Another health care thread.

Sisyphus's Avatar
Anyone up for a side bet as to whether or not [Stupak] is defeated in November? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I might be up for a piece of that action. What kind of odds are you giving??
Sisyphus's Avatar
I haven't heard this yet...but wait until the "Judas & 40 pieces of silver" becomes the comparison.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy's been a while since Bible school but I only recall Judas getting 30 piece of silver...
atlcomedy's Avatar's been a while since Bible school but I only recall Judas getting 30 piece of silver... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Your recollection is better than mine....
I just heard something about student loans being tied into this bill. Will there be all kinds of things involved with this bill that a lot of us don't know about?'s been a while since Bible school but I only recall Judas getting 30 piece of silver... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
discreetgent's Avatar
PJ, I'll take that bet
atlcomedy's Avatar
I just heard something about student loans being tied into this bill. Will there be all kinds of things involved with this bill that a lot of us don't know about? Originally Posted by Ansley
It is Congress....
atlcomedy's Avatar
I just heard something about student loans being tied into this bill. Will there be all kinds of things involved with this bill that a lot of us don't know about? Originally Posted by Ansley
It is Congress.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
In fact it will be a surprise to many members of Congress what is actually in the Bill.

*and in deference to TTH, I have no problem with a Congressman not actually reading the whole thing as long as he gets good staff work and understands what is in the bill. I'll bet my Social Security check most of them have no clue...
discreetgent's Avatar
Yes, in the reconciliation bill they added in putting student loans all or mostly back via the government and not private lenders. It affects the budget so they can do it without a filibuster threat in the Senate when they take it up this week.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Inflation. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Phew...I thought maybe THAT was Obama's fault, too....
discreetgent's Avatar
Phew...I thought maybe THAT was Obama's fault, too.... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
I'm waiting for RK to accuse me of thinking it is GWB's fault
I just heard something about student loans being tied into this bill. Will there be all kinds of things involved with this bill that a lot of us don't know about? Originally Posted by Ansley
It is Congress.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

And if they could lard it up with a few hundred billion additonal dollars of pork, like they did with the "stimulus" bill, they certainly would!
Maybe this has been mentioned because I haven't read all the post in this thread but if someone knows or have an idea, please chime in...

Not that I am... but if were happy with the health care coverage we have now, will we be forced into the gov't plan. I'm hearing, if we already have a plan you like, eventually, your going to be forced out of it and into the one now run by the govt.

Someone, please educate the poor fellow? or a simple thought. Thanks.
TH, I've heard nothing direct on that and I've been scouring the web for news on this. There is an excise tax of 40% on employer-sponsored plans with coverage exceeding $10,200 (individuals) or $27,500 (families) beginning in 2018.

I expect that to change (read: expand) much earlier than planned, as there is no way the CBO's cost estimates are within shouting distance of reality.

Thanks for your thoughts sweetheart. I'll be doing a lot of research. I pay enough for insurance... and to pay more for coverage... and add on more taxes... I might have to leave the hobby.