ties to the Russians. I don't know if that is true either. Their is conspiracy that Obama has ties ties to George Soros who is funding organisations throughout the country to stage protests and incite anarchy. I don't know if that's true either. These leaks that are trickling out through the NYT and the Wash Post may be coming straight from Obama and his connections in DC. The Deep State. A shadow government.
What do you choose to believe at a time like this?
The NYT? The Wash Post? Could all of it be true on both sides of the argument?
I am going to listen to the FBI and CIA directors and see how it plays out. Many good Americans voted for Trump over Hillary. He won the democratic election. The FBI has found no evidence that it affected the votes. They have no reason to believe it affected the votes. If we can't respect the results of a democratic election. We can't have a democracy. In life there are kings and pawns. In this game we are pawns. Under Obama I can thrive. Under Trump I can thrive.
Check out this link. Explains a lot about some the major changes happening in our country. Change is rapidly upon all of us.
Trump won the military vote 2-1 over Hillary Clinton and it is by no means Treason to support him. Fly your American flags and be proud you live in the USA