Putting folks on ignore

Boardman I love your avatard!
boardman's Avatar
Boardman I love your avatard! Originally Posted by Dannie
Thancks Sugar MILF. That's me in my Ninja Cat days.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I don't think people should really care how another utilizes their ignore button....If you don't like it don't use it, if it works for you, then that's fine too...

I could care less if someone uses their ignore button, or has me on ignore...

Some people seem to be reading way to much into it, it's just a bloody forum setting...how anyone else chooses to use theirs is not my business, nor do I care... Originally Posted by Valerie

I don't think that anyone cares who uses the ignore button or not really..... I think maybe its just an attempt to understand why people use it or feel the need to use it...... While you and I personally have different views as to using the ignore, doesn't mean I'm not interested in the reasons why you choose to use it........ Not that I (or most people here) care so much who uses the ignore option or not as we are just curious as to a general reasoning people do........

Poof!!! I'm gone!!


I'm not saying Hi to Wakeup...... He's a meanie.... and I don't encourage bad behavior.... even if he's posting kittah pics....
onehitwonder's Avatar
Well I can understand that. It is always good to look at things from both sides.

I can't comment on Houston people being ignored because I do not have any of them on my
ignore list (I used to). Sure there are maybe two of you that I am not too fond of but I'm sure it's
because I haven't taken the time to get to know that person/understand that person's POV.
Every time those two post I am dying to read what they have to say. The ignore button wouldn't do much good for me in that case now would it? Nope. I may not agree with them but their posts are fun to read. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
An absolute honest post...well fu* k......if she keeps this kinda stuff up I'm gonna end up likin' her......
Eccie Addict's Avatar
[SIZE=4]Leave him alone, Ansley. That may be his 1st post that didn't contain the time honored "lol." We're pleased with EA's progress, and don't want him starting another thread about your +1 inquiry - which BTW, I concur is the single most idiotic and useless post on any Internet Message Board. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Oh I would never start a thread as ridiculous as that but this is the first I've heard mention of my "lol"..... This is kind of a problem because I am sure you guys know as you're reading this that it's suppose to be humorous but I don't know how else to insure y'all know it without putting..... Oh kiss my ass!!
Wayward's Avatar
Strangely enough the only one off topic is Valerie, but she and JaD are having a nice conversation and we can all multi-task around it.
Wayward's Avatar
Well I can understand that. It is always good to look at things from both sides.

I can't comment on Houston people being ignored because I do not have any of them on my
ignore list (I used to). Sure there are maybe two of you that I am not too fond of but I'm sure it's
because I haven't taken the time to get to know that person/understand that person's POV.
Every time those two post I am dying to read what they have to say. The ignore button wouldn't do much good for me in that case now would it? Nope. I may not agree with them but their posts are fun to read. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi you haven't been ignoring us and your unabashed curiosity is charming, as is your honesty. Most of us are more than a little forgiving and you are a very young lovely woman so we are even more predisposed to forgive you. Sure we may want to spank you from time to time, but that is just foreplay.

I love that you thinck getting to know someone a little better might provide you with more ensight into the way they post or why. I've always believed the slightly, well sometimes more than slightly mentally unstable women in this thing of ours are the best BCD. I also thinck that being emotional is not a bad thing, I want that passion and fire it makes life better. So the occasional board meltdown is at least to me something of a mating call. It is also not difficult to see that the ladies that get their feelings hurt easily, wear those feelings on their sleeve all the time, not just on the boards but also in the bedroom.
Wayward's Avatar
While I'm not the hunter, I am partial to the level of intimacy and passion that can only TRULY be achieved when there is a connection beyond what you can get out of the first visit. I've danced, skipped, and played hopscotch with that 'line' we talk about never crossing in the hobby...but fuck it, the sex is better when you are friends and it is something much more intense than any illusion of passion you'd get in a first encounter. For me, sex improves over time instead of plateauing. But, WALDT.

This isn't to say that first encounters can't be every bit as exciting and intense...getting strange pussy/cock can totally be thrills-a-minute (in most cases that can be taken literally).....it's not that one is better than the other, they are just different kinds of exciting like Six Flags vs Hurricane Harbor. Both fun, just different.

I've got all the info I needed. I am done here. Originally Posted by Dannie
I couldn't have said it any better, we love living out where the buses don't run. Stepping over the lines and going faster and faster, till the trill of speed over comes the fear of death; to paraphrase Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. For those of us jaded by the common place pushing the limits isn't just exciting it's almost become required. I don't want my partner to be following a script. So much better to write a new song together, you can't do that in the first hour no matter how wonderful that first hour may be.

Poof!!! I'm gone!!

. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
No you're not ....you don't bother me
Actually, my true crushes are Sixx, Ike, Chica, DED, and DH but I doubt I could umm "handle" any of them. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Wow London we have a list in common...
London Rayne's Avatar
Wow London we have a list in common... Originally Posted by amusemeant
Careful...some folks get testy when you post comments that don't coincide with their masterpiece of a thread.

Careful...some folks get testy when you post comments that don't coincide with their masterpiece of a thread.

LOL! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Naomi4u's Avatar
An absolute honest post...well fu* k......if she keeps this kinda stuff up I'm gonna end up likin' her...... Originally Posted by onehitwonder

Naomi you haven't been ignoring us and your unabashed curiosity is charming, as is your honesty. Most of us are more than a little forgiving and you are a very young lovely woman so we are even more predisposed to forgive you. Sure we may want to spank you from time to time, but that is just foreplay.

I love that you thinck getting to know someone a little better might provide you with more ensight into the way they post or why. I've always believed the slightly, well sometimes more than slightly mentally unstable women in this thing of ours are the best BCD. I also thinck that being emotional is not a bad thing, I want that passion and fire it makes life better. So the occasional board meltdown is at least to me something of a mating call. It is also not difficult to see that the ladies that get their feelings hurt easily, wear those feelings on their sleeve all the time, not just on the boards but also in the bedroom. Originally Posted by Wayward

Thanks for the kind words.

I believe that if we put the energy we put into making someone feel bad into getting to know them then this would be a happier place. Before, when someone would insult me, my initial reaction would be to insult back but now I'll ask them "Why are you picking on me?" (In private) and try to find out where that person is coming from than attack them. If they are someone that I absolutely can't stand I'll just leave them alone. I mean... aren't things better that way? Well of course! It is elementary and we should already know this but a lot of us forget this.

I thinck people also forget to say I'm sorry when they offend someone. I also thinck that insulting people is a form of therapy for some here and that is just sad. Wayward, don't you think that that's "Just plain mean?" I'm actually a naughty girl. My no BS approach has gotten me into trouble a lot around here so I am no Mother Teresa. I just like it when everyone is at peace not provider attacking provider, provider attacking hobbyist and hobbyist attacking hobbyist. We should be able to have a conversation and not make someone so angry that they have to actually use the ignore button.

Everyone has the right to use the ignore button. No one should get mad if they're put on ignore and if they do.. well.. that's funny
London Rayne's Avatar
Ok did you like find God since yesterday...you're scaring me Naomi. HAAAAAAA love it!
Fine - and Darth Maul is on my list too.

I don't have anyone on ignore...I would have to G.A.S. before that could happen....

is that better?