Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

Socialism is key. Trump is shit
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
So if Trump didn’t do what is alleged in the indictment, you don’t think he’ll have any trouble in proving the falsity of the claims, right? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Using reason with conspiracy theory morons will get you nowhere. Lost causes who should be dealt with. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

As far as Trump is concerned he has never done anything wrong in his entire life. It’s time for him to put up or shut up to an impartial jury. Originally Posted by Jethro Gibbs
Dudes here simpin' for trump is both funny and sad...definitely a cult. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Socialism is key. Trump is shit Originally Posted by Hypeman855
He doesn't have to prove anything at this point, he's already proven his innocence over and over again so nobody believes you alphabet people anymore. Through your endless witch hunts, hoaxes, lies and persecutions you all have allowed him to walk on water now and become the next messiah. That's on you, you own that.
He doesn't have to prove anything at this point, he's already proven his innocence over and over again so nobody believes you alphabet people anymore. Through your endless witch hunts, hoaxes, lies and persecutions you all have allowed him to walk on water now and become the next messiah. That's on you, you own that. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Damn, those witch hunts sure caught a lot of witches and sent them to prison. Kind of clueless there little black sambo primate? He was far from proven innocent in any of his scandals.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Damn, those witch hunts sure caught a lot of witches and sent them to prison. Kind of clueless there little black sambo primate? He was far from proven innocent in any of his scandals. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
What’s up with the copier in the room with the classified documents anyhow?

Anyone elses possable crimes in no way excuses Trump's. His charges stand on their own. And he should stand trial on those charges and face what ever the results are. COmparing his actions to anyone else is just a smoke screen and distration
bosskeeping's Avatar
If you don't agree that systemic rascism exists in the country, then you shouldn't agree that there is systemic witch hunt here. Can't have it both ways.
This looks like a full-on assault against those who dared to stand up to the Establishment. Look at some of those who dared to stand up: John F Kennedy. Robert F Kennedy. Martin Luther King. Julian Assange. Edward Snowden. Dan Bongino. Tucker Carlson. Glen Greenwald. James O'Keefe. Steve Bannon. John Paul Mac Isaac. Matt Taibbi. Donald Trump. And others. They get ruthlessly attacked, persecuted, jailed or killed.

Now, consider the L-O-N-G list of cretins on the Left, and what has happened to them? Hillary/Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Jeffrey Epstein. Anthony Fauci. Pelosi. Schiff. Comey. McCabe. Clapper. Brennan. Strzok. Big Guy Biden. Degenerate Biden son. The 51 intelligence a-holes who signed the letter attempting to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop contents. And others. What happens to them? Book deals? Cable news assignments? Fawning press coverage? Cash and Prizes.

Banana_Fucking_Republic_FUBAR Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla

Very well said.

No one can deny that Trump, being president, had authority to hold such documents and declassify as wished. Biden, Clinton, Pence all had ZERO authority to hold such documents with the offices they held. If Trump would have maintained information and subsequently destroyed it like Clinton, the press and liberals would want have lost their minds even more than they have. If "no reasonable prosecutor" would take up the Clinton case why are we trying to put Trump away for 400 years. If you dare to expose the money flow of the uniparty, you will be take out.
So if Trump didn’t do what is alleged in the indictment, you don’t think he’ll have any trouble in proving the falsity of the claims, right? Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Sorry, but this country has gone far beyond the "presumption of innocence", and it all depends on where a lawsuit is brought up now if your a conservative.
Jethro Gibbs's Avatar
Trump has been lying, cheating, and committing various crimes his whole life and has never been held accountable for anything. That is why he continues to do all of those things over and over. This time, and with other indictments yet to come, he will have to put up or shut up and he will have no real defense against most of the charges he will be facing.

I do not understand how Trump can be held in such high esteem by so many people. There are other conservatives that are good people and are certainly much better choices. Trump, in addition to everything else, is a despicable human being.
Trump has been lying, cheating, and committing various crimes his whole life and has never been held accountable for anything. That is why he continues to do all of those things over and over. This time, and with other indictments yet to come, he will have to put up or shut up and he will have no real defense against most of the charges he will be facing.

I do not understand how Trump can be held in such high esteem by so many people. There are other conservatives that are good people and are certainly much better choices. Trump, in addition to everything else, is a despicable human being. Originally Posted by Jethro Gibbs
He truly is a piece of shit. According to him, he has a "right" to assault women because he is famous. Can we put all of theses Maga Republicans on a Pacific island and then drop a bomb on it?
TexTushHog's Avatar
He doesn't have to prove anything at this point, he's already proven his innocence over and over again so nobody believes you alphabet people anymore. Through your endless witch hunts, hoaxes, lies and persecutions you all have allowed him to walk on water now and become the next messiah. That's on you, you own that. Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
So you’re confident he’s going g to be acquitted by the jury, right? The
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
So you’re confident he’s going g to be acquitted by the jury, right? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
No...I'm confident that Trump will be the next president.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So here we are.. Trump is arraigned later today, and.. This thread began as an entirely different arrest and indictment matter. He is skilled, though. Trump was able to get 30% of y'all to believe what ever happens to him is a direct attack on YOU. He should probably thank GW Bush, who previously tricked many into believing Sadam Hussein was Osama Bin Laden.

I watched Chris Christie's CNN Town Hall. I thought he did a good job, made a strong case for his candidacy. My signature line speaks directly about him... Roll us both down a mountain, Chris will reach the bottom before me. Too much pizza and beer, he made the case that Trump and Biden are too damn old, a combined 160 years old next Inauguration day. But fuck, he is 60, and probably 360+ pounds. Is he one to be talking?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

I saw that same CNN interview as you Chung. Here are some highlights and behind the scene comments.
He's gonna take out Trump for sure.
Joddxxx's Avatar
Traffic cone man, another loser that wants to be part of someone’s administration.