WHO CARES ...charge what you want...pay what you want..thats what makes this world so great..the successful girls YOU WILL NOT find on here daily with threADS..most successful girls actually rarely post..they are to busy making money and living life..not letting this board and this world consume them. worry about shit that impacts you..which absolutely is NOT who charges what... the threAD served its purpose..it gets someones name out there..it allows others to inform the community just how a date with them would go..throw in a few "cock sucking" etc etc etc..key words and u have a perfect example of a threAD.
Most intelligent people will notice that girls that price themselves reasonably and geared towards the market they are in dont find themselves here posting that they are "hungry"..or "its slow"..or "where is everyone" or constantly bitching about the lack of business..or posting threADS..no..the smart girls are busy fucking for a reasonable rate..delivering top service for their agreed rate and enjoying a relaxing stress free life off the board and only use it for its intended purpose..ADVERTISE..and the truly good ones..don't even do that..
course..what do i know..