Odds on Trump's Impeachment

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I dont know if they will get the bastard AKA TWLTLER but he is going to be going down a very slick road
and any twist and turn of his merry bunch of fellows may take a very wrong turn. only time will tell, but it does remind me of the GOP from a time most do not recall but seems all the same as this bunch might take the same type of road.

SNL Alec Baldwin Donald Trump Oval Office&Vladimir Putin Mocks Donald Trump’s Inauguration’s


SNL Donald Trump Perfectly Impersonated By Alec Baldwin 2/25/2017



Trump won the military vote 2-1 over Hillary Clinton and it is by no means Treason to support him. Fly your American flags and be proud you live in the USA.... Originally Posted by Fishy2

Good post, Fishy...I agree. I know I'm not a traitor for casting my vote for the Trump / Pence ticket.

And I, for one, will continue to proudly fly my flags at home: Old Glory in the front yard....and a State of Texas flag in the back.
(And, admittedly, a very tattered University of Texas "banner", as well... that one, however, flies just a tad less proud these days.)

Hearkening back to Grean's original title of said thread..."Donald Trump's Odds of Impeachment"...actually does have some numbers regarding odds currently being given:

According to latest odds (per Bovada online sportsbook):
Will Donald Trump Complete his (initial) Full Term as POTUS?

YES -275 (4 to 11) ie: bet $275 to win $100 back
NO +180 (9 to 5)
ie: bet $100 to win $180 back

Dublin-based Paddy Power has several other odds posted (which they are currently taking wagers on):

Trump Quitting: 11 to 8

Trump Impeached: 2 to 1 (btw, many are banging the monkey on this bet...Uker's think one's gonna pay off...lol)

Trump Re-Election (2020): 6 to 4

Other "fun ideas" you might slap a Quid or two down on:

Putin naming an airport after President Trump: 12 to 1

Trump selling Alaska back to Russia: 100 to 1

(That last one's not so bad actually; here's why....when citizen Donald Trump rode that escalator and announced his candidacy for prez, Paddy Power started him out at 150 to 1. Go figure...
themystic's Avatar
Thanks Moranite & Copier guy
What is really happening... From an American to a foreigner.
The USA is not going to become a third world hell hole. That's the bottom line. Before 1965 the United States was taking most of its immigrants from Europe. The european immigrants came from mostly a Judeo Christian background. That background helped determine economic and strategic alliances and was the bedrock of american culture and society. After 1965 the USA behind a major change in legislation opened the borders to prioritize immigration and bring people from Asia, Africa, Middle East, South America etc. The doors opened wide open for tons of immigrants to flood the country who not only did not share similar ethnic backgrounds but did not share the same cultural or religious loyalties. A power struggle has ensued over the last 30-40 years. We were taught in school that America was supposed to be a melting pot. Bring the cultures together and melt into one. That premise has been proven false. Instead we are finding that people who come into America will not melt and become America first. I Many in America have chosen Trump to restore what they consider to be our founding principles. American peace through strength. Capitalism. Self reliance. Morals. Belief in God. Law and Order. America First.
Originally Posted by Fishy2
this is equal parts bullshit and revisionist fantasy of something that never was. "judeo-christian" values indeed. if you care to read history, you know from actual books, you'll know that nativists always had a reason to loathe and fear new comers since 1700s...it's just that they always invented a new excuse for hating immigrants. first it was the irish and italians that were vilified due to their supposed loyalty to vatican over america, then it was fear of jews over their supposed centuries old hatred of christianity, hatred towards chinese and japanese over their "foreign ways", in 70s to 90s it was the fear of browning of america by christians from latin american and current day demonizing of everyone else that doesnt fit this made up "judeo-christian mold". I love how the far right revises history to suddenly make america into some monolith founded on values that never were. nothing wrong with being ignorant, just dont wear it so proudly on your sleeve. it makes you look glaringly stupid.
Why is this unfortunate? Your attitude seems akin to saying it's unfortunate that automobiles replaced horse drawn carriages because that would put buggy whip makers out of work. Folks will retain for better work or be left behind. Just like buggy whip makers. There going to have to change their attitude toward education and serious vocational training. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Oh, please don't be mistaken; I don't personally think these events are unfortunate. I only meant unfortunate from the standpoint of wanting more Americans in the factory labor force. Unfortunate in a sense that this issue may not have a solution at all because of other factors. Automation and benefits from technological advancement is something I think we should embrace and foster. I'm just worried that policy and society will be slow to adapt to it leading to complications.

It's hard for me to come to terms with Trump and his values because there might be just too large of an ideological gap. Not to pick on anyone, but lets take what Fishy said:

I Many in America have chosen Trump to restore what they consider to be our founding principles. American peace through strength. Capitalism. Self reliance. Morals. Belief in God. Law and Order. America First.
The problems is, I just can't agree with most of that. American peace through strength? To take the words of Einstein, "peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." Using power as a motivator for peace is one that relies on fear. The fear of the consequences and the ability to impose one's will on another. Problem is, what happens when you come across those that do not care for those consequences? Personally, I feel this is a reason why terrorism is such a problem. We can be the most powerful country in the universe, and they wouldn't care because the consequences mean nothing to them; achieving peace through power has no hold over those who don't care about the consequences that follow attacking a stronger power. Even if that power is used to dominate and suppress the hostility, I can not say that would be a good thing. At what point does using force to keep the peace become oppression and tyranny? Not to mention the possible hatred it could foster in those subject to it. Never ending fear and hatred in the name of peace.

Capitalism. Nothing wrong with that. Again, my ideals are, of course, dissimilar, but not relevant as I have no problems with this.

However, I do take an issue with the idea of self-reliance. I hate to bring up the whole robot shenanigans back up, but the popularity of that idea is why I am worried about the arrival of wide spread automation. We may very well be moving into a world where machinery and technology can and will take over many jobs in society. We simply won't need everyone working. Maybe even most, who knows. I may be interpreting you incorrectly, but I worry about how we take care of society when many people won't have a job because they simply won't need one. How will they take care of themselves? There are other problems as well. There are societal issues, problems that plague classes of people rather than just individuals, that makes the concept of self-reliance hard for me to prescribe to. Groups of people live in an inherently disadvantageous situation based on where they live, their color of their skin, access to healthcare, quality education, and so on. Of course on an individual level some people may have these problems and survive fine, and others may not even have them, but that is the distinction between a societal problem and a individual, personal issue. The problem is, I don't think it is reasonable to act under the assumption that everyone is on an equal standing and can rely on themselves to live life to the fullest.

As for morals, I'm not sure what you mean. Everyone has different morals, different values, I'm sure we all know this. However, I think this is a category to have too high of a variance to be a reasonable criteria.

Now, religion is a big one. The idea that belief in god is a founding principle to me is not reasonable. The founding fathers have said as much themselves. Regardless of their own personal beliefs, there is a lot of documentation and quotes representing the idea that they thought religion should have no part in the country in any manner. Still, they range from saying good character can be developed through religion to people like John Adams who said "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."

Of course you can find belief in god as a value in some of the founding fathers, they made it very clear that that belief is not a foundation of our nation (separation of church and state). It is important to remember that many early colonists were actually religiously prosecuted in Europe and fled to America as a result. For example, when England became protestant due to King Henry VIII in 1534 which led to a fair deal of misery for people. Many of colonists suffered and had to abandon their homes specifically because their original homes chose to use belief in god as a ruling value. I'll leave this section with just a few more quotes:

“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” -James Madison

“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” -Thomas Jefferson

“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.” - James Madison

“When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obligated to call for help of the civil power, it’s a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.” -Benjamin Franklin

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.” -Thomas Jefferson
“If I could conceive that the general government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded, that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.” - Geroge Washington.

So, I mean, regardless if the founding fathers were religious or not, to me it's pretty clear that their intent was to separate the idea of religion from government completely and that it should not be a basis or a value for how the nation should proceed. The very people that wrote the deceleration of independence the constitution were so vocal against that very value. That's how I see it, at least.

I've already made this into a winded post which wasn't my intent. I'll skip over law and order as I got nothing really to say there.

America first. That isn't the first time I heard or seen that phrase. To be blunt, that same line of thought was used to prevent Jewish refugees from escaping the holocaust. Congress denied botloads of them, thousands, for the very ideas that tie into the value of 'America First' (hell, Anne Frank died because she was denied entry into the US). I simply can not prescribe to a line of thought that boils down to 'Us vs Them.' And, the reason why I've seen that term used before was because it appeared in a political cartoon long ago

I never was aware of it, but Seuss beat us all to the punch and made several political cartoons specifically using the term 'America First'. And also, please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to tie anyone or anything specifically to hitler or nazis - that's just a consequence of good ol' Seuss.

Now I didn't mean to pick on Fishy, but what he said was a good example for me to demonstrate the sheer difference in ideologies. I can't support Trump at all because, well, my values just don't overlap. Anywhere. Not to say your values are wrong, I just can't agree with them as I explained above.
themystic's Avatar
Respect to you and your family for serving the country.

It is important we all take things in stride. We can't make too many assumptions.
I will tell you that when Obama was in office there were many that called him the anti-Christ. They said he was not American. A Muslim. A plant from a middle eastern Country. He favoured Palestine. He gave billions of Dollars to Iran. It wasn't a bad deal it was a gift. He didn't go after Saudi Arabia after 9/11. There were rumours and still are rumours that he gave money to orginazations like La RAZA and supports the BLM movement which has been shown time and again to be a hate group.
We sat back and took it in stride. I didn't like it. I genuinely think that Obama did the best that he could though. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I always tried to believe he was trying to help our country the best he knew how.
That's all we ask. The benefit of the doubt. Give Trump a chance.
I can tell you as well that I have family that has served in every war since the revolution and on both side of both the civil and revolutionary war. Things are not always clear cut. I have close ties and strong feelings for the country as well. Compromise is always needed. Global change has come quick to the USA. Most Americans voted for Trump because they want to maintain our borders, economy, culture, language, law and order and military. It's not nefarious.
Does Trump have ties to the Russians? I honestly don't know and I'm a huge supporter of Trump.
There is theories that Obama could have ties to the Russians. I don't know if that is true either. Their is conspiracy that Obama has ties ties to George Soros who is funding organisations throughout the country to stage protests and incite anarchy. I don't know if that's true either. These leaks that are trickling out through the NYT and the Wash Post may be coming straight from Obama and his connections in DC. The Deep State. A shadow government.
What do you choose to believe at a time like this?
The NYT? The Wash Post? Could all of it be true on both sides of the argument?
I am going to listen to the FBI and CIA directors and see how it plays out. Many good Americans voted for Trump over Hillary. He won the democratic election. The FBI has found no evidence that it affected the votes. They have no reason to believe it affected the votes. If we can't respect the results of a democratic election. We can't have a democracy. In life there are kings and pawns. In this game we are pawns. Under Obama I can thrive. Under Trump I can thrive.

Check out this link. Explains a lot about some the major changes happening in our country. Change is rapidly upon all of us.

Trump won the military vote 2-1 over Hillary Clinton and it is by no means Treason to support him. Fly your American flags and be proud you live in the USA

http://metrocosm.com/us-immigration-history-map.html Originally Posted by Fishy2
Fishy & Chateau. I respect both of you as human beings. Our view points probably aren't as far off in person , as politics and religion always seem to be when discussing or writing about them. But we clearly have some major differences of opinion concerning DJT. Your willingness to express your views without hateful overtones is very admirable. In fact Ive thrown out some loaded F-Bombs that haven't been very "diplomatic". Sometimes I get a little riled up. A great many right wingers seem to think of us liberals as a bunch of "pussy, tree hugging faggots" I'm one out of the three, and I'm not a "pussy" or a "faggot"

This thread has had way more Anti DJT sentiment than pro DJT propaganda-( see what I mean about the differences when writing, lol. Anti DJT is " sentiment", while pro DJT is "propaganda"). Sorry I was having a little sarcastic humor with a very serious subject, POTUS is about as serious as it gets in world and USA politics. Kudos for standing up for your beliefs in a respectful manner, for the most part. I'm still blown away with some of your reasoning, sources and "facts"

Fishy, your right. Many good patriotic American people did vote for DJT. I would put you and Chateau both in that category, even though I don't know either one of you. I base this on your replies on this thread

Your also right about DJT winning the Election. The electoral college is what defines the winner, not the popular vote. DJT won the Electoral College

Your also right about being able to thrive under DJT or Obama. I'm glad you feel that way. I appreciate you mentioning that. It says a lot about you as a person

Your wrong about Obama "gave" Iran billions of dollars for nothing. The money was Iran's money. It was frozen assets. This was not a gift or payoff " to be nice". There are still billions of dollars " frozen" due to human rights violations, etc. The $ 400 million payoff for hostages, I'm not sure, but it does look like a payoff or ransom money. I'm pretty sure the families of the hostages would gladly pay 400 million for their loved ones, if they had the money

Your logic for Obama didn't go after the Saudis for the 911 attacks. You totally lost me on this one. Bush was the President for 7 More years after 911, not to mention this happen on his watch. George W even said he wasn't concerned about finding Bin Laden. Obama was, and took him out. Of course none of the POTUS have fucked with the Saudis. Oil brother, Oil- (Note: Rex Tillerson CEO Exxon, I mean Secretary of State, I mean CEO USA. Drain them swamps Rex)

Fishy and CB you may have given Obama a chance and the benefit of the doubt, but your party certainly didn't from day one. McConnell, Ryan, Cruz, etc voiced this publicly from the beginning. There was no effort to cooperate. McConnell said he was committed to one thing only; making Obama a " one termer". He actually said that after Obama had been in office for 2 years already, but he refused to even listen to Obama from day one

Fishy and CB I I'm just curious

1. If DJT is found to be in collusion with the Russians concerning the election, communication prior to the election or known business dealings, Should he be impeached and indicted? " Lock him up, Lock him up"

2. Should Jared Kushner be removed from his role in the WH due to current already on the books rules regarding nepotism?

3. Should Jeff Sessions resign for deliberately lying to the FBI about his involvement with the Russians. Incidentally lying to the FBI is an indictable felony. Should he be indicted also. "Lock him up, Lock him up, Lock him up"

4. Wouldn't DJT releasing his tax returns put so many questions and doubts to bed? I mean really, DJT supporters don't care if he paid any tax on his income. Yall think that makes him a "smart businessman". And besides that, he really doesn't give a flying fuck if some tree hugging liberal like me thinks hes a selfish little prick who takes a lot, but doesn't seem to give a lot.

I know he released his business financials. I have to do that for my company all the time. Yeah, it tells you a lot about my company but it doesn't tell you everything about my personal life. I admit it reveals a lot, but not the type of information my personal return does

I just finished my personal taxes. It tells you how much I contributed to charities, money I made on investments, who I invested with, how much I spent on medical, etc. First he claimed it was under audit and his lawyer advised not to release, then he said he would release it after the audit was completed, then before the election, then after he was president and the finally he has Kelly Anne Conway say he wasn't going to release them. Then the WH peeps said she was speaking out of turn. What the hell is he hiding? I know, hes not required to release them. Good one DJT, because you don't have to

5. Why does he tell and tweet so many lies that have been proven to be lies. To many to list

6. Is he mentally ill?

Here is the big one, If DJT is proven to be in financial or political collusion with Putin / Russia, prior, during or after the election, will you demand he be indicted, impeached and jailed. If your answer is No, please take down your flags

PS: Do you have Mike Pence's email address? Hillary has some advice for him. "Lock him up, lock him up ......

PS: Where the fuck was Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at when Navy Seal Ryan Owens, and an 8 year old American girl-( daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki ) and 30 civilians were killed in Yemen. Remember DJT said we should capture, torture and kill the families of known terrorists. DJT wasn't bullshitting, he kept another promise. This was our new Commander In Chief DJT 1st military operation. Navy Seal Owens father refused to meet DJT. He called DJTs raid "stupid". The Fake Press reported that Tillerson was in Benghazi making sure that our embassy was safer. You remember how Hillary got all those people killed in Benghazi. Be sure to keep all the oil DJT. Rex knows a little bit about oil
themystic's Avatar
Oh, please don't be mistaken; I don't personally think these events are unfortunate. I only meant unfortunate from the standpoint of wanting more Americans in the factory labor force. Unfortunate in a sense that this issue may not have a solution at all because of other factors. Automation and benefits from technological advancement is something I think we should embrace and foster. I'm just worried that policy and society will be slow to adapt to it leading to complications.

It's hard for me to come to terms with Trump and his values because there might be just too large of an ideological gap. Not to pick on anyone, but lets take what Fishy said:

The problems is, I just can't agree with most of that. American peace through strength? To take the words of Einstein, "peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." Using power as a motivator for peace is one that relies on fear. The fear of the consequences and the ability to impose one's will on another. Problem is, what happens when you come across those that do not care for those consequences? Personally, I feel this is a reason why terrorism is such a problem. We can be the most powerful country in the universe, and they wouldn't care because the consequences mean nothing to them; achieving peace through power has no hold over those who don't care about the consequences that follow attacking a stronger power. Even if that power is used to dominate and suppress the hostility, I can not say that would be a good thing. At what point does using force to keep the peace become oppression and tyranny? Not to mention the possible hatred it could foster in those subject to it. Never ending fear and hatred in the name of peace.

Capitalism. Nothing wrong with that. Again, my ideals are, of course, dissimilar, but not relevant as I have no problems with this.

However, I do take an issue with the idea of self-reliance. I hate to bring up the whole robot shenanigans back up, but the popularity of that idea is why I am worried about the arrival of wide spread automation. We may very well be moving into a world where machinery and technology can and will take over many jobs in society. We simply won't need everyone working. Maybe even most, who knows. I may be interpreting you incorrectly, but I worry about how we take care of society when many people won't have a job because they simply won't need one. How will they take care of themselves? There are other problems as well. There are societal issues, problems that plague classes of people rather than just individuals, that makes the concept of self-reliance hard for me to prescribe to. Groups of people live in an inherently disadvantageous situation based on where they live, their color of their skin, access to healthcare, quality education, and so on. Of course on an individual level some people may have these problems and survive fine, and others may not even have them, but that is the distinction between a societal problem and a individual, personal issue. The problem is, I don't think it is reasonable to act under the assumption that everyone is on an equal standing and can rely on themselves to live life to the fullest.

As for morals, I'm not sure what you mean. Everyone has different morals, different values, I'm sure we all know this. However, I think this is a category to have too high of a variance to be a reasonable criteria.

Now, religion is a big one. The idea that belief in god is a founding principle to me is not reasonable. The founding fathers have said as much themselves. Regardless of their own personal beliefs, there is a lot of documentation and quotes representing the idea that they thought religion should have no part in the country in any manner. Still, they range from saying good character can be developed through religion to people like John Adams who said "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."

Of course you can find belief in god as a value in some of the founding fathers, they made it very clear that that belief is not a foundation of our nation (separation of church and state). It is important to remember that many early colonists were actually religiously prosecuted in Europe and fled to America as a result. For example, when England became protestant due to King Henry VIII in 1534 which led to a fair deal of misery for people. Many of colonists suffered and had to abandon their homes specifically because their original homes chose to use belief in god as a ruling value. I'll leave this section with just a few more quotes:

“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” -James Madison

“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” -Thomas Jefferson

“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.” - James Madison

“When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obligated to call for help of the civil power, it’s a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.” -Benjamin Franklin

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.” -Thomas Jefferson
“If I could conceive that the general government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded, that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.” - Geroge Washington.

So, I mean, regardless if the founding fathers were religious or not, to me it's pretty clear that their intent was to separate the idea of religion from government completely and that it should not be a basis or a value for how the nation should proceed. The very people that wrote the deceleration of independence the constitution were so vocal against that very value. That's how I see it, at least.

I've already made this into a winded post which wasn't my intent. I'll skip over law and order as I got nothing really to say there.

America first. That isn't the first time I heard or seen that phrase. To be blunt, that same line of thought was used to prevent Jewish refugees from escaping the holocaust. Congress denied botloads of them, thousands, for the very ideas that tie into the value of 'America First' (hell, Anne Frank died because she was denied entry into the US). I simply can not prescribe to a line of thought that boils down to 'Us vs Them.' And, the reason why I've seen that term used before was because it appeared in a political cartoon long ago

I never was aware of it, but Seuss beat us all to the punch and made several political cartoons specifically using the term 'America First'. And also, please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to tie anyone or anything specifically to hitler or nazis - that's just a consequence of good ol' Seuss.

Now I didn't mean to pick on Fishy, but what he said was a good example for me to demonstrate the sheer difference in ideologies. I can't support Trump at all because, well, my values just don't overlap. Anywhere. Not to say your values are wrong, I just can't agree with them as I explained above. Originally Posted by Moranite
Absolutely brilliant Moranite!

For some reason Republicans, a.k.a., " the religious right", the "moral majority" and other clever self imposed nicknames they give themselves, think that America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles and values. As you pointed out, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Heck it tells you in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence. Our founders beliefs were much closer to Deism and Animism than Christianity. I know that's a tough one to swallow for the fundamentalist Christian and the DJT brand of Christianity, which I'm still having a difficult time of putting the words Trump & Christianity together, but that's probably just me

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

For those who don't know, a general description of a Deist is one who believes in a Supreme Being, by their Creator but the laws of the Universe are based on natural laws. Mankind has the ability to reason and has " free will". You either are in tune with the laws or not. There is no "divine intervention". Please do your own research

The Animist, which is what the Native American closely resembled, basically believe that everything in the Universe is spiritual and has or is a soul. Humans, animals, plants, trees, etc. "the powers of the earth" That nature and all natural phenomenon are spiritually bound together. " " the laws of Nature and of Natures God". Even the rain, sun, and moon, etc are spiritually connected. Once again this is my brief description. Please do your own research.

As Moranite pointed out, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Thomas Paine, Addams and many others were clearly opposed to combining and connecting religion and politics. If they were trying to involve religion it certainly wasn't Christianity based on their ACTUAL WRITTEN WORDS. I didn't make this shit up, research it.

Our country was actually more closely patterned after the Native American, Iroquois Nation, or Confederacy. It is also sometimes referred to as the 6 Nations, thus the Iroquois Nation. The Iroquois chiefs were actually formally invited into the meeting rooms of the Continental Congress and had a tremendous effect on forming our democracy which was based on many of their ideas. The Iroquois Nation or 6 Nations had governed in this democratic fashion for almost 800 years. That is where the term, " The Noble Savage" comes from. I didn't make this shit up. Do your own research

The biggest difference between the Iroquois Confederacy and our Continental Congress is that we, the USA, did not include women in the democratic process. Its really astounding that women did not get the right to vote vote until 1920. The Iroquois had what they called the "Council of Grandmothers". They wanted the feminine nature of the women and their ideas. They respected the opinions of the women, as the givers of life. They realized women were quick to avoid conflicts, were wanting to nurture life instead of take life, etc. The feminine qualities of the woman. They also knew that the women wanted a strong man, a protector, etc. The Iroquois wanted the combination of the strength of the man and the love, femininity and heart of the women. 800 years!! I didn't make this shit up either. Do your own research

So DJT ,"grab them by their pussy, and they let you do anything you want when your a star, she was married and I tried to fuck her but she wouldn't give it up". I have this habit of randomly just going up to a woman and start kissing them, that's why I always like to have tic tacs on me" When your a star you can do that."

" If Hillary cant satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America"

" Yeah shes really something, and what a beauty that one. If I weren't happily married and you know, her father...."-Quote about Ivanka Trump. My thoughts: Is that weird, sick, incest, what is that?

" Now someone who a lot of people don't give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton. Ive know Paris since she was 12. Her parents are friends of mine and the first time she walked into the room and I said who the hell is that?" My Thoughts: Really Donald, 12 years old. Parents are your friends? Wow you really are a sick fuck Pedophilia sick, child molester behavior and mentality. I didn't make this shit up. Research it

Is this what DJT has envisioned to " Make America Great Again"- What a fucking Loser

It just keeps getting better and better lol. The dumbass has called out Obama. Un fkn believable. When the time comes Obama will kick his dumbass. I can't wait.

Even Bush has already called him a dumbass about his fake news rants. The clown has no twitten clue lol. Guess he thinks THIS (Obama lie) will make the Russian thing go away
sirkul's Avatar
It's hilarious how he keeps trying to distract and blame others for this but we all can see the writing on the wall. This is bigger than Watergate and it will come out. The pressure keeps mounting.
It just keeps getting better and better lol. The dumbass has called out Obama. Un fkn believable. When the time comes Obama will kick his dumbass. I can't wait.

Even Bush has already called him a dumbass about his fake news rants. The clown has no twitten clue lol. Guess he thinks THIS (Obama lie) will make the Russian thing go away Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It's hilarious how he keeps trying to distract and blame others for this but we all can see the writing on the wall. This is bigger than Watergate and it will come out. The pressure keeps mounting. Originally Posted by sirkul

When the pressure mounts and the NEWS media are getting closer to the truth, create a DISTRACTION.
To fuckin funny, as if we can't figure that one out.
TRUMP needs a new game plan and a new twitter account.
TRUMP is just lucky it's not the LAW to show your tax returns.
History tells us, (from his casino days)
whatever trumps says, the opposite is true.
we have a record of his lies:




PeterBota's Avatar
Absolutely brilliant Moranite!

For some reason Republicans, a.k.a., " the religious right", the "moral majority" and other clever self imposed nicknames they give themselves, think that America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles and values. As you pointed out, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Heck it tells you in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence. Our founders beliefs were much closer to Deism and Animism than Christianity. I know that's a tough one to swallow for the fundamentalist Christian and the DJT brand of Christianity, which I'm still having a difficult time of putting the words Trump & Christianity together, but that's probably just me

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

For those who don't know, a general description of a Deist is one who believes in a Supreme Being, by their Creator but the laws of the Universe are based on natural laws. Mankind has the ability to reason and has " free will". You either are in tune with the laws or not. There is no "divine intervention". Please do your own research

The Animist, which is what the Native American closely resembled, basically believe that everything in the Universe is spiritual and has or is a soul. Humans, animals, plants, trees, etc. "the powers of the earth" That nature and all natural phenomenon are spiritually bound together. " " the laws of Nature and of Natures God". Even the rain, sun, and moon, etc are spiritually connected. Once again this is my brief description. Please do your own research.

As Moranite pointed out, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Thomas Paine, Addams and many others were clearly opposed to combining and connecting religion and politics. If they were trying to involve religion it certainly wasn't Christianity based on their ACTUAL WRITTEN WORDS. I didn't make this shit up, research it.

Our country was actually more closely patterned after the Native American, Iroquois Nation, or Confederacy. It is also sometimes referred to as the 6 Nations, thus the Iroquois Nation. The Iroquois chiefs were actually formally invited into the meeting rooms of the Continental Congress and had a tremendous effect on forming our democracy which was based on many of their ideas. The Iroquois Nation or 6 Nations had governed in this democratic fashion for almost 800 years. That is where the term, " The Noble Savage" comes from. I didn't make this shit up. Do your own research

The biggest difference between the Iroquois Confederacy and our Continental Congress is that we, the USA, did not include women in the democratic process. Its really astounding that women did not get the right to vote vote until 1920. The Iroquois had what they called the "Council of Grandmothers". They wanted the feminine nature of the women and their ideas. They respected the opinions of the women, as the givers of life. They realized women were quick to avoid conflicts, were wanting to nurture life instead of take life, etc. The feminine qualities of the woman. They also knew that the women wanted a strong man, a protector, etc. The Iroquois wanted the combination of the strength of the man and the love, femininity and heart of the women. 800 years!! I didn't make this shit up either. Do your own research

So DJT ,"grab them by their pussy, and they let you do anything you want when your a star, she was married and I tried to fuck her but she wouldn't give it up". I have this habit of randomly just going up to a woman and start kissing them, that's why I always like to have tic tacs on me" When your a star you can do that."

" If Hillary cant satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America"

" Yeah shes really something, and what a beauty that one. If I weren't happily married and you know, her father...."-Quote about Ivanka Trump. My thoughts: Is that weird, sick, incest, what is that?

" Now someone who a lot of people don't give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton. Ive know Paris since she was 12. Her parents are friends of mine and the first time she walked into the room and I said who the hell is that?" My Thoughts: Really Donald, 12 years old. Parents are your friends? Wow you really are a sick fuck Pedophilia sick, child molester behavior and mentality. I didn't make this shit up. Research it

Is this what DJT has envisioned to " Make America Great Again"- What a fucking Loser

Originally Posted by themystic
You sick fuck
butterfryman's Avatar
current at 5Dimes......

Donald Trump - Presidential Propositions
January 20th, 2021
Wed 1/20 11 Donald Trump is President on 1/20/21 -115
8:00AM 12 Donald Trump not President on 1/20/21 -125

Donald Trump - Presidential Propositions
January 1st, 2018
Mon 1/1 1 Donald Trump is President on 1/1/18 -600
8:00AM 2 Donald Trump not President on 1/1/18 +400
butterfryman's Avatar
For those confused.....

IF....offered a shot to nail his daughter....he would (likely) decline

BUT....what guy SEXUALIZES his relationship with his own kid?

Do you RESPECT a grown-ass man that mentions his ONE year old daughter's BREASTS?

Or...if you asked him if it's OK to refer to his own daughter as a piece of ass....he says....okey dokey sure she's a piece

Or...if he asks you....is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your 13 yr old daughter...than your wife?
*draft for a Washington Post interview....cut by editor

Or.....what do you have in common with your daughter?.....1st thing that comes to mind?....as with ANY proud father....Trump said well SEX of course!.........cool huh?

what guy doesn't put his teen age daughter on his CROTCH?
butterfryman's Avatar
looks like photos didn't make it....just google Trump and daughter disgusting ha