Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

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  • WTF
  • 01-16-2015, 10:27 AM
It's what he does... Originally Posted by boardman
It is what we all do LL being the best or worst , depending on your slant. But none on here are innocent from it. That includes you.

I'd think it stupid on the parent's part.

Do laws that legislate against stupidity work any better than laws that legislate morality?

I thought you were an anarchist Libertarian... Originally Posted by boardman
I asked a question....I did not make a judgment.

Do you think we should have laws or not in this regard? That was my question. I already know what I think, I was asking your opinion.

You are absolutely remarkable in your effort to twist what people say.

But an utter failure at doing so.

Here's what he posted:

"I don't think a child should be able to carry a handgun in public."

I read the basis for that belief on the "reasonable parent" theory ....

... NOT your ridiculous argumentative posturing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So are we to assume that all parents are reasonable? If not then my question was not directed at this so called "reasonable parent" theory ....but at what boardman seems to consider unreasonable.

In other words , I am now asking the two of you to venture back to reality and answer what should society do , if anything , about kids carrying around handguns? Should there be laws against it or not in you two opinion)s). The Devil always seems to be in the details. I'm asking details. Not slogans or "reasonable parent" theory ....
boardman's Avatar
It is what we all do LL being the best or worst , depending on your slant. But none on here are innocent from it. That includes you.

I asked a question....I did not make a judgment.

Do you think we should have laws or not in this regard? No, I think there are way too many laws on the books which obscures and dilutes the entire criminal justice system. Make parents responsible for their children, period. That should be all the law you need. Or do you consider that to be unreasonable?

That was my question. I already know what I think, I was asking your opinion. Tell us what you think

So are we to assume that all parents are reasonable? Yes, until they prove themselves to be otherwise. If not then my question was not directed at this so called "reasonable parent" theory ....but at what boardman seems to consider unreasonable. Tell me what I consider to be unreasonable.

In other words , I am now asking the two of you to venture back to reality and answer what should society do , if anything , about kids carrying around handguns? Should there be laws against it or not in you two opinion)s). The Devil always seems to be in the details. I'm asking details. Not slogans or "reasonable parent" theory .... Originally Posted by WTF

You're asking us to venture back to reality?
Who's reality? Yours?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha!
rioseco's Avatar
All guns, All the time is my response to tyranny.
As for Peters, time will tell. We will eventually see if the p.c. / pussy footing manner of combating terror works or if he is right.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is what we all do .... Originally Posted by WTF
That's what you said when you confessed your were a racist.

Does it make you some how feel better about yourself if you try to lump everyone else into the pigeon hole you put yourself into?

You can't even have a "discussion" with someone on here without switching their words around, modifying what they post, or just plain making up shit you claim they post. I'm beginning to think you don't realize you are doing it. It just seems to be too natural for you.

Are you sure they let you keep your own score card on the golf course?

How did that work out for you in Las Vegas? Calling your own cards.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No. You are.

Do you think "Free Speech" doesn't apply to radio and television?

I believe the discussion was relative to the AMENDMENTS?

I can call Obaminable a "motherfucker" on the television, and there ain't shit he can do about it .... legally. Two things:

He's a "public figure" and won't get even close to a trial on the issue, but

if he does, TRUTH is a defense in libel actions.

YouRong again, duffus.

You need to stay in the "conference room" at the Nau's hideout. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If it's broadcast, you'll be bleeped. I spoze that's an infringement of your freedom of speech, too. Cable/internet don't come under jurisdiction. But of course, I was referring to radio in my post. I dont know what "on the television" means to you, but the FCC licenses the use of the airwaves. Not the fucking constitution.

You don't know jackshit...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All guns, All the time is my response to tyranny.
As for Peters, time will tell. We will eventually see if the p.c. / pussy footing manner of combating terror works or if he is right. Originally Posted by rioseco
Ted Nugent LITE!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2015, 07:40 PM

You can't even have a "discussion" with someone on here without switching their words around, modifying what they post, or just plain making up shit you claim they post. I'm beginning to think you don't realize you are doing it. It just seems to be too natural for you.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Which is exactly what you are doing when you said I confessed to being a racist. Below is what I actually confessed to. All I did was post the results of a study. But you have twisted my words.

That's what you said when you confessed your were a racist.

Does it make you some how feel better about yourself if you try to lump everyone else into the pigeon hole you put yourself into?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
One conclusion from this study is clear. For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been. Being faster to associate ‘black' with ‘violence' doesn't imply that you are a hardcore racist, it sadly just means you're American.
This conclusion is both reassuring and sad.
Reassuring, because now we can understand why we are all a little bit racist (and sexist, and ageist). And understanding is half the battle against it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2015, 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
It is what we all do LL being the best or worst , depending on your slant. But none on here are innocent from it. That includes you.

I asked a question....I did not make a judgment.

Do you think we should have laws or not in this regard? No, I think there are way too many laws on the books which obscures and dilutes the entire criminal justice system. Make parents responsible for their children, period. That should be all the law you need. Or do you consider that to be unreasonable? How do you make parents responsible for their children without a law stating so?

That was my question. I already know what I think, I was asking your opinion. Tell us what you think. I think the devil is in any laws' details.

So are we to assume that all parents are reasonable? Yes, until they prove themselves to be otherwise. But if they prove not to be how then do you proceed to hold them accountable without law(s)? If not then my question was not directed at this so called "reasonable parent" theory ....but at what boardman seems to consider unreasonable. Tell me what I consider to be unreasonable.
As it pertained to this discussion , kids toting guns! At least that is what I understood you to post, I could be wrong.
In other words , I am now asking the two of you to venture back to reality and answer what should society do , if anything , about kids carrying around handguns? Should there be laws against it or not in you two opinion)s). The Devil always seems to be in the details. I'm asking details. Not slogans or "reasonable parent" theory ....

You're asking us to venture back to reality?
Who's reality? Yours?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha

! Originally Posted by boardman
Yes reality as in details.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yes reality as in details. Originally Posted by WTF
Fucking racist!
LexusLover's Avatar
If it's broadcast, you'll be bleeped. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're confused. But that's not new. You forget "they" let you post on here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fucking racist! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I think the Bimboes have abandoned him. He's just a racists now.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I know right? I'm not sure how a Col. Peters thread devolved into a second amendment thread and was, quite honestly, too lazy to go back and figure it out.

Speedy was just making some stupid comment and I was just having a moment of clarity and didn't want to lose it...

Oh, look, a squirrel...

Now for a real tangent...I didn't realize Speedy was such an old fart, did you?
How can someone that old be afraid of a 5 year old? Originally Posted by boardman
Are you really IB under a different name? I may be an old fart but I bet I'm in better physical condition than you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2015, 06:11 AM
I think the Bimboes have abandoned him. He's just a racists now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you trying to impress your LE friends with these lies? Do you understand that understanding is half the battle? Or are you still oblivious?
One conclusion from this study is clear. For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been. Being faster to associate ‘black' with ‘violence' doesn't imply that you are a hardcore racist, it sadly just means you're American.
This conclusion is both reassuring and sad.
Reassuring, because now we can understand why we are all a little bit racist (and sexist, and ageist). And understanding is half the battle against it
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think I see your point.
You don't think you should have to ask someone coming onto your property whether they are carrying or not or post a sign saying you don't want guns on your property. Correct? Originally Posted by boardman
When someone is entering someone else's private home, I believe that the person should have the courtesy of informing the homeowner that he is carrying a handgun and if that entering the home with the handgun is okay with the homeowner.

Simple enough for you?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ted Nugent LITE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
At least he has the balls to come out and tell us exactly where he stands on the issue. Others avoid answering direct questions ibecause it might show a chink in their armor. For example, If they agree that a person under a certain age should not be allowed to carry a handgun in public, they are supporting gun control. Perish the thought!!