Young girls with LOW prices?

splitlog's Avatar
I think it's great everyone is just like a family here. Posting opinions etc...

I think all prices are good. It's great we have a place to make posts and see what each other think. So far we all have been mostly respectful in this post. I think it's positive and we need more threads like this.

NOTE: I have paid $100 for a half hour and $1000.00 for a day of shopping eating drinking.
I had a "O" each time and I really don't know which was the best.

Splitlog says " outcome is always the same " ������
  • MrGiz
  • 10-23-2015, 04:35 PM
Don't bring me into this shit. I've been staying out of it as much as possible.... Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
HUH ??
That was your 21st post in this thread!!
  • MrGiz
  • 10-23-2015, 04:38 PM
Statistics are a mean reality.


GD = 3.76 posts/day
DR = 2.98 posts/day

Selena = .66 posts/day
Serenityxx = .77posts/day

Originally Posted by NTJME
Danielle and I both stated that we enjoy participating on the board. Naturally, we would have a post or two per day. Never said that we didn't. Of course, I wasn't the one judging other girls for posting threADS, either.

The lucky girls are the ones who don't have to post anything at all, they just leave the propaganda up to their boyfriends... GO GIT SUM!
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
BINGO!!!!!! we have a winner..

I think it's great everyone is just like a family here. Posting opinions etc...

I think all prices are good. It's great we have a place to make posts and see what each other think. So far we all have been mostly respectful in this post. I think it's positive and we need more threads like this.

NOTE: I have paid $100 for a half hour and $1000.00 for a day of shopping eating drinking.
I had a "O" each time and I really don't know which was the best.

Splitlog says " outcome is always the same " ������ Originally Posted by splitlog

HUH ??
That was your 21st post in this thread!! Originally Posted by NTJME
Danielle Reid's Avatar
HUH ??
That was your 21st post in this thread!! Originally Posted by NTJME
Point to me where I said anything about Selena? Point to me where I said anything about KK. Point to me where I said anything about anyone's posting history. Don't worry, I'll wait.
The best times I ever had was 150 and continued for years with the same woman. Still friends to this day. P.S. she is a class act too nothing cheap about her.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-23-2015, 05:14 PM
The lucky girls are the ones who don't have to post anything at all, they just leave the propaganda up to their boyfriend... GO GIT SUM! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
If I were someone else , I'd be hitting the RTM Button right now!
If I were someone else , I'd be hitting the RTM Button right now! Originally Posted by NTJME
Why's that? I wasn't talking about anyone specific. It was a general statement about girls and their white knights.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-23-2015, 05:42 PM
Why's that? I wasn't talking about anyone specific. It was a general statement about girls and their white knights. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
The last girl from Arkansas that I've seen, is You!
Isn't that kinda weird?
SerenityXX's Avatar

Right. Originally Posted by Das Ficker
Besides I posted Tht and I don't post threads daily so idk wtf ur over here trying to be a bitch about.. I still think u need ur dick sucked and tucked real good and I would love to help u with Tht

Besides I posted Tht and I don't post threads daily so idk wtf ur over here trying to be a bitch about.. I still think u need ur dick sucked and tucked real good and I would love to help u with Tht
Originally Posted by SerenityXX
Totally agree with you serenityxx maybe a tag team. He's been seeing the wrong provider lately if he's still in a pissy mood!!! Let us take a crack at it
SerenityXX's Avatar

The lucky girls are the ones who don't have to post anything at all, they just leave the propaganda up to their boyfriends... GO GIT SUM! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Gingerdoll idk Wat kind of ignorant bullshit drama u got going or why u want to throw little slick comments like I'm stupid and I don't kno ur throwing Tht comment at me because it makes me recall like a week ago when out the blue I got a PM from ur little buddy Das flicker, whom I've never even spoken to before, saying some stupid shit about some live in BF/Pimp I have. So Let me set the recorde straight for ur rude gossiping lying ass, like I had to his, I live at home with my two year old son and my oldest son when he comes to visit on school breaks.. I'm sorry y'all got some shit confused along the way and some how this bullshit ass lie came about. But I post all my own threads and ads and anything u see on here is me Hoe and Im not going to tolerate Tht stupid bullshit. I didn't come for u so don't try to come for me cause I'm not the one and I don't play Tht drama bullshit u do. Pls and ty so much
SerenityXX's Avatar
Totally agree with you serenityxx maybe a tag team. He's been seeing the wrong provider lately if he's still in a pissy mood!!! Let us take a crack at it Originally Posted by Selena25
Girl I been telling him since he sent me Tht PM to cum let me help him release some of Tht pent up anger and frustration in a happier way rather then ragging on providers and giving them a hard time. No luck so far tho. SMDH
biomed1's Avatar
Ladies & Gentlemen...

It is time for EVERYONE to take a step back and take a deep breath.

Passions are rising to a level where someone or everyone will post something they normally would not.
