LOL - Not surprisingly you've gone over the top retard. You added so little (in some cases you actually subtracted) to each point there's no need for specifics.
You wouldn't know a civil right if it violated you in your dumb ass. But having low information voters who think they know it all does explain how Obama got the 2nd term and we've got the queen of corruption who is going to get rigged right into office.
Originally Posted by endurance
After reading your posts sir, I am more than certain that I am much more informed than your ignorant ass will ever be. Twisting facts and making shit up doesn't make you informed genius, it makes you an ignorant fuck and nothing more.
Obama got elected in a landslide due to the fact that we were in the worst economic crisis since the depression, thanks mostly to a senseless war in Iraq that we were spending over 2 billion dollars a day in, you want evidence dip shit, how much was a gallon of gas under Bush???? what was it $3.50 a gallon in some places over $4.00
Obama got reelected due to the fact that he was still a much better candidate than anyone the Repugnicans could have possibly put up.
Queen of corruption huh. At least she didn't rape a 13 year old girl, at least she doesn't use so called "loopholes" to avoid paying taxes, at least she didn't rip off how many thousands of workers who did work for her, at least she didn't start a so called "university" which turned out to be nothing more than a money scam. talk about being corrupt. At least over 80% of the things she says haven't been proven to be lies.
"Rigged" there's that word again. Trump has insulted every single voting block with the exception of the pissed off angry uneducated white male vote ( which is the demographic I'm assuming YOU fall into) and he wants to cry "Rigged". Rigged is nothing more than a code word for "I'm a complete ignorant dumb ass, and just wanna act like a cry baby bitch because my mouth got me beat". And the only thing morons like you can do is go around and tell yourself that everyone else is stupid except you and those who think like you
You sir are fucking pathetic!!