Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

Well stated; but in 6 yrs I have only had 1 provider to offer to refund or extend a partial pay back due to disappointing service, I was so shocked and had been ripped off so many times prior I couldn't even take the money back. I know I have had 3-4 occassions were me and the provider disrobed and the hygien was less than desirable to be nice and I quickly dressed and dismissed myself there is no reason to be in this buisiness and not take the time to make yourself presentable. at least as many times were the service was simply horrible, it's rare a provider will step up and offer concessions. My hat off to those that recgnizie reputation is much more important inthe long run.
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There is absolutly no reason for STS! I mean what the hell!
OMG this post is hilarious!! I saw the title and had to stop by and check it out. WTF how can a girl not be ready for every session! Like my mom would say You should always be prepare for the day first thing in the morning put your face on I at least if I can take 2 showers a day on session days I lose count I just remember not to wet my face in fear my make up may run. But the chick that is a provider and does not wash up that is JUST GRODDDY!!! Also That Repshesh Gel is awesome so is my Summer's Eve wash is awesome and very very inexpensive Love it when asked can I PLEASE go down there hehehe is like yea baby yeaah fresh! lol
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OMG this post is hilarious!! I saw the title and had to stop by and check it out. WTF how can a girl not be ready for every session! Like my mom would say You should always be prepare for the day first thing in the morning put your face on I at least if I can take 2 showers a day on session days I lose count I just remember not to wet my face in fear my make up may run. But the chick that is a provider and does not wash up that is JUST GRODDDY!!! Also That Repshesh Gel is awesome so is my Summer's Eve wash is awesome and very very inexpensive Love it when asked can I PLEASE go down there hehehe is like yea baby yeaah fresh! lol Originally Posted by Boricua

Makeup is the least of our worries. Its STS thats the BIG issue. Sounds like you have that under control!
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  • 1313
  • 12-30-2011, 09:38 AM
If there's ever a turn off for me it's a fishy stinky vagina. This will determine if I'll be DATY.
Seems like a lot of the ladies are not sure how to clean up their crotch! The odor of stale urine is not a turn-on! I have seen lots of ladies over the years and some of the higher priced ones are not always clean! I have had ladies from Craigslist and BP and they were mostly ALWAYS clean...I, on the other hand, am always fresh out of the shower and like a sweet lady to be also.....Just sayin'! Originally Posted by canoodle

Thumbs Up.. it freaks me out also with a bad odor Pussy..
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That’s what I've been trying to tell you guys! STS (Stinky Twat Syndrome) There is just no reason for it! Now if it genetics I can understand that, but when it smells like the shit house door on a tuna boat, that's where I draw the line!

SL Top Ten List of STS Signs

1) Pelicans follow you into Walmart.
2) You fall into the water at sea world and a dolphin pushes you around the tank for 15 minutes by the crotch
3) Your last pap smear was done by a mortician
4) You get into the car and turn on the radio and the theme from Jaws is always on
5) You go on a date to the mountains and your date thinks he smells the beach
6) You buy odor eater panties
7) Seagulls seem to circle you everywhere you go
8) You walk into the flower shop and they think they’re septic is backed up
9) The last guy that had sex with you was Jac Cousteau and he really wasn’t willing
10) You dated a pirate who changed from Jo Ho, Jo Ho… to Oh No, Oh No when you took off your pants

That’s what I've been trying to tell you guys! STS (Stinky Twat Syndrome) There is just no reason for it! Now if it genetics I can understand that, but when it smells like the shit house door on a tuna boat, that's where I draw the line!

SL Top Ten List of STS Signs

1) Pelicans follow you into Walmart.
2) You fall into the water at sea world and a dolphin pushes you around the tank for 15 minutes by the crotch
3) Your last pap smear was done by a mortician
4) You get into the car and turn on the radio and the theme from Jaws is always on
5) You go on a date to the mountains and your date thinks he smells the beach
6) You buy odor eater panties
7) Seagulls seem to circle you everywhere you go
8) You walk into the flower shop and they think they’re septic is backed up
9) The last guy that had sex with you was Jac Cousteau and he really wasn’t willing
10) You dated a pirate who changed from Jo Ho, Jo Ho… to Oh No, Oh No when you took off your pants
Originally Posted by Still Looking

LMAO.!! :l aughbounce2:
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LMAO.!! :l aughbounce2: Originally Posted by blight782
Now you just got to love #10 LOL

I think a good rule of thumb is...if you go down on a woman and the smell there makes your eyes water, you should leave at that point. Or, if a bat flies out. Or if anything flies out.
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I think a good rule of thumb is...if you go down on a woman and the smell there makes your eyes water, you should leave at that point. Or, if a bat flies out. Or if anything flies out. Originally Posted by alluringava
Standard SL DATY Equipment! Why take chances?
Now you just got to love #10 LOL

SL is BACK! Originally Posted by Still Looking

hahaha.. you got me!!
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hahaha.. you got me!! Originally Posted by blight782
Canadian Version!
just when we thought this thread was about done.....baam smack and pow...!!! to kick it in high gear. i go nowhere close if i smell something fishy. even in a strip club, i have had to stop tipping when i get a whiff of that STS.
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I hear you WS.... here are two models. The one to the left is the strip club model. The one on the right is the street walker model. Safety and comfort come first!