Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

Since my argument is that your hypocrisy is, in part, due to your lack of angry posts directed at people not named Doove, failing to call them out for being "insufferable jackasses" when you can't get enough of doing that with me, then point us to 6 posts of yours where you do, in fact, call out other posters as assholes, or jackasses, or whatever terms you may have used to describe them. You can't find incriminating posts in my pile of 1900 posts, that's fine. You should have little trouble, however, finding posts of yours which would go towards proving me wrong. Originally Posted by Doove
This is simply hilarious!

What you're essentially arguing is that I'm a hypocrite because you're the only person I've called an obnoxious jackass. Don't you think there might be a good reason for that? (Namely, that you're the only individual in this whole forum who has continually peppered me with snide, asinine comments, and who just continues on and on with them and won't leave it alone.) You started right in earlier in this thread, hurling the "hypocrisy" charge, even though I had not even participated in the thread yet!

If you act like an asshole who for some weird reason seems obsessed with me and what I post to the virtual exclusion of other members, yeah, it might piss me off a little bit. Get over it. Even better, get lost.

I have no idea what you do for a living, but for your sake I hope you're not a lawyer engaged in presenting cases before a court of law. An argument that stupid would get you laughed right out of court.

You've become a laughingstock, Doove. Why don't you just quietly drop this before embarrassing yourself further?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 07:50 AM
What you're essentially arguing is that I'm a hypocrite because you're the only person I've called an obnoxious jackass. Don't you think there might be a good reason for that? (Namely, that you're the only individual in this whole forum who has continually peppered me with snide, asinine comments, Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Emphasis mine.

Now we're finally getting somewhere.
Emphasis mine.

Now we're finally getting somewhere. Originally Posted by Doove
So now that you've apparently noticed the obvious, maybe you understand how silly your argument that I'm a hypocrite obviously is.

But we'll only be "getting somewhere" if you drop this bizarre obsession and STFU.

By the way, didn't you say earlier that you weren't going to post in this thread again?

Why, yes, I do believe you did!

For the record, this will be my last post on this in this thread... Originally Posted by Doove
Just can't help yourself, can you?

You obviously did nothing at all to demonstrate hypocrisy on my part. Your arguments attempting to do so were laughably stupid.

So why don't you drop your obsession with me and take up another hobby? This one ain't working well for you, and it ain't healthy.
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  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 09:58 AM
So now that you've apparently noticed the obvious, maybe you understand how silly your argument that I'm a hypocrite obviously is. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
On the contrary, you actually proved the larger point that i was trying to get across. You're not a hypocrite. In fact, I never thought you were. Check that; what i should say is that i don't care if you're a hypocrite and never really did.

What you are, however, is someone who belittles and mocks people and their ideas when they disagree with you. In other words, you're no different than the sarcastic me in that regard. Not only that, but you're also someone who will insult people when it suits your agenda (Asshole? Jackass? Insufferable ass?), so in that regard, you're actually worse than me.

Oh sure, i found your rationalizations, at least regarding your posts towards me, as hypocritical - acting as if you only attack me because i'm not only a board menace.....not only the worst board menace (i'm not), but also the only board menace around here (which i found to be insulting to the other board menaces, quite frankly), that was hypocritical. If not hypocritical, it was at the very least entirely ignorant of what goes on around here. But who cares?

Ultimately, however, with your comment that i quoted in post #197, you're admitting that you're doing little more than giving what you get. Which again, makes you no different than COG, or Dalilama, or WTF, or Munchmasterman, or.....what you want to claim I am. If you think the sarcasm will disappear if i were to leave, then boy, you are just dumb. And since i never resort to name calling (unlike, ahem, some in here) i don't know what you expect to accomplish in that regard by insisting that i, and only i, leave.

And because of the very simple fact that i am no different than you, and any number of other posters in here, every insult you leveled at me in this thread can just as easily be applied to COG, Dalilama, WTF, Munchmasterman, Marshall, Whirlaway, and yes, you.

I'll admit i was a pain in the ass during this thread. But so were you. And i'll bet that you'll be perfectly willing to admit that yes, i was a pain in the ass in this thread. But your lack of self awareness, or maybe it's just your ego, will prevent you from admitting the same about yourself. Which would put even Marshall a leg up on you.

By the way, didn't you say earlier that you weren't going to post in this thread again?

Why, yes, I do believe you did!
So i'm a liar. Sue me.

See, CM? That's what you call being self aware. Try it sometime.

Just can't help yourself, can you?
And.....neither can you. Which is also part of my point.

You obviously did nothing at all to demonstrate hypocrisy on my part. Your arguments attempting to do so were laughably stupid.
I got my point across. Welcome to the club!
On the contrary, you actually proved the larger point that i was trying to get across. You're not a hypocrite. In fact, I never thought you were. Check that; what i should say is that i don't care if you're a hypocrite and never really did.

What you are, however, is someone who belittles and mocks people and their ideas when they disagree with you. In other words, you're no different than the sarcastic me in that regard. Not only that, but you're also someone who will insult people when it suits your agenda (Asshole? Jackass? Insufferable ass?), so in that regard, you're actually worse than me.

Oh sure, i found your rationalizations, at least regarding your posts towards me, as hypocritical - acting as if you only attack me because i'm not only a board menace.....not only the worst board menace (i'm not), but also the only board menace around here (which i found to be insulting to the other board menaces, quite frankly), that was hypocritical. If not hypocritical, it was at the very least entirely ignorant of what goes on around here. But who cares?

Ultimately, however, with your comment that i quoted in post #197, you're admitting that you're doing little more than giving what you get. Which again, makes you no different than COG, or Dalilama, or WTF, or Munchmasterman, or.....what you want to claim I am. If you think the sarcasm will disappear if i were to leave, then boy, you are just dumb. And since i never resort to name calling (unlike, ahem, some in here) i don't know what you expect to accomplish in that regard by insisting that i, and only i, leave.

And because of the very simple fact that i am no different than you, and any number of other posters in here, every insult you leveled at me in this thread can just as easily be applied to COG, Dalilama, WTF, Munchmasterman, Marshall, Whirlaway, and yes, you.

I'll admit i was a pain in the ass during this thread. But so were you. And i'll bet that you'll be perfectly willing to admit that yes, i was a pain in the ass in this thread. But your lack of self awareness, or maybe it's just your ego, will prevent you from admitting the same about yourself. Which would put even Marshall a leg up on you.

So i'm a liar. Sue me.

See, CM? That's what you call being self aware. Try it sometime.

And.....neither can you. Which is also part of my point.

I got my point across. Welcome to the club! Originally Posted by Doove
I decided to have that incoherent rant translated into something a little more understandable:
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 11:07 AM
What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

In many cases, people with narcissistic personality disorder:
  • Are self-centered and boastful
  • Seek constant attention and admiration
  • Consider themselves better than others
  • Exaggerate their talents and achievements
  • Believe that they are entitled to special treatment
  • Are easily hurt but might not show it
  • Might take advantage of others to achieve their goals
Other common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include the following:
  • Preoccupation with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love
  • Belief that he or she is “special” and unique, and can only be understood by other special people
  • Expectation that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants
  • Inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others
  • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
  • Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation
  • Arrogant behavior and/or attitude
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove, slow down! I'M the insufferable jackass here. You're setting the bar too high.

Doove, thanks for posting that interesting information. I'm sure everyone found it very useful.

While you're at it, why not treat us to a little abbreviated primer on issues faced by those suffering from low self-esteem? You know the type: People who get their sensitive feelings hurt when they believe that they're being condescended to while engaging in a debate with someone brighter and more knowledgeable than they are. I don't know whether any of the regular posters in this forum fit that profile, but you just never know when you might run into one.

You have plenty of time, as evidenced by all those posts you dug up in a forlorn attempt to demonstrate hypocrisy on my part. So you ought to be able to ferret out some pretty good stuff.

And how about a good wealth-envy rant? Judging from some of your previous posts, that ought to be right up your alley!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 02:12 PM
You have plenty of time, as evidenced by all those posts you dug up in a forlorn attempt to demonstrate hypocrisy on my part. So you ought to be able to ferret out some pretty good stuff. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Unaware of how the search function works, are ya? Searching your posts with the keyword "doove" and it took me all of 0.06 seconds to track down those posts.
Unaware of how the search function works, are ya? Searching your posts with the keyword "doove" and it took me all of 0.06 seconds to track down those posts. Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah, but how much time did it take you to go through all of them and decide whether they bolstered your claims of hypocrisy?

You obviously didn't do a very good job of that, since none of them came even remotely close to doing so.

Got a bit of a reading comprehension problem?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 02:25 PM
You obviously didn't do a very good job of that, since none of them came even remotely close to doing so. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Deny deny deny.

The more you keep issuing these denials, the more you sound like Herman Cain.
Deny deny deny.

The more you keep issuing these denials, the more you sound like Herman Cain. Originally Posted by Doove
Slight difference: Your stupid claims of hypocrisy are obviously unsupportable by any post to which you linked. The "hypocrisy" is all in your mind. You even admitted that in a previous post!

In Cain's case, on the other hand, there's a lot of smoke -- and I think most people assume that there's some fire out there somewhere as well.

I know you haven't demonstrated the capacity to view much of anything in a reasoned manner, but I think even you might be able to understand the distinction!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 02:55 PM
Slight difference, although I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand it: Your stupid claims of hypocrisy are obviously unsupportable by anything you linked. The "hypocrisy" is all in your mind. You even admitted that in a previous post! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I suggest you re-read what i wrote. I clarified my comment to suggest that whether or not you were a hypocrite wasn't really important to me - that i had a larger point i was making. One that you keep proving for me every time you post in this thread. So why you keep coming back to the hypocrisy issue is, frankly, a bit curious. And a waste of time.

And may i point out that not once have you made a reasoned and cogent argument (clever, huh?) in this entire thread. Your whole denial has been little more than using insulting rhetoric to claim my arguments are stupid or unsupported by the links i posted. All 6 of them. Absolutely no substance to your denials whatsoever. Just like Herman Cain.
I suggest you re-read what i wrote. I clarified my comment to suggest that whether or not you were a hypocrite wasn't really important to me - that i had a larger point i was making. One that you keep proving for me every time you post in this thread. So why you keep coming back to the hypocrisy issue is, frankly, a bit curious. And a waste of time.

And may i point out that not once have you made a reasoned and cogent argument (clever, huh?) in this entire thread. Your whole denial has been little more than using insulting rhetoric to claim my arguments are stupid or unsupported by the links i posted. All 6 of them. Absolutely no substance to your denials whatsoever. Just like Herman Cain. Originally Posted by Doove
For someone who now claims the hypocrisy charges were bogus, you sure spent a lot of time on them, post after post after post! And the fact that your argument is stupid can easily be seen by anyone who actually looked at those posts. Probably no one did, because nobody but you gives a damn about your insecurities.

And you began referring to my "hypocrisy" earlier in this thread, even before I had posted anything at all! In fact, at that time I had not posted anything in any thread for several days. That's just weird.

You've got a bizarre problem with obsession, Doove. I'm sure as hell glad you don't know where I live; I'd be concerned for my personal safety.

Please get some help. Seriously. In any event, please do us all a favor and don't continue posting to this thread.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 03:34 PM
Please get some help. Seriously. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Dude, the charge of hypocrisy was little more than claiming you hold me to a different standard than other posters. No more, no less.

If that set you off this badly, to where you needed to make 16 posts denying it (and attacking me) then yeah, someone here needs help.

What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?
  • Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation