ALERT on Natalia Mori and her friends

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^ how sweet nothing like people who love being mis or uninformed. Talk about ignorance being bliss. lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Definitely a lot of ignorance from what I've read from you. Just curious, why did you have to change handles? And even more curious, why did the craziest hooker who you were in love with go NBA after you disappeared? You seem really smart by the threads that you've started. They're really seem like a really smart guy. We all just want you to share your wisdom. Who doesn't need a good laugh to start 2017 and read your deep thoughts?

Stop trying so hard. Nobody is on here to read bible versus or whatever silly shit you post trying to win your fake debate contests that exist only in your mind on a whore board. Continue to hang out with the other idiots in the political forum and argue all day about nothing.

On a lighter and more jovial note, everyone have a great 2017 and happy new year to all. Be safe and happy my friends!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I understand your meltdown and 1000 questions. I encourage you to continue doing your homework it actually makes me smile. :-) However [I will say this in my Barack Obama voice], there's only two real actionable items for you...1.) stop following hookers around harassing them 2.) stop being a hypocrite about your actions. I can certainly lead a thirsty cow to the river but I can't make it / you drink.

and PS: yes I'm strategic and very bright the one thing in your continuous meltdown of paragraphs you got right ;-) I don't really try and I'm thoroughly entertained.

there is no such thing as a happy new year time is only time ;-)

talk to you later sweetie.
All of you cats need to stop needlessly harassing these females and following them around. Which is different than criticizing or handling general disputes. If the girls want to fight amongst themselves then so be it but you aren't in a position to be criticizing Gtoman for his Modus Operandi when you do the EXACT same thing to KaitlynDior and her friends following them from city to city fucking with them. You need to check yourself too.

#potcallingthekettleblack Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Edit: misread your comment. I don't go following folks to other city forums to talk trash about them. That isn't my Modus Operandi.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Edit: misread your comment. I don't go following folks to other city forums to talk trash about them. That isn't my Modus Operandi. Originally Posted by gtoman
He was addressing me, not you. I'm the stalker. This genius will accuse me of the Kennedy Assassination next...
Who the fuck is this mysterious "He"?
He was addressing me, not you. I'm the stalker. This genius will accuse me of the Kennedy Assassination next... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
At least you don't fall in love with whores
At least you don't fall in love with whores Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Someone fell in love? Lol. That's rich.
Who the fuck is this mysterious "He"? Originally Posted by MartinDecosta
SC, but you would get that if you actually read the thread.
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
SC, but you would get that if you actually read the thread. Originally Posted by gtoman
He may be asking about the Op
He may be asking about the Op Originally Posted by FindumFuccemFleem
That's why he said what he said it's stated in this thread you just have to read..
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
That's why he said what he said it's stated in this thread you just have to read.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Stopped reading after SC took over
I put him on ignore for a reason

Enough of this thread. It's a bad joke; "A Stalker, a moron, and an asshat walk into a forum..."

Only Namo's post were entertaining. Lock this dumbass threadjacked crap.

Curry, Goto. -drop it. Whatever it is. Drop it. Move on. Enough. And don't respond. I dont give a shit. Nothing can be said.
Stopped reading after SC took over
I put him on ignore for a reason Originally Posted by FindumFuccemFleem
LMAO Understood..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Stopped reading after SC took over
I put him on ignore for a reason Originally Posted by FindumFuccemFleem
lol you have a very weak mind. lots of yes massa type black dudes like you out here...;-)
CiaraAodhan's Avatar
Oh wow, well I can say condoms do break, it happens, was it deliberate or accidental, I don't know, none of us do.

On the theory that it was an accident and a sincere oversight, this was extreme behavior.

On the theory this was deliberately done, personally I don't work with anyone staying in a room next to me so I have to take care of issues like this on my own and while it happens, robbing someone at gun point is pretty extreme. We all are in this "hobby" as it's referred to. Sometimes it is very ugly, sometimes very ugly.

If everyone would just mind their manners and play by the rules things like this wouldn't happen but there's always some asshole trying to slip off a condom, break into the back door "accidentally", or short change a working girl. In contrast there are always providers that will work with teams of security and beat your ass and screw up your life if you fuck them over.

She had strict boundaries, and whether people believe it or not, even us whores (no offense ladies, it's said to prove a point not to degrade anyone) have a right to say NO, to control what we do with our bodies, money doesn't change that. Clients "rent" our time, we control what we allow you to do to us during that time. If that isn't respected people get hurt.

Condoms don't normally break without some form of misuse but it Does happen and if it does the client knows, the sensations are so different between covered and uncovered the client KNOWS. A good client and gentleman Stops immediately and says something and fixes it immediately. A shit person keeps doing what they want with no regards of the person they are with because they have no respect for them as a human being, those people get what is coming to them. Sometimes it's in extreme measures.

Your mileage may vary...