WLM Rally To Be Hosted in Sept at Texas A&M

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  • WTF
  • 08-25-2017, 08:03 AM
I actually enjoy showing what a lying sack of shit WTF is.

Little Speedo his Butt Buddy was talking shit too about "driving" on campus .... and that's why I brought up speeding .... because both those fools think if the police don't stop you it's not against the law!!!


WTF claims to know all about me .... everything about me!!! And even threatens to reveal the information, which would be outing me! So he knows what I said was correct and he knows I know what the fuck I'm talking about ...... OR

WTF is a lying sack of shit! He can pick which one!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Everyone who has driven on a campus knows you're lying out your gay ass.

If you fist bambino be careful if he fists you back...he has bragged about his big hands.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another campus "expert" arrives on the scene!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2017, 09:12 AM
Another campus "expert" arrives on the scene! Originally Posted by LexusLover

I've not been on the campus in years, but when I did I was not allowed to drive on the campus without a permit, which is consistent with 99% of the campuses on which I have spent time.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you admit you haven't been on a campus in years , I have, many in fact and you think you know more than everybody else who has driven/walked on campus without a permit you seem to think we need.

LexusLover's Avatar
Another campus "expert" arrives on the scene! Originally Posted by LexusLover
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  • WTF
  • 08-25-2017, 09:38 AM
Another campus "expert" arrives on the scene! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Originally Posted by LexusLover

I've not been on the campus in years, but when I did I was not allowed to drive on the campus without a permit, which is consistent with 99% of the campuses on which I have spent time.

LexusLover's Avatar
WTF ... vvvvvvv

The Spam Man!
bamscram's Avatar
Your "detector" is picking up your own attention whore vibes.

So, I was correct. You know nothing about Texas college campuses.

Do you know anything about any college campuses? Originally Posted by LexusLover

You run your mouth so much it is why Texas is windy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That is very true. Just cause the cops decide to 'give leeway' does not mean you are not breaking the laws... Originally Posted by garhkal
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's one of his "problems" ... anecdotal bullshit, which is not relevant to the discussion. The jails and prisons of this country are full of people just like him. Many are still "confused" about why they are inside. You can just see that pipsqueak sitting on the side of the road explaining to some cop that last year a copy in Austin told him it was ok to drive up to 5 miles over the speed limit!!!! And start a friggin' argument about it!!! How about calling him an "ignorant redneck"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lying yet again. Please cite the post where I said it was legal to drive up to 5 MPH over the posted speed limit. IF ANYONE DOES SO THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW. GOT IT???!!!!

YOU are the one who turned this thread from a discussion on whether or not university property is public, which it is, to arguing about irrelevant speed limits (post #143). That is because your statements are WRONG and you keep trying to move the discussion away from that to whatever subject you deem possible. So if you complain about starting a friggin argument look back and see who started this inane argument.

So back to the original discussion point:

You can try to change the subject but your statement is still WRONG,

"I've not been on the campus in years, but when I did I was not allowed to drive on the campus without a permit, which is consistent with 99% of the campuses on which I have spent time."!

BTW, I will be attending the UT-Maryland game next Saturday. I will go south on I-35 getting off at Dean Keaton. Turn right onto Dean Keaton which is considered the north boundary of the UT campus. Turn left onto San Jacinto Blvd. onto the campus.

I will let everyone know if I need a permit to drive on the UT campus or if I need a student ID to walk to the football stadium or anywhere else on campus.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hear hear!

I don't know why these dipshits have to lie on every fucking thread.

Then they jeer, squeal and fling their own feces.

And we end up with threads like this ... in most cases.

You'd think they'd be interested in decent, honest discussion.

But nooooo. Lying, squealing, jeering and flinging feces is all they read online. It's obviously what they think you're supposed to do online.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLEPHANTMAN... vvvvvvv

The MAYOR of Clarksville!!

Despicable fucking liar. All day and all night.
LexusLover's Avatar
Someone is trying too hard to justify in indefensible position.

May I suggest racing through the UT campus at 5 mph over the speed limit and telling the campus cop who pulls you over that a cop once told you it wasn't against the law to do up to 5 mph over the speed limit and he was making an unlawful traffic stop. Refuse to sign the ticket and stand your ground! Enjoy yourselves!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Someone is trying too hard to justify in indefensible position.

May I suggest racing through the UT campus at 5 mph over the speed limit and telling the campus cop who pulls you over that a cop once told you it wasn't against the law to do up to 5 mph over the speed limit and he was making an unlawful traffic stop. Refuse to sign the ticket and stand your ground! Enjoy yourselves!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Incredible!!! You continue to be a lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly. Everything you just stated is a LIE.
LexusLover's Avatar
Incredible!!! You continue to be a lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbilly. Everything you just stated is a LIE. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It would seem that you should have outgrown that response by the time you got out of third grade, but you and WTF just haven't gotten there yet!!!

BTW: There are a lot of folks reading your bullshit who might actually believe the PUBLIC streets you mentioned over which you get to Memorial Stadium at UT are "campus streets" because UT at Austin expanded its campus out into the PUBLIC community and residential areas outside of the "40 acres," but I know better.

And anyone who attended the University of Texas KNOWS BETTER! And more importantly the 100,000 plus (hopefully) who attend the same game you are planning on attending also KNOW BETTER, because they get to the game the same as you, unless, they are brought by bus from out of town or the UT bus system.

So continue to make up shit and delude yourself.

And since you, WTF, and AssUp know "all about me" then you KNOW I KNOW BETTER .... if you don't know I KNOW BETTER, then you are all the lying sacks of shit that you are!

Of course, it also requires basic MAP READING .... an "art" you three grade schoolers haven't mastered yet. And can't!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It would seem that you should have outgrown that response by the time you got out of third grade, but you and WTF just haven't gotten there yet!!!

BTW: There are a lot of folks reading your bullshit who might actually believe the PUBLIC streets you mentioned over which you get to Memorial Stadium at UT are "campus streets" because UT at Austin expanded its campus out into the PUBLIC community and residential areas outside of the "40 acres," but I know better.

And anyone who attended the University of Texas KNOWS BETTER! And more importantly the 100,000 plus (hopefully) who attend the same game you are planning on attending also KNOW BETTER, because they get to the game the same as you, unless, they are brought by bus from out of town or the UT bus system.

So continue to make up shit and delude yourself. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What was true 50 years ago is not true today. The Austin city limits have changed. So has the UT campus. Here is a map from the UT website which outlines the CURRENT UT campus.


lol. And you say others can't read a map. Ridiculous old man.