I pointed out articles where Reagan distorted his service record not once but twice... Implying that you did something is a lie...
Originally Posted by WTF
Your so-called “articles” are the distortions, you dumbass. None of them contained any first-hand accounts of Reagan's actual words. By contrast, the June 4, 1984 column by William F. Buckley Jr. makes it abundantly clear that – not only did Reagan neither say nor imply that he served overseas in WWII - his White House staff immediately went out of their way to make sure there were no misinterpretations when the false accounts first appeared:
“The White House released a videotape, no less, of an appearance by the President in the East Room on April 30, 1981, at a Day of Remembrance ceremony. Said the President:
'I remember April '45. I remember seeing the first film that came in when the war was still on, but our troops had come upon the first camps, and had entered those camps. And you saw unretouched, no way that it could ever have been rehearsed, what they saw. Well, I am horrified today when I know that, and hear that there are actually people now trying to say that the Holocaust was invented.'
There is of course nothing there to suggest that the films Reagan viewed were taken by Reagan, who never left the United States during the war, and had never represented that he did.”
If Reagan was in the habit of distorting his service record, as fagboy insists ("the fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often..."), isn't it very odd that this was never caught on tape and the people who were in the private meetings (including Sec'y of State George Schultz, a man of impeccable integrity) heard nothing of the kind?