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GP - you may not have had multiple handles, but you're one hypocritical s.o.b. Originally Posted by Perryay
Perryay -- I do think I know some of what you speak, but I would soften that stance some myself because I think that being a Mod changes a person's relationship to this Board. I do realize that you can go back a couple years and find posts from GP that may be diametrically opposed to his current posts. However, we all present our views based on our current situation and current knowledge base. It is possible , in my mind, to see how a person could have one set of opinions as a member, but then change that set of opinions when more information became available to him as a Mod. He may see things that he didn't see before or may see the same things in a different light.

It is obvious that being a Mod changes a person or at least changes that person's relationship to the Board based on the half life of the Mods and the seemingly changed views of some of those who stay.
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  • GP
  • 01-03-2014, 12:51 AM
Perryay -- I do think I know some of what you speak, but I would soften that stance some myself because I think that being a Mod changes a person's relationship to this Board. I do realize that you can go back a couple years and find posts from GP that may be diametrically opposed to his current posts. However, we all present our views based on our current situation and current knowledge base. It is possible , in my mind, to see how a person could have one set of opinions as a member, but then change that set of opinions when more information became available to him as a Mod. He may see things that he didn't see before or may see the same things in a different light.

It is obvious that being a Mod changes a person or at least changes that person's relationship to the Board based on the half life of the Mods and the seemingly changed views of some of those who stay. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
woah! that was deep, I never really put that much thought into it. Believe it or not, the same shit still bugs the hell outta me, but now I have a job to do first and can't be as outspoken as I used to be. Plus I have learned that I try not to sweat the small stuff and other stuff is completely beyond my control. Sometimes a little bit slips out now and then, but the voices in my head keep yelling at me to keep quiet.
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or, power corrupts
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Time to come home dude Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Nice to be Missed But, I'm still here!!! I Just don't Hobby any more!!
Perryay -- It is possible , in my mind, to see how a person could have one set of opinions as a member, but then change that set of opinions when more information became available to him as a Mod. He may see things that he didn't see before or may see the same things in a different light.

It is obvious that being a Mod changes a person or at least changes that person's relationship to the Board based on the half life of the Mods and the seemingly changed views of some of those who stay. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Taskmaster - I can appreciate that sentiment, at the same time, the new Mod should have an appreciation of what it's like without that new found knowledge base. The new Mod also should not go on a vendetta against members who's views differ from his. BTW Taskmaster - why could I believe that your past moniker may have also been mentioned earlier in this thread. Happy New Year.

Believe it or not, the same shit still bugs the hell outta me, but now I have a job to do first and can't be as outspoken as I used to be. Plus I have learned that I try not to sweat the small stuff and other stuff is completely beyond my control. Sometimes a little bit slips out now and then, but the voices in my head keep yelling at me to keep quiet. Originally Posted by GP
GP - I'd love to believe that's true. But all I see is you sweating the small stuff and carrying on against members who don't like your style of moderating.

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OSD - Very nice!

Nice to be Missed But, I'm still here!!! I Just don't Hobby any more!! Originally Posted by Vern0065
Glad you're well Vern - Happy New Year to you also!
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  • GP
  • 01-03-2014, 10:16 AM
The new Mod also should not go on a vendetta against members who's views differ from his. Originally Posted by Perryay
What specific views have differed that caused me to go on this so called vendetta?
Time to come home dude Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Nice to be Missed But, I'm still here!!! I Just don't Hobby any more!! Originally Posted by Vern0065
I think OSD meant to say he misses vern0064. LOL
gaijin1969's Avatar
What specific views have differed that caused me to go on this so called vendetta? Originally Posted by GP
I think you hold it against me that I find your avatar creepy as hell.
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  • GP
  • 01-03-2014, 11:14 AM
I think you hold it against me that I find your avatar creepy as hell. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
damn straight. I take great offense to people who dis my avatar LOL
jokacz's Avatar
At least it's warm in Florida ;-)
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Nice to be Missed But, I'm still here!!! I Just don't Hobby any more!! Originally Posted by Vern0065
good to see your out there somewhere
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 01-03-2014, 01:58 PM
Nice to be Missed But, I'm still here!!! I Just don't Hobby any more!! Originally Posted by Vern0065
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  • Doove
  • 01-03-2014, 02:35 PM
The new Mod also should not go on a vendetta against members who's views differ from his. Originally Posted by Perryay
Our battles notwithstanding Perryay, i'm sure you're a good guy. Nevertheless, i really do think you need to do a better job of accepting the fact that the person whose views you disagree with isn't necessarily always the one "starting shit".

Perhaps i'm speaking out of turn since i don't know what's gone on behind the scenes, but from my perspective, since becoming a mod GP has been more than tolerant and reserved in his dealings with those who have been pounding on him on an almost daily basis.

At least his public dealings. And believe me, it pains me to say anything nice about the guy. But in this case, i think i need to.
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  • GP
  • 01-03-2014, 02:39 PM
What if I said I like getting a daily pounding? or was that giving? lol