Another health care thread.

at least doctors have jobs...but no longer are they self employed ... they now work for the government...

well... we all do even more so now than before

one guy years ago explained the government to me..he said it was like we were dog paddling in a vast ocean..waves swelling...each of us were struggling to stay afloat...

and sitting on our shoulders..holding onto our heads ..wearing a life jacket, with an innertube around its waist.. and floaties on its arms..was the federal government..and tethered to the government... in a life boat was an ever growing snarling mass of ne'er-do-wells, scammers, work off the bookers, and just plain lazy assholes....we all may go down but the government will be the last to sink

i heard theres to be 15,000 new IRS agents to gestapo you to administer this intrusion for obama...maybe thats too many.... but heres where you can apply

U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

the Office of Personnel Management provides policy leadership and expertise on a variety of Governmentwide pay programs for Federal employees, including the General Schedule (GS), Law Enforcement Officer Pay Schedules, and the Federal Wage System (FWS).
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm waiting for RK to accuse me of thinking it is GWB's fault Originally Posted by discreetgent
Geez, DG. I thought you wore that badge with honor. I didn't know there was a pity party.
PJ, I'll take that bet Originally Posted by discreetgent
You are on. $20 says Stupak is defeated.
dearhunter's Avatar
Taxes will go up

Services will go down

Repubs will blame the Dems

Dems will blame the Repubs

The doctors will unionize

Healthcare as we know it will die the death of a thousand cuts..........the first cut is the deepest.

Kick the Dems out for being socialists

Kick the Repubs out for being stupid

Kick all of the fuckers out.
Godwin's law:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

(When one invokes such a comparison, it's generally pretty clear that he's losing the debate.) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
It is even more telling regarding the lack of mental horsepower of the epithet hurler, when they attempt to use Nazi's as the opposite of Socialists. In fact, they are quite similar from an economic perspective. The Nazi's formal name was originally the Nationalist Socialist Party and they were formed to protect the "working man" from evil big business. Gee, that sounds vaguely familiar.
Kick all of the fuckers out. Originally Posted by dearhunter
discreetgent's Avatar
You are on. $20 says Stupak is defeated. Originally Posted by pjorourke
discreetgent's Avatar
Word!!!!!! Originally Posted by pjorourke
As long as it's all of them ..... double word!!!!!!!!!!
Rudyard K's Avatar
As long as it's all of them ..... double word!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by discreetgent
I guess that would be worth the $20.
discreetgent's Avatar
I guess that would be worth the $20. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Might be enough for PJ and I to go to a bar and not worry how many $20 we each spent lol
I'll drink to that!
Rudyard K's Avatar
Might be enough for PJ and I to go to a bar and not worry how many $20 we each spent lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
And you never invite me!? A man of slightly more frail emotional balance might be hurt.

Surely you two fat cats can spare a beer or two.

Surely you two fat cats can spare a beer or two. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

i think beer can be medicinal....sort of ala medical marijuana..under obamacare you might all be able drink free on the taxpayer and save your twenties
i think beer can be medicinal... might all be able drink free Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I see no downside to that!