I am perpetually scatterbrained, I do actually have @DHD, I know some girls like to proclaim that they do, in order to get special doctor Prescribed privileges. And that’s OK until it’s not OK and then...you have most of our local examples.errrrrr most btw
I will be the first to admit when I fuck up, and I used to be one of those examples but I am no longer, my hands were idle and now they’re filled with a nice big titties, besides mine.
I often get on track and forget what I was going to say, that being said are you speech to text all the time and often am into much of a rush to go back and spellcheck so bear with me. Or don’t! be confused! Ignorance is truly bliss and it sucks that I am actually an intelligent human being Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
in a hook guys love a BSC scattered brain
own nope, rent hell ya