In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

at MY direction, I have ordered as many as..and then at MY direction I will

why does this idiot have such ingrained grandstanding language in all he says?
She actually agreed with Cheney's assessment Originally Posted by LexusLover
Leave it to The Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, to distort and twist actual words to his own twisted version of the facts.

According to the Politico article, Megyn's exact words were: "history has proven you (meaning Darth Cheney) got it wrong." There is no other way to interpret those words other than Darth Cheney got it wrong.

But as usual, LexiLiar has his own interpretation in his never ending attempt to distort the facts leading up to the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.
LexusLover's Avatar
According to the Politico article, Megyn's exact words were: "history has proven you (meaning Darth Cheney) got it wrong." There is no other way to interpret those words other than Darth Cheney got it wrong. Originally Posted by bigtex
Like a lot of your other "assessments" ... you just had to be there to know.

And you were MIA on the interview, ....

.... so you rely on a retread, makeover, cherry-picked quote. Go figure!

Lying again, are you, and using propoganda to do it.

Did you actually hear the interview, or were you "sipping" again?

The ARTICLE was "clear" .... clearly wrong! And NOW YOU ARE!

Just as WRONG as you have been on your "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" bullshit conclusions ...

....... looking at banners and not substance.

Your envy overwhelms you!
Like a lot of your other "assessments" ... you just had to be there to know. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I did not have to be there. I had the actual printed words.

While on the subject LexiLiar, why don't you share with us your interpretation of the actual printed words in the following question asked by Megyn Kelly.

"History has proven you (meaning Darth Cheney) got it wrong."

I know what my interpretation is.
Like a lot of your other "assessments" ... you just had to be there to know. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And while your giving us your interpretation on the Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, why don't you share with us your interpretation of Glen Beck's latest take on the subject.

Let's try these printed words on for size! Shall we?

"From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t. At the time I believed that the United States was under threat from Saddam Hussein. I really truly believed that Saddam Hussein was funding terrorists. We knew that. He was funding the terrorists in Hamas. We knew that he was giving money. We could track that. We knew he hated us. We knew that without a shadow of a doubt. It wasn’t much or a stretch to believe that he would fund a terror strike against us, especially since he would say that. So I took him at his word.

[...] Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes. You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have."

Beck even went on to say the following quote: "George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't prosecute it (meaning Iraq) right.

Once again, I know what my interpretation is!

Looks like LexiLiar's struck out twice tonight! To make matters worse, he never took the bat off of his shoulder! Let's give LLIdiot a hand.
Right wingers will defend anything.
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  • 06-21-2014, 08:11 AM
at MY direction, I have ordered as many as..and then at MY direction I will

why does this idiot have such ingrained grandstanding language in all he says? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
When you have a hate filled heart....grandstanding is all you hear.

Love all Americans nevergaveitathought, not just your kind
Blame Bush. It gets old.

Bottom line, Bush handed over a mostly stable Iraq to Obama. Obama blew it.
Blame Bush. It gets old.

Bottom line, Bush handed over a mostly stable Iraq to Obama. Obama blew it. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
LOL define "stable".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Blame Bush. It gets old.

Bottom line, Bush handed over a mostly stable Iraq to Obama. Obama blew it. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
That is utter bullshit.

Bush had NO FUCKING BUSINESS in Iraq. Period. He lied, Thousands died.
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  • 06-21-2014, 02:49 PM
Blame Bush. It gets old.

Bottom line, Bush handed over a mostly stable Iraq to Obama. Obama blew it. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Move to Iraq and help them with your own money and life....quit asking others to fight your fight.
LOL define "stable". Originally Posted by i'va biggen
LOL define "Independent".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Like a lot of your other "assessments" ... you just had to be there to know.

And you were MIA on the interview, ....

.... so you rely on a retread, makeover, cherry-picked quote. Go figure!

Lying again, are you, and using propoganda to do it.

Did you actually hear the interview, or were you "sipping" again?

The ARTICLE was "clear" .... clearly wrong! And NOW YOU ARE!

Just as WRONG as you have been on your "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" bullshit conclusions ...

....... looking at banners and not substance.

Your envy overwhelms you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I saw excerpts on the "Daily Show". I saw the whole thing on Fox.

Where did you see a version that left any doubts?

From FoxNews Politics.

Kelly began by quoting liberal Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman:

“‘There is not a single person in America who has been more wrong and more shamelessly dishonest on the topic of Iraq than Dick Cheney, and now as the cascade of misery and death and chaos, he did so much to unleash raises anew, Mr. Cheney has the unadulterated gall to come before the country and tell us that it's all someone else's fault.’

The suggestion is that you caused this mess, Mr. Vice President. What say you?”

Cheney responded with his standard defense: “I think we went into Iraq for very good reasons. I think when we left office, we had a situation in Iraq that was very positive… What happened was that Barack Obama came to office, and instead of negotiating a stay behind agreement, he basically walked away from it.”

Kelly came back hard:

“But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well in Iraq, sir. You said there were no doubts Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You said we would greeted as liberators. You said the Iraq insurgency was in the last throes back in 2005. And you said that after our intervention, extremists would have to, quote, ‘rethink their strategy of Jihad.’ Now with almost a trillion dollars spent there with 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say, you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?”

Cheney stuck to his guns:

“We inherited a situation where there was no doubt in anybody's mind about the extent of Saddam's involvement in weapons of mass destruction. We had a situation where if we -- after 9/11, we were concerned about a follow-up attack, it would involve not just airline tickets and box cutters as the weapons, but rather something far deadlier, perhaps even a nuclear weapon.”

Except there were no WMDs or nuclear weapons.

Whether you agree with the decision to invade or not, and whether you believe Obama made a mess of the aftermath or not, this was accountability in action.
The latest Cheney offensive, which began with a Wall Street Journal op-ed written with Liz, who recently withdrew as a Senate candidate in Wyoming, has drawn intense criticism. A debate was already brewing over whether the media should give a platform to the likes of Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Paul Bremer and other pro-war advocates to make the case for renewed military intervention in Iraq now that terrorists have seized nearly a third of the country.

CNN’s Don Lemon, for example, declared “the fact that Dick Cheney has the gall to offer anyone advice on Iraq is laughable, except it’s not funny.”

But the more stinging critique comes from the right, from folks who might be expected to be sympathetic to Cheney.

Fox News contributor Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner: “The former vice president simply does not take into account the Bush administration's failures in Iraq. Reciting President Obama's own failures, Cheney writes: ‘Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.’ There's a remarkable lack of self-examination in that line.

“It's not that Cheney, with a crisis raging, should write a piece apologizing for decisions made years ago. It's just that any article pointing out the Obama administration's mistakes in Iraq would be far more credible if it included even a brief admission of the Bush administration's errors, too.”
LOL define "Independent". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not sucking down the party Kool aid.
After repeatedly debating this subject with LexiLiar since the spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, it is apparent to me that LLIdiot actually believes :

1) The Shrub and Darth Cheney both walk on water.
2) The loss of 4500+ American soldiers in Iraq, at a cost of almost $1 trillion was merely the cost of "doing bidness."
3) As long as a Republican President authorizes a similar invasion, he would do it again, in a heartbeat.
4) If a Democratic President authorizes a similar invasion, he would be the first to criticize the decision.