Let's talk a little truth about Mar-a-Lago.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Both parties would be wise to seek out a 50s or 60s year old moderate (and sorry to say male and at least sorta white...apologies to those I offended) candidate with some tv charisma. I don't know who that is, but if either party pulled that rabbit from the hat, I think they'd win.
Everyone knows who that guy is.
winn dixie's Avatar
If these docs were soooooooooooo important, wouldnt these rogue agencies have seized them wayyyyy before now!
Its been a year and a half and they act now?
If you dont smell that??????????
Mic drop

No rebuttal can refute that!

HedonistForever's Avatar
"the facts are

there is and have been selective investigations, unequal treatment of the investigated and unequal enforcement of laws all based on politics"

You are exactly right and it is nice to hear from a Trump hater. Now let me ask you if you think 1bm1 and all the other Trump haters on this board would be willing to repeat what you just said? I won't hold my breath.

Tiny was on point here, even if facetious. Biden is too old and so is Trump, though many won't admit that about either. Both parties would be wise to seek out a 50s or 60s year old moderate (and sorry to say male and at least sorta white...apologies to those I offended) candidate with some tv charisma. I don't know who that is, but if either party pulled that rabbit from the hat, I think they'd win. Trump and Biden are BOTH bad choices. Above is OPINION and not FACT and carefully stated as such. Originally Posted by reddog1951

To bad you can't give me the same credit that you ask for.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It’s 30 million, but who’s counting.

Waco didn’t burn down, it was ~burnt~ down (by the government), killing about 80 innocent people. It’s a case study on how governments attempt to dehumanize people, right before killing them, so the weak minded accept it as legitimate or even necessary. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
not to mention many who survived the burning who had their acquittal over turned by a judge who disagreed.
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2022, 10:41 PM
First, thank you for starting a fifth thread on the Mar A Lago raid. I really miss oeb and this is kind of like having him back again.

And even more, thank you for your profound and thought provoking observations and analysis on this topic. As well as your efforts to police these threads and keep them on topic. That RTM button is there to be used!

These are my favorites.

Some of you were right a while ago.

We are going to start "collecting" you

Because you are too smart or too stupid to be running around free. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Glad to see you got big yucks out of all this. Hope you're alive in 6 months to get more. I hope there is a country left in 6th months. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Thread hijack.

RTM protocol in place
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Trump and his traitors were going to set off nukes on American soil Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Stop trying to hijack the thread.

Start your own thread instead of trying to derail this one. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Stop trying to hijack the thread. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
The only person who can give information that is guaranteed to be truth is Trump. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Since you are harmless, we'll let you peddle your pablum.

For now.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
The FBI raided the home of former President Trump and his son Eric (plus family). Remember, Eric just lost his mother two weeks ago and his kids their grandmother. Now this comes along.

Lost his mother? So what? They buried her on a golf course. As part of getting a tax break. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
OK, I actually thought that last one was funny.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yeah.. fbi been selective alright... always in favor of the blue swamp.