Up yours USMC!

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  • WTF
  • 10-06-2014, 06:49 AM
Now I know you're an idiot. I agree Reagan was a bad President, but when you spread lies about him, I'll call you on it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Please quote the 'lies' I have spread about Reagan in this thread.

JD will let you blow him if you can find just one.
I am curious as to what you think Reagan did during his time as POTUS that was so great. I'm not bashing him, I just have never gotten what he did that mesmerized you guys so much. If you want to list his accomplishments fine, if you want to call names never mind. Originally Posted by slingblade
slinky... I guess you did not like that one... so... what do you think of this?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So what you are telling me is you can not even come up with one thing Reagan did as the POTUS that you are proud of. Even I gave him a compliment about being Charismatic. Then again I don't think you know what that means since it seems that all it takes for you to worship most of the Conservatives you hold in such high regard. How many times are you gonna post a meme and an insult before you figure out that shit does not bother me. It simply shows that I am right and you have to resort to childish games.

Tell you what either shut up or post something he did or I am gonna find the most rightwing leaning website and copy and paste what they claim was his top ten achievements.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, YOU'RE the deflecting liar who's suffering from Cranial Rectumitis, IBIDIOT.

You are ALWAYS the one.

You epitomize the childish schoolyard names and juvenile insults you heap on anybody who challenges your narrow minded, xenophobic, racist and hateful world view.

Your writing is inane, your vocabulary insincere and stilted out to try and compensate for your glaring lack of education and your viewpoints are as predictable as your truly rude behavior.

In short, you need to get some FUCKING MANNERS!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your dumb-ass lecturing on 'manners' is like Michael Moore calling someone fat and slovenly, you Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. That's why you won the award:

AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
BTW, you Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, one of the GRS operators who attempted to rescue Ambassador Stevens from the burning villa in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2012 likened the poured-concrete building -- with its furniture, rugs and drapes drenched in diesel fuel and set ablaze -- to a pizza oven.

It's apparent you have nothing but blind Kool Aid retarded allegiance for incompetent buffoons like Odumbo and Hildabeast who would consign their appointed representative dignitary to be put in an oven, isn't that right, you Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, so you're hijacking the thread again with irrelevant bullshit?

But it's always a good day to be rude, ignorant and foul mouthed.

Right, you worthless miserable cocksucker?

lustylad's Avatar
I am curious as to what you think Reagan did during his time as POTUS that was so great. I'm not bashing him, I just have never gotten what he did that mesmerized you guys so much. If you want to list his accomplishments fine, if you want to call names never mind. Originally Posted by slingblade
So what you are telling me is you can not even come up with one thing Reagan did as the POTUS that you are proud of. Originally Posted by slingblade

Are you fucking kidding? Did you sleepwalk through the 1980s? Do you follow the economy at all? Evidently not, or you wouldn't be asking such dumb questions. Here you go, slinky - here are just a few of the good things that happened to the economy between Jan. 1981 and Jan. 1989. No name-calling, just FACTS:

1. Annual inflation (CPI) slowed from 12.5% to 4.2%.

2. Unemployment dropped from 7.5% to 5.4%.

3. The labor force participation rate rose from 63.9% to 66.5% as new entrants flooded the labor force, encouraged by the availability of jobs.

4. Total employment increased by 16 million.

5. Employment rose by 25% among African Americans.

6. Real GDP expanded by 31%.

7. Real per capita disposable income went up by 18%.

8. Federal tax revenues swelled by 76%.

9. The prime interest rate fell from 21.5% to 10.5%.

10. The national average price of a gallon of gasoline dipped from $1.36 to $1.00.

11. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed by 135%.

I'm just getting warmed up, but I think you get the big picture. That's just a look at the economy. I haven't even mentioned foreign policy successes during the Reagan years. By the way, slinkman, I am not "mesmerized" by Reagan. Nor do I try to inflate his record out of proportion. But I deeply resent libtard assholes like WTFagboy who keep trying to tear down and distort his record. The FACTS speak for themselves. Instead of asking why conservatives are "mesmerized" by Reagan, you should ask why are libtards so obsessed with denying his obvious record of success. Any Democrat with the same record would be bragging and shouting it from the mountaintops.

lustylad's Avatar
Please quote the 'lies' I have spread about Reagan in this thread.

JD will let you blow him if you can find just one.
Originally Posted by WTF

Are you fucking kidding me, fagboy? You lied repeatedly in this thread. You lied when you said Reagan lied about his WWII service record. You said Reagan falsely bragged about going overseas and seeing combat. When I called bullshit, you said ok, maybe he didn't lie about being in combat, but he lied about going overseas. When I trotted out 3 first-hand witnesses who were in the room when Reagan talked about his WWII service (#126 and #134), you said ok, maybe he didn't lie outright about being overseas, but he implied it.

Anyone who has to back down from accusing someone of two outright lies, then one outright lie, and finally just "implying" a lie has obviously lost the argument.

Plus you lied when you accused me of lying. So spare us your false bravado and chutzpah. Just slink away with your tail between your legs, fagboy, and don't forget to blow assup on the way out.

lustylad's Avatar
Just look at the one thing I highlighted and underlined....you Reagan lovers love to talk about Reagan lowering the tax rate....yet you never acknowledge that he shifted that saving with thing like the 5 cent a gallon tax hike. That is call a tax shift... in this case from the wealthy to the middle class.

. Originally Posted by WTF

Case in point - see how obsessed and desperate WTfagboy is to find a fly in the ointment of Reagan's successful economic record? Here he is babbling about a 5-cent increase in the federal gasoline tax! Not only is this trivial in comparison to the sweeping income tax relief Reagan provided all taxpayers, but it ignores the fact that the price at the pump FELL from $1.36 to $1.00 a gallon while Reagan was in office.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As I was in the service when Reagan ran things;

Reagan gave us a average 12% pay increase when we needed it badly.
Reagan rebuilt the US military and made us proud to be Americans again.
Reagan defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot.
Reagan brought back the battleships.
Reagan got all the ships working again instead of having so many as floating paperweights.
So It took almost a week before anyone commented on the pro's of Reagan. I would have thought they would be on the tip of your tongues. Before I comment on any of them good or bad I will do a little research.
LowRider69's Avatar
Are you fucking kidding me, fagboy? You lied repeatedly in this thread. You lied when you said Reagan lied about his WWII service record. You said Reagan falsely bragged about going overseas and seeing combat. When I called bullshit, you said ok, maybe he didn't lie about being in combat, but he lied about going overseas. When I trotted out 3 first-hand witnesses who were in the room when Reagan talked about his WWII service (#126 and #134), you said ok, maybe he didn't lie outright about being overseas, but he implied it.

Anyone who has to back down from accusing someone of two outright lies, then one outright lie, and finally just "implying" a lie has obviously lost the argument.

Plus you lied when you accused me of lying. So spare us your false bravado and chutzpah. Just slink away with your tail between your legs, fagboy, and don't forget to blow assup on the way out.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
He has a point....WDF is a lying worthless piece of shit......
boardman's Avatar
He has a point....WDF is a lying worthless piece of shit...... Originally Posted by LowRider69
Coming from you that's about as useless as Carter calling Obama a bad President.
LowRider69's Avatar
Coming from you that's about as useless as Carter calling Obama a bad President. Originally Posted by boardman
Insults coming from sperm slurping slime like you means nothing to me......

Have a nice day....thank you for playing....better luck next time.....you swallower....
boardman's Avatar
Insults coming from sperm slurping slime like you mean nothing to me......

Have a nice day....thank you for playing....better luck next time.....you swallower.... Originally Posted by LowRider69

Your obsession with cum guzzling is disturbing.

LowRider69's Avatar
Your obsession with cum guzzling is disturbing.
Originally Posted by boardman
Your cum guzzling is disturbing.......
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  • 10-09-2014, 08:04 AM