Sending prayers for Israel

  • Typo
  • 10-17-2023, 06:44 PM
Well, I think what the Israelis are doing is more along the lines of letting God sort them out.

I personally don’t have much sympathy for the folks in either Gaza or the West Bank. They continued to cheer on and tacitly support attacks into Israel. They also helped actively to hide members of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Sure there are a lot of innocent people that will die. They also didn’t do anything to get rid of the anti-Israel element and instead helped foment this continued violence. Even now, Hezbollah is firing rockets into Israel creating what will likely become a two front war and sadly maybe even engulf additional nations. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This might be the only post of yours I agree with, but I wholeheartedly agree with your position on the issue. Well said.
Well, I think what the Israelis are doing is more along the lines of letting God sort them out.

I personally don’t have much sympathy for the folks in either Gaza or the West Bank. They continued to cheer on and tacitly support attacks into Israel. They also helped actively to hide members of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Sure there are a lot of innocent people that will die. They also didn’t do anything to get rid of the anti-Israel element and instead helped foment this continued violence. Even now, Hezbollah is firing rockets into Israel creating what will likely become a two front war and sadly maybe even engulf additional nations. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
In WW-2, civilian casualties were over 38 million as opposed to 15 million military casualties.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Well, I think what the Israelis are doing is more along the lines of letting God sort them out.

I personally don’t have much sympathy for the folks in either Gaza or the West Bank. They continued to cheer on and tacitly support attacks into Israel. They also helped actively to hide members of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Sure there are a lot of innocent people that will die. They also didn’t do anything to get rid of the anti-Israel element and instead helped foment this continued violence. Even now, Hezbollah is firing rockets into Israel creating what will likely become a two front war and sadly maybe even engulf additional nations. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
In WW-2, civilian casualties were over 38 million as opposed to 15 million military casualties. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The Firebombing of Japan was particularly brutal. You all should check out "The Fog of War" an Academy Award Documentary film by Errol Morris featuring Robert McNamara.
In total warfare, It is just as affective to kill the person who makes the bullets as it is to kill the soldiers who shoot the bullets.

We have not had a total war since WW-2. We have engaged in conflicts with “rules of engagement”.

While it is not taught in our history books, the true policy of the US in WW-2 was,…….. “in order to win this war, we will kill every German and Japanese on the Planet”.

Dresden and Tokyo proved this.
In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, we were sending American Soldiers over to South East Asia as “advisors”.

Where did that lead?

It is being reported that we have around 2000 troops on standby in the Mediterranean. They will of course be used only in an “ Advisory” cops city.

If I had joined the Military in the past few years to reap the benefits offered to veterans, I would be a little worried. They are shooting real bullets over their.
texassapper's Avatar
If I had joined the Military in the past few years to reap the benefits offered to veterans, I would be a little worried. They are shooting real bullets over their. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not to worry. Our military has the best pronouns on the planet. No one would dare attack us.
winn dixie's Avatar
Not to worry. Our military has the best pronouns on the planet. No one would dare attack us. Originally Posted by texassapper
This is funny as heck.
Let's all steer back more towards intended topic.
But still a funny post.
In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, we were sending American Soldiers over to South East Asia as “advisors”.

Where did that lead?

It is being reported that we have around 2000 troops on standby in the Mediterranean. They will of course be used only in an “ Advisory” cops city.

If I had joined the Military in the past few years to reap the benefits offered to veterans, I would be a little worried. They are shooting real bullets over their. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Didn't lead very far. Jungle war fare is a bit different than urban.
Didn't lead very far. Jungle war fare is a bit different than urban. Originally Posted by Levianon17
With respect, I disagree.

In jungle warfare, you never know who is behind the next tree.

In urban warfare, you never know who is behind the next door.
So, that hospital that Hamas said was bombed by an Israeli Rocket, and the World Media immediately believed them, turns out to have been hit by an errant Hamas Tocket.

I am waiting for a member of “The Squad” to hold a news conference and say……”but the important thing is it COULD HAVE been a IDF Rocket”.
I don’t recall anyone in the media putting that explosion on Israel. Everything I saw said “hamas or Gaza authorities claim” it’s Israel.

Most people just said it’s horrible, which it is. But sadly this is what happens in war. In the old days, people ran from war zones. With our sanitization of war we’ve created more civilians that will stay in an area that might get them killed.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hamas can make a statement and most media take it as truth.
Israel makes a statement and shows proof the same media put a spin on it until the real truth bits em in the ass
Over and over
eyecu2's Avatar
Honestly I think it was more a matter of who was the first to report it - regardless of the author - the news media in general ran with it. Shame that these people are killing themselves and their name of jihad and an attempt to change perspective against Israel. Once Israel is done turning Gaza into a parking lot, I think things should calm down a little bit. They should treat it like a DMZ and let nobody but Israelis occupy it. They've been shown at Palestinians are not to be trusted, and our supported by other known terrorists. Just get away from the situation in total.
With respect, I disagree.

In jungle warfare, you never know who is behind the next tree.

In urban warfare, you never know who is behind the next door. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I know. Both have challenges. The sad facts about what's going on in Gaza is an unarmed Civilian is usually behind that next door often under eighteen years old. But Israeli Forces don't care they kill them anyway.
texassapper's Avatar
I don’t recall anyone in the media putting that explosion on Israel. Everything I saw said “hamas or Gaza authorities claim” it’s Israel.

Most people just said it’s horrible, which it is. But sadly this is what happens in war. In the old days, people ran from war zones. With our sanitization of war we’ve created more civilians that will stay in an area that might get them killed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1