Lauren Boebert is a hooker.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree. Don’t understand your math.
Who cares if she has a tattoo? If every girl who had a tramp stamp was a provider we wouldn’t have to deal with a market full of nothing but hoodrats. Unfortunately, 99% of them aren’t. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Photos of her were part of her supposed profile on a sugar baby site (which we all know is full of prostitutes). She could easily disprove that the photo and profile are not her by showing she doesn’t have the easily identifiable tramp stamp. See that’s really simple.

Or she could admit the profile and photo are hers and change her claims to - jshe honestly thought it was a dating site not a prostitution site. Y’all would still believe that because her fans are stupidiotic.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not her responsibility to prove it’s not her, it’s the accuser’s responsibility to prove it is. I thought you were supposed to be a lawyer who should already know this.
lustylad's Avatar
It’s not her responsibility to prove it’s not her, it’s the accuser’s responsibility to prove it is. I thought you were supposed to be a lawyer who should already know this. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You're wasting your time, jacuzzme. 1b1 subscribes to libtard logic.

Libtard logic says if the accused is a conservative or a Republican, then the presumption of innocence is stripped away. Republicans are presumed "guilty until proven innocent".

Get it now?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Photos of her were part of her supposed profile on a sugar baby site (which we all know is full of prostitutes). She could easily disprove that the photo and profile are not her by showing she doesn’t have the easily identifiable tramp stamp. See that’s really simple.

Or she could admit the profile and photo are hers and change her claims to - jshe honestly thought it was a dating site not a prostitution site. Y’all would still believe that because her fans are stupidiotic. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

already been disproved sport.

At least one of the source’s claims can already be disproven. In the text message log, the source provided the PAC with a picture of what’s described as a picture of Boebert, wearing a short white dress, sitting on a bed. The source claims the photo was taken from Boebert’s profile on a sugar-daddy website. But the woman in the picture is actually Melissa Carone, a supposed voter-fraud witness cited by Rudy Giuliani, according to a Daily Mail report from 2020.

After The Daily Beast published this article pointing out the discrepancy, Wheeler deleted the white-dress picture from his anti-Boebert website. Wheeler says he’s investigating whether the Daily Mail accurately identified Carone as the woman in the picture.

what happens when you shine a light on cockroaches ... they take false claims off their website

Different photo sport. The photo that was disproved were of her in lingerie sport. Not the ones she used on her supposed sugar baby profile. Two different things.

As for the ignorance running through Lusty’s head. She has no obligation to disprove it. But if she’s gonna make these grand denials she COULD easily disprove it. Just like I can say you’re damned stupid when you type. You can easily prove my wrong by stopping doing so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Different photo sport. The photo that was disproved were of her in lingerie sport. Not the ones she used on her supposed sugar baby profile. Two different things.

As for the ignorance running through Lusty’s head. She has no obligation to disprove it. But if she’s gonna make these grand denials she COULD easily disprove it. Just like I can say you’re damned stupid when you type. You can easily prove my wrong by stopping doing so. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

where there's one fake photo .. it implies the others are too. since the entire story is based on "supposed" photos of her from an adult dating site.

so by your logic, or lack thereof, the only way you'll believe this is a manufactured smear campaign against Boebert is if she publicly shows her backside at a press conference.

"Wheeler says he’s investigating whether the Daily Mail accurately identified Carone as the woman in the picture."

just to ask, who's more likely to be right, The Daily Mail or Wheeler?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Daily Mail. Not OANN?
lustylad's Avatar
As for the ignorance running through my head... I can say you’re damned stupid when you type. You can easily prove my wrong by stopping doing so. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Or I can say 1b1 is too chicken to jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet without a parachute. Go ahead and prove me wrong, sport.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Daily Mail. Not OANN? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

OANN? never heard of 'em. are they credible?


perhaps you've heard of these fine news sources ..

Lauren Boebert is the latest conservative woman to get slimed

Liberals Rush to Spread Bogus Lauren Boebert Escort and Abortion Rumors

Those Lauren Boebert Escort and Abortion Rumors Are Almost Definitely Fake

now let's look at the "credibility" of the source of these accusations ..

A look at the group accusing Rep. Lauren Boebert of working as an escort and having abortions

Rep. Lauren Boebert threatens to sue PAC that called her ‘paid escort’

i see a retraction in the near future by the muckrakers ..

lustylad's Avatar
So the source is a Political Action Committee set up for the explicit purpose of engaging in "muckraking"? You mean the dim-retards are now abusing the political fund-raising rules to falsely smear Republicans?

Ya gotta hand it to those unscrupulous bastards - they are always the trail-blazers in our race to the bottom!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
“Almost Definitely Fake.”


Is that why you led off with the Daily Mail?

Pretty pedestrian effort there big fella!

Hope the slunt sues that PAC. It might all be bullshit - like anyone gives a fuck - but that stupid twat will have to sit through depositions. And at the end of the day, that all we need anyway, right?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
“Almost Definitely Fake.”


Is that why you led off with the Daily Mail?

Pretty pedestrian effort there big fella!

Hope the slunt sues that PAC. It might all be bullshit - like anyone gives a fuck - but that stupid twat will have to sit through depositions. And at the end of the day, that all we need anyway, right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

the reason old sport is obvious ..

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market newspaper and news website published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper.

kinda hard to claim a British newspaper is biased toward one side of the American political fence or the other, right??

and you do know that the original publisher of this nonsense is that American fair and unbiased source The New York Times, yes?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Daily Mail is tabloid trash. And you know it.

Nothing you say will change that. And the fact that you chose that as your lead source indicate where/how you build your arguments.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Daily Mail is tabloid trash. And you know it.

Nothing you say will change that. And the fact that you chose that as your lead source indicate where/how you build your arguments.

Fail! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

no defense of the NY Times, that fair and unbiased trusted source?

who's failing?