If the Feds Won't Do It...

John Bull's Avatar
All you have to do to get some creds CT is to point out a factual mistake. You can diss the messanger all you like but it's just mindless mouthings w/o some proof.

That's funny SA Artman! I sometimes feel that way myself.
rocker's Avatar
Arizona rocks! It's about time someone stepped up
to the plate and try to something about the alarming
rate of Illegals in their state.

Its one thing to be here illegelly, but to look
the other way and reward them with food stamps,
wellfare, free healthcare, and many other perks that
most Americans cant get.

I for one hate the fact that my tax dollars are
being used to support these people, not to mention
the crime and devastation where ever they go.
Its time to take back America and send them all
back and make them go through the proprer channels
to get here.

I think its a Joke when another country tell's us
how to run our country and let all their people come
here. I hope Arizona can make it happen, if so, hell
I might leave Mexico, I mean Texas and move to Arizona.

It would be nice if you backed up some of your statements with sources or data. Some of this is just plain wrong. [I suspect your biggest problem is you listen to FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh.]

Arizona rocks! It's about time someone stepped up
to the plate and try to something about the alarming
rate of Illegals in their state. It'll be interesting to see how far AZ gets with trying to enforce a totally federal function.

Its one thing to be here illegelly, but to look
the other way and reward them with food stamps,
wellfare, free healthcare, and many other perks that
most Americans cant get. Since the Clinton administration, undocumented immigrants have no right to food stamps and welfare. And under the Obama plan, they don't get free healthcare. The only thing available is live saving measures, and no health care provider can legally turn away anyone whose life is in danger.

I for one hate the fact that my tax dollars are
being used to support these people, not to mention
the crime and devastation where ever they go.
Its time to take back America and send them all
back and make them go through the proprer channels
to get here. I'd like to see you support the statement that your tax dollars are supporting undocumented immigrants. Check out the statistics posted in another thread on a similar topic by Sydneyb: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=269119&postcount=52.

I think its a Joke when another country tell's us
how to run our country and let all their people come
here. And we're not telling other countries how to run their country??? How about Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan; not to mention all the other countries we try and tell what to do with their countries. Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? I hope Arizona can make it happen, if so, hell
I might leave Mexico, I mean Texas and move to Arizona.

Rocker Originally Posted by rocker
Sa_artman's Avatar
I hope Arizona can make it happen, if so, hell
I might leave Mexico, I mean Texas and move to Arizona. Originally Posted by rocker
Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. I'm sure you will be missed...not!

--not saying I disagree with you entirely, but Don't Mess With Texas.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rocker, you are like many, badly misinformed on this issue. Undocumented workers are not eligible for welfare or food stamps. And if you will read the facts posted earlier in the thread, you will see that they pay more in taxes in Texas than Texas spends on them. If they were to leave, where are you going to make up for the lost government revenue?
atlcomedy's Avatar
It would be nice if you backed up some of your statements with sources or data. Some of this is just plain wrong. [I suspect your biggest problem is you listen to FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It would be nice.......

If you learned how to quote another's post

You aren't a rookie here...get with the program....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-27-2010, 09:51 PM
All you have to do to get some creds CT is to point out a factual mistake. You can diss the messanger all you like but it's just mindless mouthings w/o some proof.

. Originally Posted by John Bull

Eighteen "baseless charges" on Fox News that did not get Glenn Beck "fired"
seems like 18 baseless charges of Glenn Beck being incorrect
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-28-2010, 09:07 AM
seems like 18 baseless charges of Glenn Beck being incorrect Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What part of what Beck said was true in the below charge? If you are going to defend him please bring some facts. The guy cries like a baby. If that is your poster child fine. I actually agree with him at times and some of his guests. But his attack on the Federal government (only when a Dem is in office is kinda lame) only to endorse the State government taxing and spending my money is ironic at best and frankly moronic.

Beck falsely attributed entire 2009 debt to Obama. Beck attributed the entire deficit for Fiscal Year 2009 to President Obama, stating that the federal debt was "$10.6 trillion in 2008," and that since Obama "comes in," "we've gone in the one year, we've gone to ... $12.3 trillion on the debt." In fact, only a small portion of the fiscal year 2009 deficit is due to Obama's policies; in January, before Obama took office or signed any legislation, the Congressional Budget Office projected that, based on policies set under President Bush and economic conditions at the time, the deficit for fiscal year 2009 would reach $1.2 trillion. [Glenn Beck, 1/21/10]
since obama came in we've gone to 12.3 trillion in debt..was that wrong?
another 5 to 4 vote on how to read a sentence...
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  • 06-28-2010, 11:54 AM
since obama came in we've gone to 12.3 trillion in debt..was that wrong? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That wasn't the point. If you were seeking the truth, you would know that. If you understood budgets you again would know that. Beck and his ilk are just playing charade/politics with people that do not know any better. What I find funny is that once it is pointed out to you, you still don't know any better. Be like me showing you the magic trick and you still think it magic. Nobody really gets sawed in two.


another 5 to 4 vote on how to read a sentence... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Not only do I know how to read a sentence, I understand context and causal relationships.

nevergaveitathought joined eccie in january since then ten gay men have joined.

What if in fact that is true? It still would be highly misleading. You have nothing to do with gay men joining ecci......or do you?

You have nothing to do with gay men joining ecci......or do you? Originally Posted by WTF
not sure..you seem to like me....

also about beck...he said the truth..the quotes from that site reflected the truth...but it appears the operators of that site are the ones not wanting the truth but are obfuscating...

the truth is OBAMA is a BIG SPENDER.. bigger by far than any previous occupier of that office....thats the point..the minute facts of becks quote was truthful..and so was his point...but even if he had made a mistake in some number or whatever..the point would remain unassailable...so i dont get what your point is
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2010, 12:18 PM
not sure..you seem to like me.... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LOL. Good one.

also about beck...he said the truth..the qoutes from that site reflected the truth...but it appears the operators of that site are the ones not wanting the truth but are obfuscating...

the truth is OBAMA is a BIG SPENDER.. bigger by far than any previous occupier fo that office....thats the point..the minute facts of becks quote was truthful..and so was his point...but even if he had made a mistake in some number or whatever..the point would remain unassailable...so i dont get what your point is Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Beck made it appear that Obama was the sole reason for the increase in debt. That is a lie. Not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

Now if you want to say that Obama wants to increase spending in down times, I would agree with that. But that is totally different than what Glen Beck was trying to convey to his loyal listeners.

His listeners sat by while we spent like crazy on their pet projects (war). Now they act like they are crazy because we are spending on our own damn people!

You right wingers never fail to amaze me with your illogical logic. (Spending bad by other party, spending good by my party!)
LOL. Good one.

Beck made it appear that Obama was the sole reason for the increase in debt. That is a lie. Not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

Now if you want to say that Obama wants to increase spending in down times, I would agree with that. But that is totally different than what Glen Beck was trying to convey to his loyal listeners.

His listeners sat by while we spent like crazy on their pet projects (war). Now they act like they are crazy because we are spending on our own damn people!

You right wingers never fail to amaze me with your illogical logic. (Spending bad by other party, spending good by my party!) Originally Posted by WTF
the only appearing was the title given the quote by media matters....not by beck

i oppose spending by everyone..bush was strongly criticized by conservatives...i think the only way to get this country back on track is to have the spectre of starvation staring the ablebodied 18 and overs in the face if they dont get off their butts..

the craziness of the obama administration and its wild racist and anti capitalist spending spree brought home the dire straits of our country due to the debt to many people....so yes..he woke a sleeping people, not that he was the only one..just the most egregious...with the most radical ulterior motivations....

so dont assign illogic to me or to the protestors..its quite logical albeit late