Sugar daddy dating & info ??

Gotyour6's Avatar
We all have our little pet peeves. Mine is people not calling a spade what it is .. a spade.

I guess to a certain degree we all in this lifestyle want and often need to create some self delusions. I just prefer to see things for what they really are. Helps not to have rude awakenings

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
No one is saying that a SB isnt selling herself. You are just a bit uptight about the whole thing.

Relax, they only took a little of your money.
ShysterJon's Avatar
No offense to anyone here, but I don't think anyone's added any useful information to this thread in a number of days. I think we know everybody's position. There's no need to repeat yourself.
bladtinzu's Avatar
I just prefer to see things for what they really are. Helps not to have rude awakenings

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
I am the same way. Escorts make shitty SB's and most men buy into the delusional mindset that what they have with escorts is really special. I'm a realist.. I know nothing comes out of it. Fact is I would rather pay hourly every once and a while so she leaves after that hour.
John Bull's Avatar
It's my opinion that at least half of the ladies who wind up passing my screening are pros who've learned the lingo and are willing to play the game. Had one the other day who had a gorgeous body and Jolie lips who I'd bet has been and maybe still is a pro. OK until the gouging starts. Then, she's outa here!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
I want someone for a quick new I troll backpage.
30 minute SB lol
Hello LEXXXI I have had 2 long term SD/SB relationships where I was exclusive with them. I met 1 of them while being a provider and the other (who I made more in my monthly allowance with then I do as a provider I met on SD4ME. There are goods and bads (just like being a provider), but well worth it when you really click with someone and genuinely enjoy eachother. GOODS- Sleeping with 1 person and really getting to know them, a monthly allowance (he put it in my account on the 1st regardless of how often we saw 1 another), traveling (we took alot of trips- even international), no risk of LE....BADS- If he's really an established gentleman he can have you waiting around to see him (skipping other plans just in case he calls), it's easy to get emotionally attached, he can end it whenever he decides to (mine got cancer and we are just friends now) it does run it's course....Speaking of I miss him!!! If you'd like to know how to spot the fake SD profiles pm me. Best of Luck to You Originally Posted by BustyShelly
Hi Shelly im new to ECCIE and was going through boards and read your comment...I totally agree with you. I had a 2yr sd which I happen to meet as a provider... It sucked when he called it quits because he ran into some legal problems with his business hmmm? But I was so dependent on him because I seen him exclusively and I got attatched to him and the $$$ As of now im actively searching for a new one on different sites, no luck yet just a bunch of weirdos I will be pm'ing you for some info if thats ok hun. TTYL
Utanks's Avatar

Actually I do. REAL sugar baby / sugar daddy arrangements involve intimacy, exclusive relationship and all of woman's financial needs being taken care of by her sugar daddy. It is pretty much marriage with an expiration date and no alimony. This is not what absolute majority of self proclaimed Sugar Daddies are looking for. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
I disagree with that definition. Fully accomodated place to live, more than adequate stipend, and be at the benefactor's beck and call is not a sugarbaby. That is more accurately defined to a "kept mistress". For many SD's, the primary need may be someone who is only available during business trips, or a specific weekend getaway, so a "real" SD wouldn't construct the kept mistress because, quite frankly, she'd be bored, lonely, and likely not maintain her end of "exclusivity". The SD/sb exchange works because of the "do what you like" arrangement beyond the time spent.

The way I personally qualify it as "real" is that it's more sincere and not conducted in a P4P transactional situation. It only matters that the arrangement is meeting precisely what the other is seeking. Whether that's 1k or 10k a month in expenses is really irrelevant.

I would buy this whole "my sugar baby is more than a whore" thing if I did not read what some folks on this thread post on not so private forum. REAL sugar daddies do not discuss in detail how to get a free trial run out of prospective girls, do not post their pics, do not brag about getting X number of hours for 100 bucks, do not ask other mongers if they want to split expense of maintaining apartment for a girl, etc etc etc. Mongers looking for cheaper pros do.
There are always people who will attempt to game the system, whatever it is. I'm sure there are plenty of "hobbyists" trying to scam freebies, deep discounts, multi P4P deals, etc from providers, and we would all safely agree that they aren't the type legit hobbyists would want to associate comparison with. For those that are serious about pursuing an off-the-clock casual SB arrangement with mutual benefit, they aren't partaking in (most of) the above shenanigans (hey pics are always good, guys are visual learners!).
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You dont get it.

Its not all about the money sweet pea

This is what you obviously cant grasp.

Yes, they dont make 800 a week but they dont want to.

They want to be taken out, admired, have the door opened for them.

They are not in it for just the money.

Again, they.... are... not.... in .... it .... for.... just.... the ..... money

You are. Thats ok. You are not a sugar baby.

So lets look at a HYPOTHETICAL sugar baby...

I pick up a girl and we go do a little shopping, get something pretty for her to wear.
Then we have a little dinner and a drink or two afterwards.
We grab a room with a hot tub and I go out of the room to grab some bottled water (Yes, the mini bar has it there but wait, it gets better) Remember we went shopping?

I walk back into the room and I see a beautiful, young college girl with beautiful blue eyes wearing a Victoria outfit of a thong, corset and stockings. She is shy and smiling a little with that look of "Do I look ok?"

I drop the water bottles right there where I stand. Not thinking about them any more. Like they were not even there.

I walk up to her and smile and with out saying a word but mouthing the word "Wow"

She giggles a little bit and smiles knowing I really mean it. She was worried about what I thought of her. She cared to make sure the lines on her stockings were straight, she cared that her panties were in just the right area and her corset was pushing her breasts up just perfect. When I touched her she got goose pimples (This was our 3rd time together)

The night goes on and we wake up, I take her back to our spot where we meet (She walked a block in the rain to meet me there) She walks back to her parents house where she lives.

The next day she went to buy her mother a gift for her birthday. It was a few hundred dollars. She picked it up, swiped her green dot card and it said approved. She smiled again.

Or i can have an hour with you for the same price.

Can the math class be dismissed now?

Oh, you were off topic, my bad Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I am sorry but this hypothetical is disturbing. Wow. I will surely unleash hobbyist fury but Man v Child, seems to me. I find nothing sexy about that. But to each consenting adult their own.

p.s., I hope Lexxxi found what she was looking for.
In some markets. In mine it sure the hell isn't. For roughly a grand payout per month I get 22 years old, hot as hell, way less miles on her body, the list goes on and on and on. And that is just some Coach handbags, shoes, and misc stuff they want with no cash exchanging hands. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Hold up..ima let you finish..

I thought SD's were supposed to take care of all their SB's financial needs[car note,rent,bills,tuition] buy them gifts,take them out to eat,take them scuba-diving and rock climbing,fly them to Saudi Arabia and still drop the 2000-10k allowance in their accounts every month..on time?
ICU 812's Avatar
If you are a provider interested in the SD/SB model, then put that on your website and advertise on ECCIE tprofile hat you are available for it.

My former ATF did just that and has formally "retired" from being an Indy Provider/Escort.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Hold up..ima let you finish..

I thought SD's were supposed to take care of all their SB's financial needs[car note,rent,bills,tuition] buy them gifts,take them out to eat,take them scuba-diving and rock climbing,fly them to Saudi Arabia and still drop the 2000-10k allowance in their accounts every month..on time? Originally Posted by NubianPrince

Maybe in some markets but not mine...
I am sorry but this hypothetical is disturbing. Wow. I will surely unleash hobbyist fury but Man v Child, seems to me. I find nothing sexy about that. But to each consenting adult their own. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
So now we ARE defining the age of HDHs as 30 and up??

The boom in for-profit education, driven by a political consensus that all Americans need more than a high school diploma, has intensified efforts to recruit the homeless, Bloomberg Businessweek magazine reports in its May 3 issue. Such disadvantaged students are desirable because they qualify for federal grants and loans, which are largely responsible for the prosperity of for-profit colleges….

By 2009, these for-profit schools were raking it in—$4 billion in Pell grants and $20 billion in student loans provided by the Department of Education. Over 80 percent of the revenue for the for-profits came from federal loans and grants.

So, how was all this working? Graduation rates for private colleges are about 65 percent, for state schools about 55 percent, and for the for-profit colleges? Twenty-two percent.

Huh? So, for-profit colleges are netting $24 billion from the government and only graduating 22% of their students? It’s mindbogglingly. Fenn continues:

“The top executives for the top 15 for-profit colleges pulled in $2 billion last year. Two billion dollars, practically all taxpayer money.

And that student loan money?—the default rate at these for-profits is 43 percent!

"For the first time in history, a majority of workers 25 and over have attended some college."

Student Loan Bubble To Exceed $1 Trillion: "It's Going To Create A Generation Of Wage Slavery" And Another Taxpayer Bailout

I hope that ends the who is preying on whom debate. I am not sure JohnnyYanks fits this, but I get the impression that the ones most concerned about young people getting "preyed upon" are the ones doing the preying. The person beating off to an 18 year old doing porn, the NJ teacher who "struggles" on $80,000 per year, the elderly millionaire who wants the government to get the hell out of his Medicare, the tenured college professor who makes six figures but relies upon his TAs to do 90% of his teaching, the unemployed high school dropout making the equivalent of $52,000 a year in welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, and public housing. All these people are robbing from and preying on the young.

And I love Obamacare where Obama and the Dems point a finger at the uninsured who are mostly under 30 and says, "The problem with health care is that you all aren't paying enough."

But by all means, let's not judge the people who are actually taking from the 20 something girls by stealing their future. No, the real evil people are those middle aged and elderly men who are gasp giving these girls money.

To JohnnYanks and the rest of you, these girls aren't as dumb as you think they are. They know who is giving to them and who is really stealing from them.
I can see the SB/SD working for some people..but the truth of the matter is..
-It is still pay to play

-A mutual relationship means more than just.."i pay the bills..u cook,clean and take care of my sexual needs"
Even in the wife/husband situation..a husband is going to feel more secure his wife is an earner.She may be a stay home mom at the moment,holding the household down..but when the need arises,she can find a job with ease[due to experience,training,education] and would be more than happy to support the family whie her hubby is on the sidelines.
I dont think most husbands want a woman who would run into the arms of another rich man/turn to stripping/prostitution[no offense] to maintain her lifestyle as soon as her husband is unable to foot the bill.

-The SB is just a commodity to the SD..once she starts to depreciate in value,he will find a better one and he is allowed to with no questions asked ,right

-And when the SD loses his business,has to spend 6 months in jail,becomes incapacitated many of these SB's are going to stand by the side???
-Most SB's juggle multiple SD's and vice versa.The girls are trying to get the most money they can get from these lonely,rich guys and the SD's are trying to hit every young,tight snatch their money can buy.
I mean you have a wife,she has a live in is any of that exclusive?
One guy even mentioned being invited to her SB's wedding..good lord!
Is her boyfriend privy to any of this?does he have a job?is he faithful to her?
Are you that comfortable bbfs'ing a chick who is bbfs'ing some bum boyfriend who may be bbfs'ing other chicks out there?

-If the SB's depends on her SD for all her financial needs..and she has no other income coming IN whatsover..what happens when he decides its time to move ON??

Is he required to maintain her lifestyle til she finds a job?another SD??

-Also another thing you good folks have failed to some places [especially in Canada]this whole relationship may be consider 'common law' yeah tread

Imho..even if a provider makes 300$ a day[tax fee of course]..thats way more than what an average American worker makes daily.
If saved and spent wisely,she should have enough to live a decent life,travel and see the world.
It may require you to work for it..but at the end of the will be your money.
If you're going to stop providing to become an SB in order for some guy to provide all of the above for you,fine..just be realistic and have some contingency plans in place in case he decides to cut you off.

'Every SB is a provider,but not every provider is a SB..
One of my models has a SD and he's been taking care of her for 4 years (everything that bladtinzu mentioned). She continues to work so if he does cut her off, she's not stuck. They made that an understanding when the relationship started. I believe he met her at SWC when Peyton still owned it, back in 2008.
Hold up..ima let you finish..

I thought SD's were supposed to take care of all their SB's financial needs[car note,rent,bills,tuition] buy them gifts,take them out to eat,take them scuba-diving and rock climbing,fly them to Saudi Arabia and still drop the 2000-10k allowance in their accounts every month..on time? Originally Posted by NubianPrince

Will you be my SD???