Off the Clock

I have spent many hours off the clock with Providers,, its the ones who are typically single and we have good chemistry,, in fact I had a wonderful off the clock time with Aamee Lovless when she came to Austin, 3 hours of dinner, drinks, window shopping at the Domain in Austin then I gladly paid for her BCD time and I bought dinner and drinks.

for me it takes the " you are nothing but an ATM machine feeling away"
rachet3375's Avatar
Just like in RL, if you want to see em then do it and if not then don't! Nobody owes anybody anything and it should be fairly straightforward. Geez.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Just like in RL, if you want to see em then do it and if not then don't! Nobody owes anybody anything and it should be fairly straightforward. Geez. Originally Posted by rachet3375
I think we have a thread winner
My perspective here is a little strange since I came into this world from the phone side of things. In either venue I'm always compensated to tease, flirt, listen, and have a conversation as well as... explore. My personal view (as cheesy as it sounds) is that money is a useful way to set boundaries on our time together. I tend to like my boundaries fuzzy but I always like them in place.

Officially I don't tend to do OTC. However I often choose to be surprisingly bad at telling time, so it all balances out in the end.

As far as an escort's skillset goes: I used to be introverted. Because of that I will never, never discount the soft skills - socializing, connecting, reading people, setting boundaries, negotiating tricky situations, and simply making others comfortable and happy - that are an absolute requirement in this line of work.

For some they're instinctive. For others they're learned. They're invisible skills but no less valuable than a background in programming, and unlike many specific professional skillsets they transfer to any profession, any situation.
I have seen it fast and easy for ladies that just dabble. Originally Posted by WTF
I disagree. It's never easy -- the aftereffects, the change in perspective, the life changes (come out? or lead a double life?), the amount of energy and preparation for clients. Even when it goes really well it's draining. I've seen this with very good escorts and with escorts who were only in it for the money. It seems to take a bigger toll on those who are only about the Benjamins and don't get their job-fulfillment in another way.

But yes, the money can be fast and it can be good. Totally.

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  • WTF
  • 03-24-2011, 08:55 AM
I disagree. It's never easy -- the aftereffects, the change in perspective, the life changes (come out? or lead a double life?), the amount of energy and preparation for clients. Even when it goes really well it's draining. I've seen this with very good escorts and with escorts who were only in it for the money. It seems to take a bigger toll on those who are only about the Benjamins and don't get their job-fulfillment in another way.

But yes, the money can be fast and it can be good. Totally.

Amanda Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
How can you disagree with what I have seen?

Maybe you misunderstood. I have seen ladies dabble. Stick their toe in the water, pay a bill or a school semester and then move on......... never to actually enter the business. Thus fast and easy combined with dabble.

Furthermore my guess is that whatever job they proceeded to take, that job took its toll.
Wow, just getting to this. I hate when I come in at the end (hopefully) of a good thread. I have agreed thoroughly with London and Naomi, as meeting a guy off the clock is a prerogative, not a requirement. I do have a few friends that I love spending time with, and if they want a friend to enjoy a movie with or don't want to dine alone, I oblige when I have the time.

As a lady, I have to admit, I find it funny how some gents are using a lady's willingness to meet off the clock to make us feel like what we already are. I thought this was a civvie world tactic. Like they use it as a marker to determine if we're really worth the money. "Yeah, I just paid you for sex, but if you don't accept my invitation to go out to dinner with me you're a REAL whore!" London made a really good point when she said that no one asks their dentist if he likes digging around in mouths all day, or if he's in it for the money. And they charge you for everything. He doesn't 'comp' a procedure or take you out to eat, even when you've had so many procedures done, or if you refer your whole family to him. But their job doesn't require touching people in such sensitive spots either.

Mr. CT, I think we need to take up a fund to send you to therapy. You don't just have a low opinion of women in the industry, you have a low opinion of women period. And an even worse view of yourself. What I feel is that you cut your nose to spite your face, and blame women for not loving you for who you are. But I'm not saying you're all wrong. All women are whores in some context. If you took money out of the equation with a lot of relationships, you'd have a swarm of divorces and breakups. Then there are some who make their money on their backs, and take care of men who don't have jobs, just to prove to them (and themselves) that they're not all about the money, and are in some capacity capable of love. But you aren't lucky enough to be that guy. I understand, and I know there is nothing anyone can say to change how you feel. But it's no accident you're here. Here come the hugs from the whore!

This industry is a mirror of real life. I think men ask for time off the clock because they need to have a reason not to feel like Charles. This is where the humanity in our job becomes apparent. When you see something good in a person, you want to believe that is real despite the fantasy. And to surround yourself with like-minded people whose character you admire is very human. I feel for any man who hasn't met a woman that injects a bit of herself, or one who can be her good self despite the pay for play situation. I feel for a woman who feels like in order to survive this industry she has to be someone else completely. This is why balance is so important.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Very well said Tiffany.
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  • 03-24-2011, 09:36 AM
London made a really good point when she said that no one asks their dentist if he likes digging around in mouths all day, or if he's in it for the money. And they charge you for everything. He doesn't 'comp' a procedure or take you out to eat, even when you've had so many procedures done, or if you refer your whole family to him. But their job doesn't require touching people in such sensitive spots either.

. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I rather my dentist giggle my balls than dig in my mouth! Of course she is a little hottie MILF.

Good post Tif.
I rather my dentist giggle my balls than dig in my mouth! Of course she is a little hottie MILF.

Good post Tif. Originally Posted by WTF
You better check with her on her rate for ball-jiggling, unless she let's you put it on your insurance...

Thank you, darling.
This industry is a mirror of real life. I think men ask for time off the clock because they need to have a reason not to feel like Charles. This is where the humanity in our job becomes apparent. When you see something good in a person, you want to believe that is real despite the fantasy. And to surround yourself with like-minded people whose character you admire is very human. I feel for any man who hasn't met a woman that injects a bit of herself, or one who can be her good self despite the pay for play situation. I feel for a woman who feels like in order to survive this industry she has to be someone else completely. This is why balance is so important. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Very insightful, Tiffany. We all need to feel human, to feel wanted once in a while... It must be a tough line for hobbyists to walk without risking taking advantage, especially when a genuine friendship develops.

Personally if I don't genuinely want to meet someone then I won't accept the session. What's that line about artists using lies to tell the truth?
Camille -- Yes, that was me. I think I actually said something like "It can be fast money, it can be good money, but it is never easy money." It was left deliberately vague, but as a warning to those who believe sex work is fast, easy cash.

In following this discussion through most of these pages, I'd like to state that men are quite willing to pay for social time. My rates for my time are my rates for my time -- I do not charge differently based on what we do/don't do during that time. This blows the minds of some, but certainly not all.
Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
Thanks for clarifying Amanda. I agree with what you say which is why it stuck with me.

I never really understood women that list different rates for social time only. IMO it's a clear admission that the higer/alternative rates include such much more intimate. Seems risky to me...unless you live in a country where selling sex is not illegal. If someone sends me an email asking what my rates are for purely social time, I don't respond. Blurry territory that I can do with avoiding...

C x
Naomi4u's Avatar

I never really understood women that list different rates for social time only. IMO it's a clear admission that the higer/alternative rates include such much more intimate.

C x Originally Posted by Camille
Golden! I have always felt the same way. You're admitting that something else will be taking place for more money.. yup!
I know, right Naomi? I am a total scaredy cat though about alluding to ANYTHING other than straight up companionship lol. You either get my social time for free, on invitation, or it comes as part of the packages on my site. I would worry about splitting the difference and charging purely for that aspect. I am interested to hear though how the ladies that do list social time feel about this. Do you not worry?

C xxxx
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes! A friend of mine lists "Public time/Private escape". She breaks up the time with the guys to where they have to take her out to dinner before or after BCD time. So for instance if a guy were to books a 2 hour date, it would be $800. However, for 30 minute public time and 90 minutes private time it's $700. Which one do you think the guys go for? Of course the lowest rate. She has encouraged me to do this but I'm terrified of going this route with my luck lol. Kudos to the ladies that can do it and get away with it but I don't think I can.