Jackie our girl Condalisa

LexusLover's Avatar
...I bet they would not be happy with you displaying it on a Escort Forum..... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're "ASSuming" he didn't seek pre-approval...

... and they are still laughing their assess off at the question!
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 12:52 PM
You know.. I NEVER post on here however this "Sgt" fellow is such a vile POS I'll happily call him out. I'll be in San Antonio on Thursday 5/19 arriving at airport Stinson Municipal(SSF) at approx 11:00 AM. What about 210 Sports Cantina & Grill located at 1946 SW Military Dr at say... 6:00 PM?You won't have a bit of trouble finding me. Ask for Douglas. Message me for # needed
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 12:59 PM
You know I wish for one day I would resort back to my younger MOB days - I seen many grown men cry like little babies - it would be no different with you ass clowns Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Here you go Luke_Wyatt. You know.. I NEVER post on here however, you, Luke_Wyatt, are such a vile POS I'll happily call you out. I'll be in San Antonio on Thursday 5/19 arriving at airport Stinson Municipal(SSF) at approx 11:00 AM. What about 210 Sports Cantina & Grill located at 1946 SW Military Dr at say... 6:00 PM?You won't have a bit of trouble finding me. Ask for Douglas. Message me for # needed.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 01:32 PM
I beat anyone 20 bucks that Fat Bastards runs like a little girl for the hills? Texas hill country is really pretty right now. Full of snakes too.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're "ASSuming" he didn't seek pre-approval...

... and they are still laughing their assess off at the question! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree, when he ask if he could pretend to be one of them and use it to impress folks on a Escort site, they most likely did laugh at him.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I beat anyone 20 bucks that Fat Bastards runs like a little girl for the hills? Texas hill country is really pretty right now. Full of snakes too. Originally Posted by R.M.
You can "Beat" me for $20 anytime sweetheart.
I beat anyone 20 bucks that Fat Bastards runs like a little girl for the hills? Texas hill country is really pretty right now. Full of snakes too. Originally Posted by R.M.
One more belly-crawling critter ( seArgent shitburner, the stolen valor POS ) going there won't hurt.
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 02:08 PM
Excuse me.. that is Thursday the 18th not the 19th! However, I will be available until Saturday AM. No excuses! Message me for my cell # if you need to.Be sure to bring your CAC card.. I want to see it. I always have mine.

I'll be the 1st to tell you good people I have no dog in this hunt other than this poser making my military look bad. This Internet big mouth is no more ex military than his name is "Luke Wyatt".Stolen valor ranks right along side child molesters and women beaters in my book and keyboard tough guys just below them. I figure "Miss Luke" for at least two of those.

Now tough guy.. the ball is in your court (even though none reside in your scrotum).Are you going to belly crawl with the world watching or meet? There are no excuses. You can message me for my cell # at any time.
LexusLover's Avatar
Excuse me.. that is Thursday the 18th not the 19th! However, I will be available until Saturday AM. Originally Posted by Av8R
Has Stinson expanded any? I went in and out of their about 30 years ago and it had one taxi way and a strip ... looked like an oval race track from the air.
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 03:19 PM
Has Stinson expanded any? I went in and out of their about 30 years ago and it had one taxi way and a strip ... looked like an oval race track from the air. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently it has expanded! It beats getting jammed up at San Antonio International.
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 03:26 PM
One more belly-crawling critter ( seArgent shitburner, the stolen valor POS ) going there won't hurt. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Wait just a minute! This guy is posting on here he's a retired Sgt Major? You DO understand what a Sgt Major is?
I'll call the DOD over this one.
BTW.. here is a list with photos of Army Sgt Majors from 1969-2017.
Wow! Are you really the guy that has never been mistaken or just another guy that is too lame to admit it. You guys pile on so much its hard to keep track of who said what. While you may well be a 1/9er I bet they would not be happy with you displaying it on a Escort Forum.
Like I said my bad I mixed you two up, or did I? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Oh I see, you insert yourself in to a war of words thinking I'll show these assholes how witty I am ! then when you get your ass handed to you ! you blow up and start calling the other poster an asshole and lame,(like most liberals do), and now you're going to pout about it, as far as the 1/9 go's it was deactivated back in Aug 2014, which means it no longer exists MT brain bucket, and I earned the right to wear that unit logo a long time ago,
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R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 04:16 PM
Wait just a minute! This guy is posting on here he's a retired Sgt Major? You DO understand what a Sgt Major is?
I'll call the DOD over this one.
BTW.. here is a list with photos of Army Sgt Majors from 1969-2017.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergea...or_of_the_Army Originally Posted by Av8R
Sounds like Fat Bastard is going to have Karma calling.
herfacechair's Avatar

WTF: Ok, you got me, you're a certified blowhard.

I usually get that label right after I destroy the argument just advanced by the one that I just destroyed in debate. I destroyed your argument to the point to where even you realize that you don't have an effective defense. But, being the narcissistic individual that you come across as, you decide to resort to responding mainly with name-calling and strawman arguments that demonstrate that either you're deliberately missing the point, or you simply don't know WTF you're talking about.

WTF: You think just because you served, that makes you a political expert. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAWMAN)

WHERE, in any of my posts, word for word, do I specifically state that I'm a political expert based on the fact that I served?

I know for a fact that none of my posts, here on this message board, on other message boards, or on social media, did I argue or claim to be a political expert simply for the fact that I served. However, when it comes to political arguments involving a topic with military dimensions, like the Iraq War, I will state my background in the face of the obvious lack of knowledge of those that I am arguing against. I also have other subject expertise that I will reference when I'm involved with a debate on a topic related to one of my other expertise.

If you knew WTF you were doing, regarding reading comprehension, you would know that nothing in any of my statements supports your strawman argument regarding what I allegedly said.

WTF: Good Lord, you're just another constituency looking to get paid. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAWMAN)

False. I don't get paid for any of the posts that I put here. I don't get paid by any of the organizations, or entities, that I argue in favor of. I jump onto here and destroy you people's arguments because I take sadistic pleasure in doing this indefinitely... And watching you guys go into a meltdown when I do this.

You erroneously assume that the argument that you hold "represents" the "facts". That, if anybody disagrees with you, it's because of some ulterior motive, or it's because the person disagreeing with you is "disregarding principle" or "disregarding integrity" in order to pursue their own personal interests at the "expense" of the "facts".

It's much easier for you to assume this than it is to recognize the fact that you simply don't know WTF you're talking about. Your narcissism prevents you from acknowledging what your intellect is telling you, that you're getting destroyed in this argument, as well as any other arguments, because you're wrong.

WTF: You're just not smart enough to realize it

Don't assume that if we don't embrace the erroneous/ignorant conclusion that you come up with, that we are "not smart" enough to "realize" your colossally erroneous assumptions and opinions. The cold hard reality is that you're not smart enough to realize that you don't know WTF you're talking about, and you are not smart enough to realize that you consistently get destroyed in these arguments because you don't know WTF you're talking about. You're also not smart enough to realize when you've been destroyed.

WTF: and most people won't call you out on it

The person being called out has to be "wrong" before they could effectively be called out on something. You're not smart enough to realize that the reason to why I'm "not being called out on it" is that I'm not wrong, or in error, as you would like to assume. And, anybody that attempts to do call somebody out, who is in the right, would end up losing their credibility. Since you don't know WTF you're talking about, you're not smart to realize that the reason to why people are not "calling me out" for "having" what you assume I have, or what you assume I'm doing, is because your assumptions are in error.

I'm not being a "blowhard". In the 13 years that I have been doing this, the more in error the opposition is, the longer my responses. Instead of finding fault with the person that is fact checking your opinion, generated because you don't know WTF you're talking about, you need to realize that your arguments are wrong and that you lost the argument as a result. The fact that you don't know WTF you're talking about hints at the reason why.
Get us some video, Rey!