It's funny jacuzzi, that you minimize everything that happens when truckers block free trade and markets and create billions in Lost revenue, but have such contempt for people who voice their distaste for physical oppression of blacks over decades. It's been said by many people that violence and riots are the voice of the unheard. So now we've heard the Truckers but you still only hear violence when it comes to BLM! It's funny you can hear the message of the truckers but not the oppressed colored people. Is it because you are a patent racist, or just choose to only see the rights of the hostage takers and trucks as being correct since they called their rally , a freedom rally? Can I ask you a question? How does somebody become so obtuse in life that they don't see oppression that has been a point of skin color, but can when it's a vaccine?
Originally Posted by eyecu2
More misinformation being spread by you. There was not " billions in Lost revenue" because of the truckers - that is a damn lie and you know it
As far as violence - the truckers have been PEACEFUL. BLM was NOT Peaceful. If you dispute that, there is no hope for you.
And once again, it is typical of libs when losing an argument to call the other person racist - which is what you have done yet again. There is nothing racial about this. But by you wanting to keep falsely claiming racism says more about you being a racist than anything.
Now - to the crux of the issue, answer this - Is this the first time since the Second World War that an advanced western democracy has invoked the maximum emergency powers it's allowed under the constitution over peaceful protests? Especially when the protests have been way below the threshold of violence, terror, etc? Do you support the Government having the ability to freeze the bank accounts and steal the contents of trucker protesters with zero due process and oversight?
Here is a guy from the Cato Institute who has been a critic of the protests and even he admits what the government doing is wrong and dangerous:
I've been a critic of the Ottawa disruptions, but today's edicts underscore how dangerous it is to arm government with the sort of financial and emergency powers that can bypass due process, bring targets to their knees without trial, and shred privacy. Don't let it happen here.
Instead of simply acknowledging the the God-given right of his fellow Canadians to make their own personal healthcare decisions, PM Justin Trudeau just declared war on them.