I wasn't addressing you at all.They are married hon or haven't you heard?
I wasn't defending wakeup.
I wasn't even talking about wakeup.
I was addressing Dear_John, and was talking about and defending Valerie.
Please, step out of the conversation, especially if you don't get it, can't keep up, or have poor reading comprehension.
If Dear_John is your "good" guy, you can save your breath on that too because not only does he troll and be hateful in his own right (like everyone else), he's a world class hypocrite.
Too bad you're so ate up with it at wakeup that you didn't do your research.
I don't need your help here.
Thanks. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus

You defended Everlast previously and now another of the Circle jerk.
You know this, everyone else knows this, you are fooling nobody.
You are who you post with....
R Duke