Well said The Rifleman ! And Scooby Doo too !
This is the Chump Virus !
He is the one Responsible for handling things !
He cannot claim ;
1.My experts let me down
2.China misled me
3.WHO did me wrong
In Jan he could have said ;
China and WHO are downplaying this thing
But I'm hearing from some of our intel that this could get bad
So I'm going to err on the side of caution and take some preventive steps
He has had a very erratic faltering response that has led to worse unemployment,worse economic depression,and much worse virus pathology
Obviously some bigtime IT guy needs some more information ;
Bill Gates is at least a 100 billion times smarter than Chump and all his little Chumpettes !
He is also 100 billion times richer !
He also has had a multi-billion dollar foundation for a number of years to advance World Health.
He is very advanced and knowledgeable concerning vaccine development and such.Viruses too.
Neither Chump or any of his stooge acolytes could even be in the same room with Gates to discuss anything to do with any of this.
Amateurs all !!
And by the way ; there is no way this will be under control by election day.
Over 150,000 dead.People with families so probably close to a million people catastrophically affected by Chump and his out of depth bullshit !!