If the Feds Won't Do It...

John Bull's Avatar
MediaMatters.org is a liberal group so I don't think the "lies" they quote are necessarily correct. There are too many to go into en masse but the first several are opinions of theirs opposing opinions of his and then they call him a liar. That's easy. We could do the same here.
Does Beck go overboard sometimes? Yes! Does he get on a rant and let his mouth take him where his brain should tell him not to go? Yes! But does he come up with a whole bunch of info that no one else is putting out there about this administration and others before it? You betcha, Red Ryder!
Sa_artman's Avatar
wild racist and anti capitalist spending spree Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What you talking about Willis?

It would be nice if you backed up some of your statements with sources or data. Some of this is just plain wrong. [I suspect your biggest problem is you listen to FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I tried the easy way of quoting you, but the quote within your quote didn't come through.

It would be nice if you backed up some of your statements with sources or data. Some of this is just plain wrong. [I suspect your biggest problem is you listen to FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh.]

Originally Posted by rocker
Arizona rocks! It's about time someone stepped up
to the plate and try to something about the alarming
rate of Illegals in their state. It'll be interesting to see how far AZ gets with trying to enforce a totally federal function.

Its one thing to be here illegelly, but to look
the other way and reward them with food stamps,
wellfare, free healthcare, and many other perks that
most Americans cant get. Since the Clinton administration, undocumented immigrants have no right to food stamps and welfare. And under the Obama plan, they don't get free healthcare. The only thing available is live saving measures, and no health care provider can legally turn away anyone whose life is in danger.

I for one hate the fact that my tax dollars are
being used to support these people, not to mention
the crime and devastation where ever they go.
Its time to take back America and send them all
back and make them go through the proprer channels
to get here. I'd like to see you support the statement that your tax dollars are supporting undocumented immigrants. Check out the statistics posted in another thread on a similar topic by Sydneyb: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=269119&postcoun t=52.

I think its a Joke when another country tell's us
how to run our country and let all their people come
here. And we're not telling other countries how to run their country??? How about Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan; not to mention all the other countries we try and tell what to do with their countries. Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? I hope Arizona can make it happen, if so, hell
I might leave Mexico, I mean Texas and move to Arizona.


My comment:
They get it because their natural born American children get it. I personally think there needs to be a parent of any age or legal guardian (over the age of majority) that is American for any minor children to be eligible for entitlements. Further, entitlement programs take stated income for proof of income. I know for a fact that xyz person may make $500 per week cash, but report $300 or whatever the poverty line is.

I have no desire to keep Mexicans out. Their culture is beautiful and, as WTF has pointed out, the cost vs benefit is in our favor. I just think they need to be documented and not received entitlements they aren’t entitled to.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2010, 04:17 PM

so dont assign illogic to me or to the protestors..its quite logical albeit late Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I assigned irony AND illogic. If you are not linear in your thought process then I will assume you are just another Tea Bagger dressed in conservative clothing. Pat Buchanan is a conservative, not any of you cats that are willing to wage endless wars are true conservatives. You have no trouble spending my money on YOUR pet projects. Ya'll seem to never get that point. You wanna cut taxes and then start a WAR! Simply amazing. Where were you then? Where were your protesters then?

No I'm not assigning anything other than the truth.....and the truth is that it is illogical for you to want to take my taxes (or load me up with debt) for your pet projects and not want me to do the very same thing to you. I get that. You Tea guys have never understood that point. Probably never will.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2010, 04:26 PM
! But does he come up with a whole bunch of info that no one else is putting out there about this administration and others before it? You betcha, Red Ryder! Originally Posted by John Bull
The best by far is Dylan Ratigan. He actually knows his shit. Beck does have some true libertarians on that know their shit from time to time. But Glen Beck is just a parrot. He needs experts on to sort the shit for him and at the end of the day, he falls to the right more times than not when he is confused which is to damn often for me. Dylan Ratigan never cuts the fast talkers any slack. Like I said, he knows the shit as well or better than the hucksters. He calls out both parties. He follows the money ..... My kina guy, cuts to the chase.
atlcomedy's Avatar
My comment:
They get it because their natural born American children get it. I personally think there needs to be a parent of any age or legal guardian (over the age of majority) that is American for any minor children to be eligible for entitlements. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

If you are not linear in your thought process [blah, blah, blah] . Originally Posted by WTF
@WTF commenting on someone else's thought process.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2010, 04:54 PM

@WTF commenting on someone else's thought process..... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I admit that I am not linear at times and am just smart enough to know why. Some of these cats cry for the Fed's to step in on things they want and cry like a baby when they step in on things they don't want. Kinda like that stupid little Louisiana Governor. Cut his state response on oil disaster yet cries for the Fed's money to clean up that shit hole!

amen Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You be nice to the lil Mexican children....some might be mine!

We spend a pittence on their children. If we are going to cut welfare for children, cut it for all. That includes kids with poor ass parents that were born right here and then had kids they could not afford.

Be linear. If it is a bad idea, it is a bad idea. Same with inheritance. Those kids ain't done nothing to earn a pile of money. Let'em all go to school hungry, I say. That'll produce some go getters!
John Bull's Avatar
The best by far is Dylan Ratigan. He actually knows his shit. Beck does have some true libertarians on that know their shit from time to time. But Glen Beck is just a parrot. He needs experts on to sort the shit for him and at the end of the day, he falls to the right more times than not when he is confused which is to damn often for me. Dylan Ratigan never cuts the fast talkers any slack. Like I said, he knows the shit as well or better than the hucksters. He calls out both parties. He follows the money ..... My kina guy, cuts to the chase. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't know Dylan Ratigan so can't comment on him but Beck has called out practically every president since Woodrow Wilson. I'd say he's an equal opportunity bitcher. I even heard him call out the Sainted Ronaldo Maximus once.
I assigned irony AND illogic. If you are not linear in your thought process then I will assume you are just another Tea Bagger dressed in conservative clothing. Pat Buchanan is a conservative, not any of you cats that are willing to wage endless wars are true conservatives. You have no trouble spending my money on YOUR pet projects. Ya'll seem to never get that point. You wanna cut taxes and then start a WAR! Simply amazing. Where were you then? Where were your protesters then?

No I'm not assigning anything other than the truth.....and the truth is that it is illogical for you to want to take my taxes (or load me up with debt) for your pet projects and not want me to do the very same thing to you. I get that. You Tea guys have never understood that point. Probably never will. Originally Posted by WTF
dont even know where to start to pierce the hardshell of assumption, projection, misstatement and defensiveness.
The supreme court...

ok so kagan is up to replace stevens...
did you notice the idiotic minority opinion on the right to keep and bear arms by stevens...?

his point ...scurried to by the other 3 liberals on the supreme court was basically..well having guns can be bad...

what about the CONSTITUTION and not your personal wants?

5 to 4 decisions on how to read a sentence is because 4 of them refuse to read the sentence.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 10:21 AM
dont even know where to start to pierce the hardshell of assumption, projection, misstatement and defensiveness. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Little Tea Pots have trouble piercing much of anything.
Little Tea Pots have trouble piercing much of anything. Originally Posted by WTF
you're still my gay buddie, right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 10:39 AM
you're still my gay buddie, right? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Like Gilligan and the Skipper!
Like Gilligan and the Skipper! Originally Posted by WTF
how many roses for a three hour tour?
Rudyard K's Avatar
I assigned irony AND illogic. If you are not linear in your thought process then I will assume you are just another Tea Bagger dressed in conservative clothing. Pat Buchanan is a conservative, not any of you cats that are willing to wage endless wars are true conservatives. You have no trouble spending my money on YOUR pet projects. Ya'll seem to never get that point. You wanna cut taxes and then start a WAR! Simply amazing. Where were you then? Where were your protesters then?

No I'm not assigning anything other than the truth.....and the truth is that it is illogical for you to want to take my taxes (or load me up with debt) for your pet projects and not want me to do the very same thing to you. I get that. You Tea guys have never understood that point. Probably never will. Originally Posted by WTF
Your arguments are not linear…unless you count a dotted or dashed line as linear.

Your opinion on wars…and the costs to society associated with such wars…may be valid or it may not. It is easy to enumerate the costs of the U.S War Machine. Dollars spent equals cost…and all of that cost is borne by society. But it is much harder to enumerate the cost to society of failure to act. What if we hadn’t tried to stop Germany in WWII? Would the US be better off or worse off? Would we have spent more or less money, over the course of the years, dealing with the ramifications of such inaction? Were there more lives saved over the years, or more lives lost? What about Iraq I or Iraq II? Eastern Europe? The Arms race? The naval war machine? Any answer is speculative. And you imply that saving the war machine money will be less cost on society. That could be correct…or it could cost more.

Any thinking person recognizes that there are all kinds of variables to actions…and “inaction” is an action. Do police patrols lessen crime? One can’t just compare crime in a patrolled area to one that is not and draw the conclusion. Other factors have to be measured. Is the economy of each area the same? Are there more stay at home parents in one area versus the other who might spot a criminal? Is one area more likely to have home ownership of guns? Is one area better educated than the other? The answer to many of these questions can be ascertained…but the effect that they have on the cost to society is an opinion. Would society be better off saving the cost of police patrols in favor of an “as needed” response system? Using your thought process regarding the war machine…then the answer would be yes. But such a thought process does not deal with alternative costs. And as such, that is not lineal thinking…it is thinking without dealing with the universe of things that need to be considered.

Like insurance. If everyone could figure out how often they were going to have some kind of claim…they would know whether to buy insurance or not. But they can’t. So, the prudent person buys as much insurance as he believes is prudent…to cover the unknown.

Like BP’s fiasco in the gulf. There is no telling how many millions of dollars…or even billions of dollars…have been saved by BP by cutting this corner or that corner over the years. But with one big “Aw Shit” they have used up a lot of that savings…maybe more than that savings.

Once you have figured out how to predict all the alternative outcomes, and their costs, of actions or inactions...you won’t need a hooker board…you’ll own all the hooker boards…and we’ll ordain you the mighty OZ. Until then, it just opinions…and no better than the next man’s.

So, since your agruments are not linear...are you a Teabagger?