Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2013, 10:12 AM
Here is where the GOP is going to run into problems...People like me are waiting for the system to be fixed, when it is there will be a surge of people signing up.

This is where Obama will have a problem....if they do not fix the server problem(s)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 10:53 AM
Here is where the GOP is going to run into problems...People like me are waiting for the system to be fixed, when it is there will be a surge of people signing up.

This is where Obama will have a problem....if they do not fix the server problem(s) Originally Posted by WTF

when and if the program does become more user friendly what do you want to bet all of these doomsdayers will be online checking their current policy price against the 50 other policy options they have ... and what do you want to bet if they can save $25 bucks by switching, you and I will NEVER hear a word about it...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Absolutely. I'm guessing half of these assholes are already claiming their government handouts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Absolutely. I'm guessing half of these assholes are already claiming their government handouts. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
None of them got there before you, DOTY Assup! And I'm not going.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Medicare already, Whiny?

Or haven't you ever paid taxes?

One or the other.

Please answer which one it is.
RedLeg505's Avatar
will be online checking their current policy price against the 50 other policy options they have Originally Posted by CJ7
They will HAVE to, since so many thousands have already gotten notices that their existing insurance policies have been discontinued because of Obamacare. But then, that was the point wasn't it? To hammer the middle class folks, the 85% that liked what they had, so the folks too selfish to put aside the money to buy their own insurance, could get some government freebies?

So yeah CJ, when and if Obama's "A-Team" (which couldn't get it right at the start with 600+million and 3 years, will somehow manage to get it 100% right in 30 more days) fixes the web site, all those folks that got kicked off their existing polices, despite Obama's promise "You can keep your insurance if you like it", will have to buy it from the government exchanges and since their aren't all dirt poor students in Graduate Degree programs, they'll have to pay through the nose to help offset the 'subsidized' policies Obama followers will get.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They will HAVE to, since so many thousands have already gotten notices that their existing insurance policies have been discontinued because of Obamacare. But then, that was the point wasn't it? To hammer the middle class folks, the 85% that liked what they had, so the folks too selfish to put aside the money to buy their own insurance, could get some government freebies?

So yeah CJ, when and if Obama's "A-Team" (which couldn't get it right at the start with 600+million and 3 years, will somehow manage to get it 100% right in 30 more days) fixes the web site, all those folks that got kicked off their existing polices, despite Obama's promise "You can keep your insurance if you like it", will have to buy it from the government exchanges and since their aren't all dirt poor students in Graduate Degree programs, they'll have to pay through the nose to help offset the 'subsidized' policies Obama followers will get. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Do you understand who's selling the policies?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Medicare already, Whiny?

Or haven't you ever paid taxes?

One or the other.

Please answer which one it is. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not on Medicare, and I have paid more than my fair share of taxes. You are wrong again, DOTY Assup!

RedLeg505's Avatar
Do you understand who's selling the policies? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You mean the guys Obama is trying to put out of business? Why is a 50 year old couple required to buy a policy with Contraceptive and neonatal care as mandated by Obamacare?
  • Laz
  • 10-25-2013, 09:20 PM
when and if the program does become more user friendly what do you want to bet all of these doomsdayers will be online checking their current policy price against the 50 other policy options they have ... and what do you want to bet if they can save $25 bucks by switching, you and I will NEVER hear a word about it... Originally Posted by CJ7
If this is true then the program will be a great success and the penalty tax would be largely unnecessary since people will voluntarily sign up. If you are wrong, which based on the information currently available you probably are, then the program will be a dismal failure. People will choose the tax over an overpriced policy which has huge deductibles.

I hope someone calculates the true cost of this program. The increased insurance premiums plus the subsidies plus the taxes. Then calculate the true benefit of people being insured. With high co-pays and huge deductibles the doctors or hospitals will still be stuck with a lot of noncollectable accounts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not on Medicare, and I have paid more than my fair share of taxes. You are wrong again, DOTY Assup!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mean the guys Obama is trying to put out of business? Why is a 50 year old couple required to buy a policy with Contraceptive and neonatal care as mandated by Obamacare? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Do you have to buy that policy? Or are you being covered by your employer?
Do you have to buy that policy? Or are you being covered by your employer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Retard... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Offended by the word "RETARD"...LOL