Bloomberg 2020

Are you dense? Really, I want to know. Do you even know what an ILLEGAL alien means??? You are are just fake news dude.

Between 1961 and 1989, thousands of East Germans made risky border crossings. Around 5,000 of them crossed over the Berlin Wall at great personal risk

The Berlin Wall wasn't quite 100 miles long, compared to about 900 miles of East German border, among other exit routes from East Germany. So most refugees chose the path of least resistance - around the wall.

Where there's a wall, there's a way.

The more important question is why self-described freedom-loving people want to prevent the entry of asylum seekers who are highly motivated to work hard and contribute to the economy.

If Republicans welcomed them with open arms, then we'd have a new influx of Republicans. But they don't.

Mostly it boils down to skin pigmentation. Republicans don't like brown people or foreigners of any stripe for that matter, despite the so-called "religious right" who ignore the biblical traditions of hospitality and support for the poor and persecuted.

Basically if you're not a fetus or unimnplanted embryo, Republicans don't give a rat's ass.

As far as Reagan guilting Gorbachev into tearing down that wall, he only said that after it was inevitable. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

As usual, more dishonesty and deceit, and further proof that right-wing propaganda causes irriversible brain damage. Originally Posted by Dev Null
And is that you shit for brains??? Why yes,yes,it is!

Is that you Jethro ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Dev Null's Avatar
Are you dense? Really, I want to know. Do you even know what an ILLEGAL alien means??? You are are just fake news dude. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And is that you shit for brains??? Why yes,yes,it is! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Woo-hoo! Little snowflake Ellie Mae is getting triggered again. You'd better just mosey on over to the ceement pond and commiserate with Jethro.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Right on DN !!
We need a wall around the cement pond. With barbed-wire and a minefield. Plus some guard towers with machine guns. We have to keep the brown and black hoard out !
And I assure you my skull is not empty. Mine actually has a brain inside! And the intellectual capacity and academic achievement far exceeds that of any Hilly Billys.
sportfisherman's Avatar
There are those that put forth that immigrants bring crime,drugs,disease,and economic harm by taking jobs or being a burden on services provided here. They use these charges to demonize people.
But usually what it really masks is their fear of becoming a minority by the year 2040.

Woo-hoo! Little snowflake Ellie Mae is getting triggered again. You'd better just mosey on over to the ceement pond and commiserate with Jethro. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Precious_b's Avatar
Y'ah know, I think that is the look trump is striving for!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I could not fathom what Europe would be like if our social welfare experiment didn't take place... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Best take another look with your good ear. That GIANT flushing sound you hear is the German economy circling the the financial toilet bowl. Bet they wish they had a GIANT wall to toss their dead cat economy from right about now, 'cause they gonna need a bigger bounce. Welp, guess that happens once you run out of other peoples $$.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Personally I'm more concerned with our own economy.
It's moving toward that same toilet bowl.
Who is in charge now ?
It is not just a function of the virus scare,there are some oil related issues as well.
The market was just waiting for a re-set.
It has been bloated and propped up till now.
Usually when it is amped up and also huge deficits it will come down.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
There are those that put forth that immigrants bring crime,drugs,disease,a... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You do know that they document that in real time. Right? And, Egads! They publish them on a regular basis. So if by 'put forth', you mean they are documented and published, then yeah.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Personally I'm more concerned with our own economy....Who is in charge now ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
GEPOTUS TRUMP. Large and in charge.

It is not just a function of the virus scare... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
More like virus panic. Now who it tooting that horn anyway?

...there are some oil related issues as well.
The market was just waiting for a re-set.
It has been bloated and propped up till now. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Who popped the oil bubble? TRUMP

Which is the largest oil independent nation? America!
Leaders don't wait or cower - they lead and deliver results.
Let Germany buy gas/oil from Russia, with their own dang $$ and defend themselves.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Documented and published in Fake News or Real News as in a Chump tweet or in something he says ?
Who is your favorite group ; The Monkees or the Beatles ?
Precious_b's Avatar
Best take another look with your good ear. That GIANT flushing sound you hear is the German economy circling the the financial toilet bowl. Bet they wish they had a GIANT wall to toss their dead cat economy from right about now, 'cause they gonna need a bigger bounce. Welp, guess that happens once you run out of other peoples $$. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Are you talking about the Weimar Republic? When it took a wheelbarrow full of deutschmarks to buy bread? Surly you must be. Because if that mercy flush I heard today from Wall Street mirroring what you say, than we should throw our current leaders from some high place.

GEPOTUS TRUMP. Large and in charge.
... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Oh. He Lard, excuse me, Large. 243 *cough* *cough* pounds of bigger bounce.