Trump hearings

You think "that Gentleman fellow from Texas" is an addition?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The gentleman from Texas made it to ignore list in about 15 posts. Joining Sapper, Oeb and Lusty.
You watched part of the "Russian collusion trial"?
When and where was that trial on? Your claim of no evidence is as accurate as your claim to have watched.
There was no trial and after a heavily redacted report, only Barr misrepresented summary of the Mueller Report.

You're totally full of shit, "new guy". You've already settled in as a liar.
The Mueller Report had evidence but not enough to convict. That's why you have investigations. To find if there is enough proof for a trial.

On top of that, the Trump DOJ claimed a sitting president couldn't be indicted.

You lie about one thing to justify staying stupid/ignorant about another. You think it gives you credibility but "normally intelligent" people can tell you aren't one of them. It's one of the few examples of being transparent you show.

Keep on keeping "own".

That is exactly why I haven’t been watching. I watched some of the Russia Collusion trial and they presented absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing on Trumps part. I guess Schiff is still withholding his direct , undeniable proof he had against Mr Trump. Maybe , just maybe 🤔 he is holding it in reserve . In the interim I will keep on keeping own. To hell with FNN, I watch Newsmax or Real Americas Voice. Great no nonsense viewing. Originally Posted by texasgentleman1
lustylad's Avatar
What do we have here?
A new guy (joined this month)...

Is it possible they are one and the same person?

More likely the newbie is just a plagiarist.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Kinda like VerySkeptical and Munchmasterman, eh munchy?
Only a Trumpy would ask a question like that. Instead of following the hearings or doing your own research, you ask the forum pointless questions. If you don't believe them, why would you believe me? You post bullshit frequently and spend your time in mommy's basement plotting revenge for Trump being investigated.

How many Benghazi investigations were there? How many convictions? How much time and money spent? And now you think there is nothing here. That wasn't a question.

Looks like you spent all your time on Ray Epps instead of real concerns.

You're a denier. The pipe bombs investigation is probably ongoing.
You probably think they just said "fuck it" and gave up.
What was the VIOLENT EFFORT that they plotted??

The Pipe Bombs?? ... What happened to finding the person
or persons who planted the pipe bombs?? ... How's that coming?

Pipe bombs seem rather VIOLENT to me..No Shit Sherlock.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

What ever you say. With no evidence to back it up. You're only going on both of us have slapped you around.

It's not like being accused of being bambi, wacky, bbs, the lls or any of the other losers brigade.

Yep, no problem being called "munchy". I'm just like wide spread voter fraud. I didn't even have to do anything to live in your head.
And even if it is a studio with little to no room, you're still you.

Kinda like VerySkeptical and Munchmasterman, eh munchy? Originally Posted by lustylad
The fucking moron is going from burnt orange to burnt toast

Dah... And taking down a lot of fucking morons with him
HedonistForever's Avatar
The gentleman from Texas made it to ignore list in about 15 posts. Joining Sapper, Oeb and Lusty. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I can't help but wonder why I didn't make your list? You repeatedly tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and that I should stop talking all together and yet you hinge on every word I say? What's up with that? Please, put me on ignore and quite torturing yourself with what I think and say. I hate to see you get so agitated and think that I caused this condition you suffer from. It's very unsettling.

Aw but then again, you get quite a bit of pleasure in belittling me, don't you. I think we have found the motive counselor.

I can't help but wonder why I didn't make your list? You repeatedly tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and that I should stop talking all together and yet you hinge on every word I say? What's up with that? Please, put me on ignore and quite torturing yourself with what I think and say. I hate to see you get so agitated and think that I caused this condition you suffer from. It's very unsettling.

Aw but then again, you get quite a bit of pleasure in belittling me, don't you. I think we have found the motive counselor.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
... Too right, mate.

He even hurt me-own feelings by leaving ME off his list.
You'd think that the posts I DO would make me
the tall poppy there...

Surely reckon he thinks too highly of me.

### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hearing off to a great start today. Barr Cipolloni Ivanka McEneny. All told Trump he lost and that it was over back in November and December. Sadly he didn’t just accept it. Not to mention he lost in 50+ court cases. He’s just as dense as the people that follow him. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Someone has an opinion that others do not agree with. WTF?!? All is lost! Have you considered getting an actual clue?!?
HedonistForever's Avatar
And where was the testimony of Steven Engle who was in the car with Trump that can confirm or deny the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson? Wasn't that the biggest outstanding bit evidence we were suppose to get? Did the committee find itself between a rock and a hard place and now can't have Engle testify because it would blow up Hutchinson's testimony and make the committee look like the fools they are?.

Will we ever hear from him and if not, why not?

Today we got a rehash of all the people who told Trump he had lost the election. OK, check multiple people told Trump he had lost "theoretically" suggesting that should have been enough to convince Trump he lost. He knew he lost they said. Really? Trump "knew" he lost? We talking about the same Trump here?

Two witnesses today. One a former Oath Keeper, I previously described as a Proud boy but they are essential the same group of people. He was there to tell us ( like the others ) everything we already knew about the group. Trouble is, he wasn't at the Jan. 6th riot and could add nothing to the actual day.

Next witness was there, was charged and convicted of something akin to criminal trespass though I can't remember them saying how much time he got. His purpose in this Kabuki dance was to tell us how he was hoodwinked by Trump into going to the capital and now he to doesn't believe what Trump says and blames Trump for ruining his life.

None of this according to Andy McCarthy and Johnathon Turly, Constitutional law professor, moved the needle forward on a criminal referral while Lawrence Tribe, the favorite law professor on the Left said all this means Trump should be charged and prosecuted for murder. Just a slight difference of opinion from two people who studied and teach from the same Constitution, so how the sam hell could any lay person understand any of this from a legal perspective. But that was only one of the things this committee was trying to do, prove Trump unfit to be President, I think they achieved that. The other thing was to prove Trump committed a crime and I don't think they did that based on these two men, a Constitutional Law Professor and a former prosecutor who I base most of my legal opinions on.
... Same-way with Liz and the committee saying Trump tryed to
contact witnesses... Then they DO NOT SAY WHICH WITNESSES.
Because they don't want it confirmed or refuted.

We know Trump reached out to Bannon's people - explaining
that He'd drop the "privilege protection" IF Bannon wanted
to go and testify... Just as Trump did for others.

So Trump is telling people to go testify if they want
- and the committee is saying THAT is wrong??

This is how shady and corrupt the committee is.
And it's exactly what the American people surely expected.
And why most people don't give much care to it.

#### Salty
I suspect you’ve no clue who Trump reached out to or what he said to them. You’re just making up stuff.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The gentleman from Texas made it to ignore list in about 15 posts. Joining Sapper, Oeb and Lusty. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I suspect he'll join his previous alter ego in a couple more days.

Off to a prodigious start.

I suspect you’ve no clue who Trump reached out to or what he said to them. You’re just making up stuff. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... I saw the letter Trump wrote to Bannon and his
legal council. ... WAKE UP!

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
where have you been outside the US recently where Biden was praised? by anyone.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

How about Ukraine? They must love him there.