Biden Family $$$$ Money

bambino's Avatar
��Very interesting…

��️Rep. James Comer:
In the coming days, I will invite President Joe Biden to the House Oversight Committee to provide his own testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies with his assistance.

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Jacuzzme's Avatar
No way Biden testifies to Congress or anywhere else. He’s incapable of an uncontrolled interview, his puppeteers will never let it happen.
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  • Devo
  • 03-20-2024, 06:45 PM
No way Biden testifies to Congress or anywhere else. He’s incapable of an uncontrolled interview, his puppeteers will never let it happen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
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  • Devo
  • 03-20-2024, 06:48 PM
... Crikey! ... Tony Bobulinski WAS GRAND today.
Knocking the Dems there all-about the room.

The clips of his testimony are DYNAMITE!

As we ALL continue to Follow the Biden Family Money! $$$$

#### Salty
No way Biden testifies to Congress or anywhere else. He’s incapable of an uncontrolled interview, his puppeteers will never let it happen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lol. The irony...
... Crikey! ... Looks like AG Merrick Garland is STILL stalling
the House Oversight and Judicial Committee's request for
testimony from Robert Hur's interviews with both President
Joe Biden AND his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

... This goes to the Investigation into Biden keeping the
classified documents and his sharing of things with Zwonitzer.

... AG Garland has until 8 April to turn things over, or he
may be held in Contempt of Congress.

As we keep on following the Oversight Committee and the
Biden Family $$$$ Money! ...

#### Salty
... Here we are - weeks later - and STILL the stalling by
Merrick Garland... Crikey! ... Joe Biden is gonna need to
pardon the Garland fellow just to keep him out of jail
when Investigations begin Next Year.

And Politico has a new piece on the Biden Family corruption
and money-making $$$$ machine....

... As we surely continue to Follow the Biden Money! $$$$$

##### Salty
... So the FBI comes partially clean and admits that the Hunter
laptop IS REAL --- and Hunter gets CONVICTED!

So that surely opens the door for the influence peddling Investigation
coming Next Year, when Rudy Guliani or another great Republican
is the AG... ... ... But until then - we will continue
to FOLLOW the Biden Family Money! $$$$$

#### Salty
... Ya know, mates - as we all watch the "Biden Family Money"
- maybe the money $$$ to watch will be Rudy Guliani's!

Crikey! ... Rudy gonna be in-line for a GRAND payday next year
- as he surely SUES several News Media Outlets - MSNBC and
the like - for calling him "A LIAR" concerning Hunter's laptop.

So it won't just be the "Biden Money" - but other money $$$$ also!

#### Salty