
I B Hankering's Avatar

That is just not true....there have been many things he reported that have come to pass.

Nothing has been disproven btw...
Originally Posted by WTF
Are you intentionally ignoring the part "as it relates to the Trump campaign"

But much of the reporting simply remains uncorroborated ... Most significantly, the dossier reports a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [Trump and his associates] and the Russian leadership,” including an “intelligence exchange [that] had been running between them for at least 8 years.” ... there is, at present, no evidence in the official record that confirms other direct ties or their relevance to the 2016 presidential campaign.
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  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 03:47 PM
Are you intentionally ignoring the part "as it relates to the Trump campaign" Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, I do believe you've left some things out.

Also Manforts contacts were just recently released...publicly.

Which and correct me if I'm wrong but Paul was Trump's campaign manager.

In fact the Russian thatTrump just eased sanctions on was with a Russian hooker at that time in 2016 and said this very man was talking of helping the Trump campaign. IN 2016.

They just arrested her in Russia after having Thailand stick her in prison for the last year.

She had asked for asylum in this country and said she would turn over evidence she had but the Trump admin would not help her!
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, I do believe you've left some things out.

Also Manforts contacts were just recently released...publicly.

Which and correct me if I'm wrong but Paul was Trump's campaign manager.

In fact the Russian thatTrump just eased sanctions on was with a Russian hooker at that time in 2016 and said this very man was talking of helping the Trump campaign. IN 2016.

They just arrested her in Russia after having Thailand stick her in prison for the last year.

She had asked for asylum in this country and said she would turn over evidence she had but the Trump admin would not help her!
Originally Posted by WTF
False narrative. Manafort worked for a Ukrainian oligarch -- not Russian, and that association was years before manafort's short-lived association with the trump campaign. Flynn will be exonerated.
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  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 05:21 PM
False narrative. Manafort worked for a Ukrainian oligarch -- not Russian, and that association was years before manafort's short-lived association with the trump campaign. Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You may need to keep up with the current news a tad more.

Do you understand now why Rudy went from "No collusion " to "No collusion by Trump"?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You may need to keep up with the current news a tad more.

Do you understand now why Rudy went from "No collusion " to "No collusion by Trump"?
Originally Posted by WTF
Konstantin Kilimnik was one of Manafort's employees who was working with Manafort to advance their business interests in the Ukraine. Manafort's case is separate from Flynn's, and Flynn will be exonerated.
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  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 05:38 PM
Konstantin Kilimnik was one of Manafort's employees who was working with Manafort to advance their business interests in the Ukraine. Manafort's case is separate from Flynn's, and Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You brought the Steele Dossier. ..

I've just pointed out (correctly ) that the FBI was not spying on Flynn , like you asserted.. They were listening in on Russians and heard Flynn...which Flynn subsequently lied about to them
I B Hankering's Avatar
You brought the Steele Dossier. ..

I've just pointed out (correctly ) that the FBI was not spying on Flynn , like you asserted.. They were listening in on Russians and heard Flynn...which Flynn subsequently lied about to them
Originally Posted by WTF
Your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying o the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.
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  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 05:52 PM
Your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying o the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Was a really shitty plan to inform the American public that they were investigating one candidate when in fact they were investigating two.

If what you say is true....the logically thing for them to have done was announce Trump was under investigation. ...since that did not happen your theory holds no water
I B Hankering's Avatar
Was a really shitty plan to inform the American public that they were investigating one candidate when in fact they were investigating two.

If what you say is true....the logically thing for them to have done was announce Trump was under investigation. ...since that did not happen your theory holds no water
Originally Posted by WTF
True and documented in personal messages, sworn Congressional testimony, FBI documents, etc. Flynn will be exonerated.
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  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 06:00 PM
True and documented in personal messages, sworn Congressional testimony, FBI documents, etc. Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I assume you no longer think Judge Sullivan will be the one doing the exonerating!

Do you think Trump will pardon him?

Is that what you mean?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I assume you no longer think Judge Sullivan will be the one doing the exonerating!

Do you think Trump will pardon him?

Is that what you mean?:laughing1
: Originally Posted by WTF
We shall wait and see as new evidence about Ohr's role and Comey and Adam Schitty lies have been revealed, but in the long run, Flynn will be exonerated.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lots of circle jerking in this thread. lol!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No, they aren't illegal. Provide a link to the judicial system saying the warrants are illegal.

And yes, each renewal has to show why'd it should be renewed which means they have to show evidence it has generated. That's one of the reason the are redacted.

The funniest thing you keep talking about is the "illegal" FISA warrant. I've told you several time before.
Flynn's case comes from foreign intelligence FISA that was on the Russian ambassador's phone. Because he is a Russian.

You are completely, totally, and unequivocally wrong.

"The FBI routinely obtains FISA warrants to monitor the communications of foreign diplomats in the United States, including the Russian ambassador,Sergey Kislyak. The conversations between Kislyak and Michael Flynn, who became Trump’s first national security adviser, were recorded in December. In February, The Washington Post reported that Flynn misled Vice President-elect Mike Pence and others about his discussions with Kislyak, prompting Trump’s decision to fire him."

It can't be clearer. The FISA warrant used to record Flynn had nothing to do with the dossier. Nothing.
Once again, the warrant used on Flynn was fine.
Post an official link that refutes that fact.
But you won't. Because you can't.

Yeah, they were illegal. And no, the FBI didn't produce new evidence for each warrant. The Steele Dossier was front and center on each and every request for a FISA warrant. Everything predicated on those illegal warrants will be thrown out of court when the investigation of the investigators is complete. Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Munchmasterman's Avatar
There is a lot of plain wrong information.
If you think the Washington Post published an incorrect story or "fake news" and nobody called them on it other than IB you'rewrong too.

This isn't one opinion over another
It's a fact. Flynn called the Russians on a tapped phone at their embassy.
lots of circle jerking in this thread. lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Flynn was recorded in Dec.
Flynn knew when he spoke with the Russians. Those conversations were recorded.
Your presumption is based on.....presumptions, guesses, BS.
I don't have presumption about this one.
No "pre" at all. Just post. He already pled guilty.

There is no evidence to back your claim. Here is proof that if you don't want to believe something,
you won't. You'll ignore evidence and make up your own "facts".
This is an easy, well documented example. You staked out your position on this from the git-go.

Your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying o the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering