Three words

Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
Celebrate soldier’s death.

Rejoice cop’s death.

Praise America’s decline.

Truth hurts sometimes.

Thread is lame.

Please keep weeping.
Agree to disagree
Rosepetals's Avatar
It's chili season !
But not before
It's chili season ! Originally Posted by Rosepetals
And soup, too!
Making crab bisque!
SlowHand50's Avatar
Yum f*ckin' yum!
Exchequer's Avatar
Justice is served!

Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
English are cowards.

UK will burn.

Queen dies soon.

Remember British atrocities.
austin88998833's Avatar
Justice is served!

Originally Posted by Exchequer
Getting cold NWA

Hot tub season!

Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Touch down Arkansas
Exchequer's Avatar
Rule, Britannia! Britannia
rules the waves!

WMJ4657's Avatar
Ex got fucked
austin88998833's Avatar
You crazy Ex!
  • MrGiz
  • 11-07-2021, 12:42 AM
Please End This