Yes, Very inoccuous comments about her traveling and her job. Only to prove Mr. MBA-Wannabee wrong. I also mentioned you in a post, but not negatively in any way. Just because I did so does not give anyone the right to make disparaging comments.
Originally Posted by Budman
The 1st amendment apparently authorizes people to make "disparaging comments" so long as they are within the parameters of the Board guidelines as interpreted by the Mods. Quit whining. If you don't want your personal information rubbed in your face, then don't post it ... like it gives you some higher level of credibility. It does not! At least with me. Just a suggestion: Don't tear other people down just to make yourself look better.
If someone like you comes on here and makes factually incorrect statements, I, and anyone else, can challenge them. I did. You don't like it, so you, like many others on here, start the personal crap ... and name calling. Trailer Park Trash as far as I am concerned ... and at a minimum ... without class.
I don't trash people from New York, because they are from New York. Every time I have been to New York, I have enjoyed it and met some fine people. I ignored all the comments I had heard about New Yorkers being rude and inconsiderate. I have worked and/or traveled throughout the U.S. and outside of this country and rarely meet people that I find obnoxious and rude. There are always some. But one thing I don't do is look down on them, regardless of the education and/or background.
But when I run into someone like you, who wants to start criticizing and ridiculing people in Texas while looking down upon them, like you are something special and superior. ... I will address the issue in what ever manner I deem appropriate considering the source. And it makes no difference to me where they are from.
The primary reason I can work well in other people's "back yards" is I ACCEPT their way of doing things, although I will not engage in endeavors I find unethcial or illegal.
For what it's worth to you, I would refrain from spreading too much identifiable information about yourself on this or any other board. Particularly when you are from a small community like Cedar Park. I think you are an asshole, but also I would not want you to cause embarrassment to yourself or your familty by your identity being determined from specific informattion you posted on any board, even this one.
Move on. And let it go.
Or expect to get your bullshit rubbed in your face.