Up yours USMC!

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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 08:07 AM
Your obsession with cum guzzling is disturbing.

Originally Posted by boardman
He has been banned to many times to count. My guess is he came back after he saw CC was no longer moderating this forum. Maybe our new moderator will wise up and ban him again for the 100th time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 08:07 AM
Are you fucking kidding me, fagboy? You lied repeatedly in this thread. You lied when you said Reagan lied about his WWII service record. You said Reagan falsely bragged about going overseas and seeing combat. When I called bullshit, you said ok, maybe he didn't lie about being in combat, but he lied about going overseas. When I trotted out 3 first-hand witnesses who were in the room when Reagan talked about his WWII service (#126 and #134), you said ok, maybe he didn't lie outright about being overseas, but he implied it.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I pointed out articles where Reagan distorted his service record not once but twice. Those were just the ones on the record I could find. ''My unit filmed the concentration camps...'' You found one where it was lost in translation but the translation was in fact just what he said later. ''My unit filmed the concentration camps...'' So nothing was lost in translation.

Implying that you did something is a lie. Reagan easily could have said , "I stayed at home in California making movies during WWII while my fellow actors who were assigned in my same cushy unit requested to get out of this and go fight... " He could have said, " My unit went overseas and filmed the liberation of the concentration camps , of course I never went. I stayed at home from doing even that safe from the battlefront job.''
LowRider69's Avatar
I pointed out articles where Reagan distorted his service record not once but twice. Those were just the ones on the record I could find. ''My unit filmed the concentration camps...'' You found one where it was lost in translation but the translation was in fact just what he said later. ''My unit filmed the concentration camps...'' So nothing was lost in translation.

Implying that you did something is a lie. Reagan easily could have said , "I stayed at home in California making movies during WWII while my fellow actors who were assigned in my same cushy unit requested to get out of this and go fight... " He could have said, " My unit went overseas and filmed the liberation of the concentration camps , of course I never went. I stayed at home from doing even that safe from the battlefront job.'' Originally Posted by WDF

Ummmm, dipshit, you do realize that Reagan's poor eyesight could have disqualified him from service but he went anyway doing what he can.....he sacrificed a lot of income to do that......WHAT A GREAT AMERICAN!
LowRider69's Avatar
He has been banned to many times to count. My guess is he came back after he saw CC was no longer moderating this forum. Maybe our new moderator will wise up and ban him again for the 100th time. Originally Posted by WDF
I am not those previous posters dipshit....take off your tin-foil hat you high school drop out......does my presence bother you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 08:21 AM
I am not those previous posters dipshit....take off your tin-foil hat you high school drop out......does my presence bother you? Originally Posted by LowRider69
Hey ...dipshit you were banned last time for changing the posters name and quotes. If we are allowed to do that , something like this could happen where it appears you are agreeing with me. This could be fun....I could start 10 threads as you...

The reason the chicken shit did not serve overseas was because he was chicken shit. The fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often he now has you parrots repeating the lie.

His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then—after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry—an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ).Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go "off to war." Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan "coming home" for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about "coming back from the war," like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted).

Read more:

Here is how a real fucking man navigates the system and gets put on the front lines.

Much to his chagrin, due to his celebrity status and extensive flight expertise (having tallied over 400 flight hours before even joining the military), Stewart was initially assigned to various “behind the lines” type duties such as training pilots and making promotional videos in the states. Eventually, when he realized they were not going to ever put him in the front line, he appealed to his commanding officer and managed to get himself assigned to a unit overseas.

http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/10/jimmy-stewart-was-a-two-star-general-in-the-u-s-military/ Originally Posted by LowRider69;
LowRider69's Avatar
Hey ...dipshit you were banned last time for changing the posters name and quotes. If we are allowed to do that , something like this could happen where it appears you are agreeing with me. This could be fun....I could start 10 threads as you... Originally Posted by WDF
I have never been to this forum before....I looked in the rules which are posted in the top thread and did not see that rule posted....are there rules for this forum which are not posted here?????????


I am a rule abiding poster.......before I joined this site, I read the rules to see what was permitted and not permitted....


I don't believe moderators are just gonna make up their own rules.....they just enforce the rules on the books....Also, this forum is special because it has limited rules......no moderator would start applying rules from the other forums to this one!

What moderators do is discuss potential new rules and put new rules in place if warranted.......

Sure my posts can be a tad bit harsh now and then, but that was the purpose of this forum.......
LowRider69's Avatar
Hey ...dipshit you were banned last time for changing the posters name and quotes. If we are allowed to do that , something like this could happen where it appears you are agreeing with me. This could be fun....I could start 10 threads as you... Originally Posted by WTF
I am getting a little tired of you swallowers falsely accusing me of being a previous poster, just because I use your lack of intelligence and immorality to humiliate you.....you seem to be the ring-leader of the tin-foil hat brigade.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 09:46 AM
I agree with WTF , Reagan was the worst President ever Originally Posted by LowRider69
Good for you, I knew you'd come around. So you served in the Navy with JD Cornhole

Yes....I joined the Navy to suck some dicks and for the free education it provided Originally Posted by LowRider69
After the Navy dis you do like JD and get another government funded job?

Sure did, I'm milking the government for all it's worth , just like the so called welfare queens. Originally Posted by LowRider69

Thanks for your honesty Marshy
LowRider69's Avatar
Good for you, I knew you'd come around. So you served in the Navy with JD Cornhole

After the Navy dis you do like JD and get another government funded job?

Thanks for your honesty Marshy Originally Posted by WTF

Living rent free in his head is like living in a double-wide without furniture!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2014, 01:15 PM

Living rent free in his head is like living in a double-wide without furniture!

Originally Posted by LowRider69
You don't bother me Marshall or you do bother me...whichever you choose to believe.

lustylad's Avatar
I pointed out articles where Reagan distorted his service record not once but twice... Implying that you did something is a lie... Originally Posted by WTF
Your so-called “articles” are the distortions, you dumbass. None of them contained any first-hand accounts of Reagan's actual words. By contrast, the June 4, 1984 column by William F. Buckley Jr. makes it abundantly clear that – not only did Reagan neither say nor imply that he served overseas in WWII - his White House staff immediately went out of their way to make sure there were no misinterpretations when the false accounts first appeared:

“The White House released a videotape, no less, of an appearance by the President in the East Room on April 30, 1981, at a Day of Remembrance ceremony. Said the President:

'I remember April '45. I remember seeing the first film that came in when the war was still on, but our troops had come upon the first camps, and had entered those camps. And you saw unretouched, no way that it could ever have been rehearsed, what they saw. Well, I am horrified today when I know that, and hear that there are actually people now trying to say that the Holocaust was invented.'

There is of course nothing there to suggest that the films Reagan viewed were taken by Reagan, who never left the United States during the war, and had never represented that he did.


If Reagan was in the habit of distorting his service record, as fagboy insists ("the fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often..."), isn't it very odd that this was never caught on tape and the people who were in the private meetings (including Sec'y of State George Schultz, a man of impeccable integrity) heard nothing of the kind?

lustylad's Avatar
This is VINTAGE FAGBOY. When you lose an argument, paint yourself into a corner, and look truly stupid and desperate, what do you do?


First he called me a liar. Now he is calling all these people liars too:

1. George Schultz, Secretary of State
2. Marshall Breger, White House advisor
3. Joanne Omang, Washington Post reporter
4. Marvin Hier, Rabbi and Dean of Simon Wiesenthal Center
5. Marty Mendelsohn, counsel for Simon Wiesenthal Center
6. William F. Buckley, Jr., author, commentator and founder of National Review

Looks like I am in pretty good company here. Fagboy wasn't even in the room, yet he insists everyone else is lying, not him. 30 years later, he is the one who knows what Reagan really said, not the people who were there. How desperate and pathetic. You got nothing, fagboy. Actually, you got less than nothing, because you just showed - once again - you aren't even man enough to admit when you got nothing. Originally Posted by lustylad

Update - what does fagboy do when he loses the same argument twice? HE TRIPLES DOWN ON STUPID, OF COURSE!

lustylad's Avatar
The reason the chicken shit did not serve overseas was because he was chicken shit. The fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often he now has you parrots repeating the lie. Originally Posted by WTF
For those who pay attention, fagboy gives us plenty of twofers and threefers - posts containing 2 or 3 lies. I found the above post to be worthy of special mention since it contains 4 separate lies!


1. The reason Reagan did not serve overseas was because he flunked the vision test.

2. Reagan never claimed he served overseas.

3. Reagan never "repeated the lie" that he served overseas.

4. No one on this board has "parroted" any claim that Reagan served overseas.

Is there some kind of pinocchio award we can give WTFagboy here? It takes real skill to pack 4 separate lies into such a short post!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your cum guzzling is disturbing....... Originally Posted by LowRider69
Has anybody seen LowRider69 and IBIDIOT in the same room together?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What is it about Reagan and his legacy that forces WTF and FuckZup to return to this one thread to flagellate themselves?