Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

Never had one. Originally Posted by AceMan56
yea whatever you just joined they all say that
yea whatever you just joined they all say that Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Shake your head. The rocks are rattling.
Shake your head. The rocks are rattling. Originally Posted by AceMan56
Free Dorfy Advice::
This post wasn't a reply to you. It was more for the perusal of anyone else reading your uninformed posts.
And it's not classy for someone to decline sending you nudes. That's business. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
No it isn't the business norm. It's not a good idea to send photos. It's best to try to keep as much control over your photos as possible. You never know if you are sending them to somebody who will distribute them elsewhere, or use them for blackmail purposes.
A classy person finds class in everyone. Even TG!
Anneke's Avatar
I take exception toward your general attitude but agree that saying one is classy doesn't make it so. Why don't you try a google search with keywords? Elegant, upscale, classy, escort.

If you go to the provider's website you should get a very good feel for her ability to be articulate and aware of what is going on in the world. Format, presentation, text all say a lot. Send her an articulate email. I don't mind corresponding with someone who can write an interesting missive as long as it's not explicit.

If she insists on texting that's a big clue. I'm sorry but in my opinion, texting is not a courteous form of communication. She should be able to write an email or carry on an interesting conversation on the phone without compromising herself or you. Read her journal if she has one. Look for online posts and blogs. They should come up in the search engines.

I rarely use references any longer. I prefer to screening otherwise so not all are adverse to accepting newbies or insist on references.

If you find her reviews you'll know right away whether she's facially attractive. It's obvious why most do not show their faces. As a very mature provider I've felt I must. But it's certainly reasonable that they do not.

I think most gals will meet for conversation/cocktails/dinner with a tribute AND screening. It's those of you who think that can happen without proper verification first. Where I live, you can get arrested for probable cause with a conversation date.

Visit more upscale escort websites.

Good luck. We ARE out there.

Anneke Van Buren
Wakeup's Avatar
How many decades have you been slinging your pussy for money?
I'm scared off by your hate statements about the providers you don't value. Do you even like women? Thank God you revealed your creepiness for all providers to see. I wish all the hateful, disrespectful cretins would be this upfront.
You are an ugly man based on your statements. Ugly on the inside trumps any outward appearance.
Honestly, who told you you're fit to judge anyone?
Ugh, consider the source my ladies.
^^ Are you referring to the OP? or?
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I take exception toward your general attitude but agree that saying one is classy doesn't make it so. Why don't you try a google search with keywords? Elegant, upscale, classy, escort.

If you go to the provider's website you should get a very good feel for her ability to be articulate and aware of what is going on in the world. Format, presentation, text all say a lot. Send her an articulate email. I don't mind corresponding with someone who can write an interesting missive as long as it's not explicit.

If she insists on texting that's a big clue. I'm sorry but in my opinion, texting is not a courteous form of communication. She should be able to write an email or carry on an interesting conversation on the phone without compromising herself or you. Read her journal if she has one. Look for online posts and blogs. They should come up in the search engines.

I rarely use references any longer. I prefer to screening otherwise so not all are adverse to accepting newbies or insist on references.

If you find her reviews you'll know right away whether she's facially attractive. It's obvious why most do not show their faces. As a very mature provider I've felt I must. But it's certainly reasonable that they do not.

I think most gals will meet for conversation/cocktails/dinner with a tribute AND screening. It's those of you who think that can happen without proper verification first. Where I live, you can get arrested for probable cause with a conversation date.

Visit more upscale escort websites.

Good luck. We ARE out there.

Anneke Van Buren Originally Posted by Anneke
I don't blame you for not dredging through 15 pages - but my attitude has changed. I wish ECCIE offered the ability to modify OP beyond the 60 minute mark.

Remember, this was my very first post on ECCIE, written out of frustration in trying to browse through provider ads and continually finding goods not as advertised, or the goods being advertised not those I was shopping for.

The rest of your advice - especially about communication - is well given, well received, and already in practice.

Happy Hobbying! I would take you out on a night on the town just to hear tales of some of your stockpiled incredulity.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
^^ Are you referring to the OP? or? Originally Posted by SNL9933
No one knows who she is referring to or what she is saying, but at least she is consistent. And interestingly, her attitude matches her pictures quite well!
CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
Well I am not over $350, but I can guarantee I am not only a gem but a true treasure, How does a session rate gauge your true core worth? My clients are not made of money, and they deserve as much pampering and spoiling as a man of wealth. They deserve to enjoy the finer things in life too, even if it is just for a short time.

I do miss my mansion days, shopping sprees, fine foods.... but if I had not been humbled with homelessness, loss and utter ruin I would not have become a balanced sensualist, artist, alchemist, and teacher. So if a rate over $350 is the only way you become part of the diamond crowd I probably won't ever make the ranks. And by the way... I have dated a Texas Cowboy, A Rock Star, Producers, Executives, Promoters and a few Heirs$$$$ and that was BEFORE I started charging lol. Oh and I never mind my face being out there........ my youtubes are proof of that... I work under my real name in fact. Because you should never do something you don't enjoy and you should never do something that embarrasses you. just my 2 cents I will now go back to my corner.
Well I am not over $350, but I can guarantee I am not only a gem but a true treasure, How does a session rate gauge your true core worth? My clients are not made of money, and they deserve as much pampering and spoiling as a man of wealth. They deserve to enjoy the finer things in life too, even if it is just for a short time.

I do miss my mansion days, shopping sprees, fine foods.... but if I had not been humbled with homelessness, loss and utter ruin I would not have become a balanced sensualist, artist, alchemist, and teacher. So if a rate over $350 is the only way you become part of the diamond crowd I probably won't ever make the ranks. And by the way... I have dated a Texas Cowboy, A Rock Star, Producers, Executives, Promoters and a few Heirs$$$$ and that was BEFORE I started charging lol. Oh and I never mind my face being out there........ my youtubes are proof of that... I work under my real name in fact. Because you should never do something you don't enjoy and you should never do something that embarrasses you. just my 2 cents I will now go back to my corner. Originally Posted by CarlaHollandStrange
This is some real shit right here tell them girl
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Well I am not over $350, but I can guarantee I am not only a gem but a true treasure, How does a session rate gauge your true core worth? My clients are not made of money, and they deserve as much pampering and spoiling as a man of wealth. They deserve to enjoy the finer things in life too, even if it is just for a short time.

I do miss my mansion days, shopping sprees, fine foods.... but if I had not been humbled with homelessness, loss and utter ruin I would not have become a balanced sensualist, artist, alchemist, and teacher. So if a rate over $350 is the only way you become part of the diamond crowd I probably won't ever make the ranks. And by the way... I have dated a Texas Cowboy, A Rock Star, Producers, Executives, Promoters and a few Heirs$$$$ and that was BEFORE I started charging lol. Oh and I never mind my face being out there........ my youtubes are proof of that... I work under my real name in fact. Because you should never do something you don't enjoy and you should never do something that embarrasses you. just my 2 cents I will now go back to my corner. Originally Posted by CarlaHollandStrange
Now here is my kinda lady..
Well said darlin..