White Girls Bleed A Lot

Attachment 566404 Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Except for I Ba.
Dey Dindu Nuffin ! Juss AXE odummer an Eric Holdup an Loretta Lynch(mob) ! It sho anit dey fault dat dey be believing what dem dumascraps be selling dem ! Jus AXE da media who be at fault fo all dey troubles !!! Iss ok fo dem ta burn down they neighbors bidnesses like day did in Ferguson and put they neighbors and bidness owners out of jobs and they livelihoods ( in da 'hood ! ) ! De gubmint an obammy will be makin it arrrrright !
  • DSK
  • 11-12-2016, 04:57 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7e7sZYWNiU Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
In Case You Missed It -- ICYMI -- Black Lives Matter leader arrested for beating his girlfriend

He wanted her to get an abortion on his baby!

I would imagine he said something like, "Bitch, you ain't having my baby!"

To which she likely replied, " I am too!"

At that point, his violent nature ruled the day, and he committed a horrible crime, though not as bad a being a white racist, obviously.