TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Precious_b's Avatar
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ima not saying that.

Dev Null's Avatar
Real pay data show Trump’s ‘blue collar boom’ is more of a bust for US workers, in 3 charts

If you thought workers’ hourly pay was finally rising, think again.

At first glance, the latest data – which came out on Feb. 7 – look pretty good. They show nominal hourly earnings rose 3.1% in January from a year earlier.

But the operative word here is nominal, which means not adjusted for changes in the cost of living. Once you factor in inflation, the picture changes drastically. And far from representing a “blue collar boom” – as the president put it in his State of the Union address – the real, inflation-adjusted data show most U.S. workers have not benefited from the growing economy.

Click through the link above to view the charts. I usually try to paste the image URL's here, but they're interactive charts, so that doesn't work this time.

They show real wages (adjusted for inflation) stagnating since 2017, fringe benefits declining, and a sizable drop in overall real compensation for manufacturing workers.

Nancy may have ripped a few sheets of Office Depot paper, but Trump has ripped off American workers with his false claim of a blue-collar boom.

The state of the union speech was Barnum and Bailey style showmanship at its finest, but it's all just a mind-fuck if you look behind the smoke and mirrors. Don't get fooled again.
pleasurem's Avatar
O’Bama screwed up money, everything is twice as high as 2003, seventeen years and everything but gasoline is twice as high, quantitative easing my ass!!! And, Healthcare, a joke!!!
Dev Null's Avatar
O’Bama screwed up money, everything is twice as high as 2003, seventeen years and everything but gasoline is twice as high, quantitative easing my ass!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Obama took office in 2009, not 2003, but even ignoring that, you're wrong that everything but gasoline is twice as high over that time period.

For example, the Bureau of Census reports that the average price of a new home in May 1999 was $193,900. According to the inflation calculator, that price today should be $298,774. The same report places the average sale price for May 2019 at $377,200, more than 26 percent higher than the price when accounting for inflation alone.

The same method can be applied to see if household incomes have similarly increased. The median household income in 1999 was $42,000, according to the Census Bureau. According to the inflation calculator, that price today should be $64,716. The most recent year with full data available is 2018, which places household income at $61,227, meaning that it has failed to keep up with inflation and is 5% below where it should be.

The average cost of buying a new car in 1999 was $20,686; adjusted for inflation, that price today should be $31,874. However, according to Kelly Blue Book, the average cost of buying a new car in April 2019 was $37,185, 14% higher than the price when accounting for inflation.

So even if we go back 20 years, the price of houses and cars has only gone up 14 to 26% after adjusting for inflation, and wages have failed to keep pace with inflation by 5%.

So while you're correct that there hasn't been any quantitative easing, things don't cost twice as much, even before adjusting for inflation.

And you can blame it on Obama if that makes you feel better, but the time frame you're talking about has seen two Republican administrations and only one Democratic administration.

And the economic crash occurred toward the end of the Bush administration. Economic recovery was pretty constant throughout the Obama administration, while recovery has actually slowed somewhat under Trump.

But you wouldn't know that from the hysterical rantings on right-wing talk shows, Faux News, and InfoWars, who pull numbers out of their asses because they are so butt-hurt that we had a black president in the White House for 8 years.

The sad truth is that the decline in our standard of living has much more to do with corporate greed than presidential policy. And while Trump promised to drain the swamp, he's hired more corporate lobbyists to his cabinet in 3 years than the two previous administrations did over their 8-year terms.

Be pissed off if you must, but fight the real enemy if you're smart.
Yeah! What he said!
Precious_b's Avatar
Dev, pleasurem is just like ellen, he chokes up when you supply your sources.

But he has one saving grace. ellen is completely worthless since she 1. can't back up what she says with vetted sources and 2. she admittedly says she's retired as a server here.
I'm retired as a server? WTF is that?

Dev, pleasurem is just like ellen, he chokes up when you supply your sources.

But he has one saving grace. ellen is completely worthless since she 1. can't back up what she says with vetted sources and 2. she admittedly says she's retired as a server here. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm retired as a server? WTF is that? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I do declare. That is not very hospitable or southern of you. I thought you were a polite lady, ellen.

Well, bless your heart. You know how impolite it is to ask a question before responding to one in kind.

PS, I LOVE how the last sentence in my link turned out
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... even if we go back 20 years, the price of houses and cars has only gone up 14 to 26% after adjusting for inflation, and wages have failed to keep pace with inflation by 5%. Originally Posted by Dev Null

Seriously?!? Hey! It's a new year. Might be time to add some new terms to your lexicon:
  • Supply
  • Demand
  • Cu$tomer
Even if you go back to 2011, new car inventory in 2018 (last full year available) was about as high as it was in 2013, 76 days. What happens when supplies go up? If the demand, i.e. cu$tomer ain't buying, the price goes down. Or you could look at it from the profit margins of the dealerships, which is trending down. Or you could look at it from the Services $, i.e. parts and repairs, which have been edging up in recent years. Those things indicate a stall in new car buying. I don't even need to take my socks off to figure what will happen with pricing next.

It ain't as simple as inflation indexing. Every blessed thing in the universe does not revolve around the exact index, inflation in your case. That index is a sanity check at best and is really more of an indication of the market dynamic of supply/demand. If people are buying, it is because they deem it a fair market value. Nobody is making a buy decision on how the price compares to the inflation index.

Uh, ghee willikers car sales person. I would buy that soccer mom van, but it's price in 3% more than the inflation index from 2 years ago - said no cu$tomer ever. Notwithstanding, what has been said, consistently and recently, about the current economy? How about "Con$umer Driven Economy"?? It always is IMHO.
Dev Null's Avatar
I wasn't trying to explain Economics 101 to pleasurem. He posted that everything except gas has gotten twice as expensive now compared to 2003, and blamed it on Obama. I gave a couple of examples where that's not true, even if not adjusted for inflation, which tracks fairly closely with real wages over the past 20 years.

I realize that prices don't track inflation for a number of reasons. One of them might be that the average car or house actually has more value than 20 years ago. Maybe people expect their standard of living to increase over time, so the average house today might be a cut above 20 years ago. Cars have more safety and emissions features than 20 years so that we have less injuries and accidents, not to mention less smog in our growing and more congested cities.

Here's another one for your lexicon: caveat emptor, which loosely translates to "there's a sucker born every minute".

If the cost of good and services rises more than wages, people notice and get pissed off. When people are pissed off, they don't always make the best decisions, as in the 2016 election, where they voted a billionaire real-estate huckster/con-artist into office against their best interests.

Analyze and discuss.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Analyze and discuss. Originally Posted by Dev Null

Nothing there to analyze or discuss. Therefore: Carpe Diem
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Ima not saying that.

Originally Posted by Precious_b
Trump is pissed because Pelosi is the one lady he can’t seek revenge on.
She can rip up his speech which was justified because she has had enough of the Trump lies and his continued Extortion racket.
No sooner Trump was “acquitted” by Old Moscow Mitch he was threatening NY state with his latest extortion threats.
Trump is nothing more than a lawless thug who s**ts on any kind of law.
Well I did tell you all that the longer he stays in office, the worst it will get for the future, he’s totally out of control
And the Repugnant party just sit on their hands and do nothing. They’re totally scared of this turkey. Pathetic
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yeah,..fellow rapist and young girl wonder Trump was buddies with this guy. Two peas in a pod. How many women did Trump allegedly assault? 20 ? 30? He’s even been accused of raping a 13 yr old teen.
Who knows but it’s a well known fact that Trump is a sexual predator. He’s admitted it himself. He’s bragged about his conquests. Everyone knows what he’s all about,
I’ve got my doubts about gals that vote for this monster. I think it’s really weird.