You are also mistaken in believing that I broke any of the event's rules. Yes, I arranged to spend some time with providers in attendance after the event and did so on most every occasion. BUT, (and this is a biggie) you seem to forget that escorting isn't illegal....I *could* be wrong about this...but I thinck not.
So tell ya' what, instead of riding CB's sack, mistakenly believing that I'm "piling on", and breaking my post down line-by-line, feel free to take it in its entirety and try and see some of the points I was trying to convey. The main one being that this bust/raid/pile-up wasn't a one-sided affair.
Both, the attendees who got pinched as well as the organizers have some culpability in this deal.
a) People got pinched by Elle.
b) and Elle was allowed into the event and allowed to "work the room" to get their pinch.
Both are screw-ups and both have different owners.
If you can't see that, well, sorry. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
I am still waiting for someone, ANYONE, to post ANYTHING that would actually help in future socialsCB, it's not that I'm "hating". You were one of the event coordinators, were you not? Well, like it or not, your chiming in kind of opens you up to the questioning and erroneously posting and not following up only compounds the situation and opens you up to even more questioning. I'm sure that most people would be willing to offer assistance/ helpful suggestions; myself included; but in order to do so, we kinda' need to understand what went wrong and where the in-place system broke down.
All the ones so quick to point a finger and jump on the bandwagon have yet to chime in as Tikkler asked and give anything or anyway to put on socials better.
And TMFT, you keep pointing out the obvious flaws in so many posts by the haters....and they keep falling on deaf ears. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
It makes it extremely difficult to offer ANY kind of help/suggestion when the story keeps changing.
You post on several different occasions that Elle slipped through by posing as a UTR. Hambone..err... THE Hambone, excuse me, posts that shortly after the bust, during the intelligence gathering process, the staff ordered him NOT to divulge any information to protect the fact they the knew what LE was doing... and how, after sifting through the gathered intelligence how he believed Elle gained access/entrance to the event and those beliefs ran parallel to yours.
Ck1942 comes in and says that you guys are wrong. That's not what happened."Does not matter what anyone has posted here or elsewhere regarding how LE managed to enter the venue. They did, and that's that." (I'm not even going to get into the shameless "plugs" for future events, which is really funny, nor am I going to get into his wanting DATA. The DATA lies in the arrest records).
Well, maybe it doesn't matter what anyone has posted, but it damned sure *should* matter that Elle was allowed to infiltrate the event and freely work the room to get their pinches. If *that* doesn't matter then we've learned nothing and we're all just setting ourselves up for another great big fucking pile-up.
With regard to the people arrested, it hasn't fallen upon deaf ears It's crystal fucking clear how they screwed-up and their story hasn't changed one bit; it remains the same.
How about shifting attention to any other screw-ups and how we can avoid any future ones.
You want suggestions? Okay. I'll give it a shot.
Let's say, for arguments sake that having Elle in attendance increases everyone's risk factor by what, 80% (?)...
How about trying to figure out how they got in and try to plug that gaping hole? That's probably a good place to start.
THE Hambone stated that the club's security was running the door for a while during the event.
Was this the weak link? Maybe not *the* weak link but definitely *a* weak link.
How about either working the door yourselves, maybe in shifts and definitely by people who are "in the know" and trusted. That might help; it damned-sure couldn't hurt.
I'm sure that I could come up with several more suggestions but it would help if you guys would get your stories straight. We can't help you if you don't help us.

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