Tucker Carlson reports

matchingmole's Avatar
Tucker is a laugh riot......host images
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2020, 08:58 AM
mm - doubtful you have any idea what is on Tucker Carlson's show - you don't watch - is my bet.

Afraid of hearing anything different than your memes and DPST lying narrative.

I see no attempt towards cogent debate on issues.

even Daltrey and Pete want their album cover back from the burrows. of those too blind to see.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
America was a better country four years ago
BJonesBaby's Avatar
America was a better country four years ago Originally Posted by matchingmole
Even the angry people weren’t so angry. I wholeheartedly agree sir.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Even the angry people weren’t so angry. I wholeheartedly agree sir. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby

And you believe that after Nov. 3rd with a Biden win, we will become a less angry nation again?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If Biden wins there will be fewer pissed off people.
I don't think Biden will alienate or blow off half the country either. Re-electing trump isn't going to heal anything.

I hope we get a chance to see.
And you believe that after Nov. 3rd with a Biden win, we will become a less angry nation again? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 02:56 PM
Angry - - Biden will be the figurehead for higher taxes, Free stuff we cannot pay for, illegals over citizens, massive government appropriation and taekover of america, abolition of capitalism, a complete loss of Rule of law and zorder, abolition of police forces across America, and a surrender to China and Russia - with whom the DNC is kindred and complicit.

go ahead - Vote Biden - if you are angry now - in a couple years you will live in a burned out husk of a home and really have something to be upset about.

Meanwhile - Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and acolytes will roll about in Limos as nomenklatura.

Yeah - Vote Biden for a momentary trm - and immediately segue into a Radical OBLM agenda to Impose Marxism on the country.

marxists see an opportunity - if they are "elected' " only civil war will bring them down.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If Biden wins there will be fewer pissed off people.
I don't think Biden will alienate or blow off half the country either. Re-electing trump isn't going to heal anything.

I hope we get a chance to see.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If Biden wins there will be fewer pissed off people.
I don't think Biden will alienate or blow off half the country either. Re-electing trump isn't going to heal anything.

I hope we get a chance to see.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

he hasn't. you just want to think he has. the rioters .. er protesters are a drop in the ocean. if there were 10's of millions out in the streets you might have a point. there aren't so you don't have a point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Even the angry people weren’t so angry. I wholeheartedly agree sir. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
America was a better country before the scamdemic and a drug addict who OD’d in the street. Six months ago this country was in better shape than nearly any time since its founding. Democrats simply couldn’t deal with that and are actively destroying the country in hopes it will regain them power.

Fun fact democrats: Your “leaders” don’t give 2 shits about you or your family, they’d gladly see you impoverished or dead to further their political agenda.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
America was a better country before the scamdemic and a drug addict who OD’d in the street. Six months ago this country was in better shape than nearly any time since its founding. Democrats simply couldn’t deal with that and are actively destroying the country in hopes it will regain them power.

Fun fact democrats: Your “leaders” don’t give 2 shits about you or your family, they’d gladly see you impoverished or dead to further their political agenda. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

oh snap! how mean of me! just took away another ecky9.5k meme!

eccieuser9500's Avatar

oh snap! how mean of me! just took away another ecky9.5k meme!

BAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That one belongs to everybody stupid. Says so in the text.

Some people.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
America was a better country before the scamdemic and a drug addict who OD’d in the street. Six months ago this country was in better shape than nearly any time since its founding. Democrats simply couldn’t deal with that and are actively destroying the country in hopes it will regain them power.

Fun fact democrats: Your “leaders” don’t give 2 shits about you or your family, they’d gladly see you impoverished or dead to further their political agenda. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

You're right. Six months ago he was being impeached. What a time to reflect. Ahh the dayzzzz.