Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

You're here to...what? Follow me around, tell me I'm hobbying wrong, and warn me about the wrath of a spent hooker and two non-reviewing trolls? GTFO. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Just wondering, are you referring to me as a "spent hooker"? If so you win the big prize. During my time here on ECCIE I don't think I have ever been called a hooker.

I feel so cheap and dirty. I like it!
You are on a website for hookers. If you want a conversation go on a date.

I would make an educated guess that most of us on here are cheating on wives/girlfriends this a risky proposition to begin with and this "hobby" is much more of a controlled risk.

I personally have no interest in my "classy woman" I book with speaking to me. She sucks penis for a living; I care not about her opinions and I doubt she has much wit. If she did I still wouldn't care to spend dinner with her. Her value is exactly that which you say it is not. Her opinion matters not, her value is to get me off and leave without a trace.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Just wondering, are you referring to me as a "spent hooker"? If so you win the big prize. During my time here on ECCIE I don't think I have ever been called a hooker.

I feel so cheap and dirty. I like it! Originally Posted by Ansley
No, I'm not referring to you. You're a buzzing gnat flying around in an quarrel that doesn't involve you while buzzing, "Me too! pay attention to me! Anyone? What about my opinion? See, I can insult too!"

I've mostly been ignoring you because you're both needy and irrelevant. Buzz buzz little gnat.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
You are on a website for hookers. If you want a conversation go on a date.

I would make an educated guess that most of us on here are cheating on wives/girlfriends this a risky proposition to begin with and this "hobby" is much more of a controlled risk.

I personally have no interest in my "classy woman" I book with speaking to me. She sucks penis for a living; I care not about her opinions and I doubt she has much wit. If she did I still wouldn't care to spend dinner with her. Her value is exactly that which you say it is not. Her opinion matters not, her value is to get me off and leave without a trace. Originally Posted by DFWhobby
I have no quarrel with that!

To each their own, and should everyone leave each to their own devices. Different strokes and all that.

We hobby for something we can't get at home...be that physical gratification, appreciation of the arts, quiet conversation, kinky BDSM....

You're not the first to suggest I date, but I cannot. I also need exquisitely controlled situations, with alibis in place, and no strings. I just desire a broader range of activities.

I've decided on the phrase, "Friends with compensated benefits." Love it or hate it, it's my pursuit.
Why in tebow's name would I follow you around? You have no entertainment value ... I certainly have never cared how, when, where, or with whom you hobby. Who is a non reviewer? Certainly, not me...besides anyone who measures themselves by number of reviews is compensating. I have no need to compensate, my 1.3" of dangling death is legendary. Originally Posted by pyramider
protect your 1.3" of dangling death I think he wants it...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
And this - ladies and gentlemen - is why it's important to protect our vernacular from disease. Dorothy, thanks for the segue back on topic.

Without appreciating the purpose of words and their existing meaning, you end up with pimped street walkers who have discovered the internet using it to try confusing words like, "Classy" and "Lady" and "bad breath" and "poor attitude" and "retirement."
And this - ladies and gentlemen - is why it's important to protect our vernacular from disease. Dorothy, thanks for the segue back on topic.

Without appreciating the purpose of words and their existing meaning, you end up with pimped street walkers who have discovered the internet using it to try confusing words like, "Classy" and "Lady" and "bad breath" and "poor attitude" and "retirement." Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
excuse you ? Stop beating around the bush say what you really want stop being a scary ass... Tell your mom your being a internet badass and need a hot pocket...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
excuse you ? Stop beating around the bush say what you really want stop being a scary ass... Tell your mom your being a internet badass and need a hot pocket... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I've said what I wanted in the Houston forum, where you spread your legs and wafted your nasty mess around.

Now I'm just enjoying you setting the example for providers on everything they shouldn't do. Keep making my point for me.

I've said what I wanted in the Houston forum, where you spread your legs and wafted your nasty mess around.

Now I'm just enjoying you setting the example for providers on everything they shouldn't do. Keep making my point for me.

Next! Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
spread my legs & wafted my nasty mess around? Elaborate come on Im waiting
You must be eating your hot pocket still...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
More fine examples Dorothy! Keep them coming.
who is Dorothy ?
I think this thread was about Classy girls not CLASSLESS DM. Time for you to hit the road.
I think this thread was about Classy girls not CLASSLESS DM. Time for you to hit the road. Originally Posted by AceMan56
Um negative im not going anywhere

what was your previous handle?
Never had one.