Post a beautiful and artsy pic

lilyisis's Avatar
/Users/amandahardee/Downloads/424630_358362037576042_1362086 269_n.jpg
John Bull's Avatar
Geez! I thought these pix were supposed to be artsy and beautiful. Some sick puppies around here, sez I.
speeedracer's Avatar
Geez! I thought these pix were supposed to be artsy and beautiful. Some sick puppies around here, sez I. Originally Posted by John Bull

that's an extremely famous painting by Francisco Goya titled Satan Devouring His Son, based on the Greek myth that Saturn feared he would be murdered by his children, so he ate them. one of my fav paintings, actually...
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ok there were two gods and one king. Here are all of them so you can pick the one you like the most.

Cronus, in Greek mythology, ruler of the universe during the Golden Age. He was one of the 12 Titans and the youngest son of Uranus and Gaea, the personifications of heaven and earth. The first sons of his parents were the three Hecatonchires, the 100-handed, 50-headed monsters whom Uranus had imprisoned in a secret place. Gaea sought to rescue them and appealed for help from her other offspring, including the Cyclopes. Cronus alone accepted the challenge. He attacked Uranus and wounded him severely; Cronus thus became the ruler of the universe.

First god Cronus....

Cronus and his sister-queen, Rhea, became the parents of 6 of the 12 gods and goddesses known as the Olympians. Cronus had been warned that he would be overthrown by one of his children, and he swallowed each of his first five children as soon as it was born. Rhea, however, substituted a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes for their sixth child, Zeus. Zeus was hidden in Crete (Kríti), and when he was grown, with the aid of Gaea, forced Cronus to disgorge the other five children together with the stone. The stone was later removed to Delphi. Zeus and his five brothers and sisters waged war on Cronus and the other Titans. Zeus was aided by the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes, whom he freed from the prison where they were kept by Cronus. Cronus and the Titans were thereafter confined in Tartarus, a cave in the deepest part of the underworld. The Roman counterpart of Cronus is Saturn, the god of sowing and seed.

The second is Zeus....

Zeus and Metis, daughter of the Titan Oceanus, were the parents of Athena. But Gaea had warned Zeus that, after giving birth to the girl with whom she was pregnant, Metis would bear a son destined to rule heaven. To avoid losing his throne to a son, Zeus swallowed Metis, just as Cronus had previously swallowed his own children to thwart succession. Metis’s child Athena was born from the head of Zeus, which Hephaestus split open with an axe.

The king is Tantalus...

Tantalus, in Greek mythology, king of Lydia and son of Zeus, ruler of the gods. Tantalus was honored above all other mortals by the gods. He ate at their table on Olympus, and once they even came to dine at his palace. To test their omniscience, Tantalus killed his only son, Pelops, boiled him in a cauldron, and served him at the banquet. The gods, however, realized the nature of the food. They restored Pelops to life and devised a terrible punishment for Tantalus. He was hung forever from a tree in Tartarus and afflicted with tormenting thirst and hunger. Under him was a pool of water, but when he stooped to drink, the pool would sink from sight. The tree above him was laden with pears, apples, figs, ripe olives, and pomegranates, but when he reached for them the wind blew the laden branches away. The word tantalize is derived from this story.
speeedracer's Avatar

<3 digital art
Little Monster's Avatar
Little Monster's Avatar
John Bull's Avatar
To each his own Speeedracer. I will certainly accept it's position in the classical art world but I still find it revolting.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
speeedracer's Avatar
anyone else into steampunk?