At the time of the vote, the dims didn't have a memo for anyone to read; yet, the dims wanted the Republicans to vote for something they hadn't even created yet ... let alone allowed them to read. Hence, it's the dims who are obfuscating when they whine that they are being stifled. Originally Posted by I B HankeringActually that is not true, they had a memo....but the GOP said they hadn't read it yet!
Now what they could have done had they wanted transparency like they claimed....they could have then read the Dems memo and released them both.
Trumps man at the FBI does not want this released.
The GOP's on the committee are the legal Eric Snowden. They are no different. They just have legal cover.
Look....I hope they wind up releasing everything...all the FISA material in it's entirety. Let the country decide. Let's cut out these secret courts. Why have an intelligence committee? Let the people decide.
Hell let Putin have a say!